Sakura's Story

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Here's the next chapter.......
My mother don't have cancer.
But she has lungs of a 90 year old.

This story part will be an awareness story part.
Two women died from being denied care in Georgia, one woman denied miscarriage care, or DNC, and one was too afraid to go to the ER, and died in bed by her three year old, both happened in 2022 due to abortion bans.

My grandma on my biodad's side had a sister die before Roe V Wade existed from pregnancy complications, and my grandma also had an ectopic pregnancy in that era, and she described she went underground to get her abortion, the tools were not sterile, and the ectopic pregnancy caused her fallopian tube to burst, and they had to give her a full hysterectomy due to it.
I'm telling her sister's story.
Her sister would be my aunt.

Be warned pregnancy loss and pregnancy caused mortality ahead.....
Warning also I call the byproduct of procreation a fetus, since it's a scientific word for it, and I do not call it a baby.
If that offends you; please do not get upset by it, because I'm a geek, and I love using scientific words used in medical dictionaries, like fetus.
And fetus is a Latin word too for a byproduct of a sperm and egg that becomes fertilized, and is a growing stage of a mammal's offspring that is growing to full term to be delivered through the birth canal.

This will be a sad chapter.
If you have experienced pregnancy loss, I'm truly sorry if this triggers you.
My mother also lost a fetus with a miscarriage, and had an abortion, due to she could not pass the left over fetal remains, due to her pelvic floor is small, and she has a tilted uterus.


Sasuke was sent to prison after the Great Ninja War, and he served in prison for two years, on good behavior, and when he came home, Sakura was waiting for him, and she asked him if she could marry him, because she loved him, and to be honest he loved her.
So the two has a private ceremony; and married, however Naruto came to the wedding, crashing it, causing Sakura to clobber Naruto hilariously, which amused Sasuke to no end.

Sakura was his wife now, and the two loved together, and immediately started to try to have a child, but Sakura was having issues conceiving a child, so Sakura talked Sasuke into going to a women's specialist to find out why the two cannot conceive naturally.
The two newlyweds found out, the problem was Sasuke, that his swimmers technically were useless, yet another curse to the Uchiha bloodline.
His swimmers were shooting blanks, so the doctor gave Sasuke special medicine to try to make his swimmers more fertile.
It took about two more years of trying, and finally a positive pregnancy test came back, and Sakura was overjoyed, so was Sasuke.
The doctor was surprised as well, but the doctor warned, that because of Sasuke's horrible swimmers, that a miscarriage was indeed possible early on in the pregnancy.

Sakura and Sasuke understood that, and they were sent home with ultrasound pictures of the fetus, that was eight weeks in, it merely a tiny jelly bean to them both.
The two began to decorate a spare bedroom into a nursery, and Sakura swore the fetus would be a girl, and Sasuke didn't care for the gender, as long as the fetus was born, and took it's first breath into the world.

Sadly tragedy struck, and one night while the two were asleep, Sakura woke up to blood in the bed, lots of blood, and Sasuke immediately got up, and took her to the emergency room, both of them finding out that she had a miscarriage, and lost the fetus, and fetal remains were still were left behind, and if she did not get a DNC, which is an abortion procedure, that she could go septic and die, however, the medical board refused to allow her to get the care she needed, due to biased beliefs, them believing if fetal remains that still were inside her, was still a so called baby.
Old people are heads of the medical board with these beliefs.

Sasuke sadly watched his wife get sicker and sicker from sepsis in the hospital, her fever going to about 110 degrees, so much so, she had a grand mal seizure, and nurses tried their best to heal her, but she was rotting on the inside.
Sakura was delirious, and shouting things, and Sasuke even begged Naruto to do something, but Naruto said to Sasuke.
"I'm sorry; but my hands are tied Sasuke.
The medical board only has a say."

To which Sasuke replied to.
"This is bullshit Naruto!
You are the Hokage!
Your word is law!"

Naruto sighed and said to Sasuke.
"Not when it comes to the medical board sadly enough.
I'm sorry Sasuke."

Sasuke blamed Naruto for not even trying to help change the minds of the medical board, the old fuckers didn't care Sakura was dying from sepsis.
Sasuke vowed to himself that he would work to elect medical board officials, who do not have the beliefs of the current medical board.

The last day of Sakura's life; Sasuke was by her side, him smelling in the air, death from Sakura's body, so she was going to die soon, which agonized him, and he held her hand, as her heart monitors soon beeped long, showing her pulse was no more, and he hung his head low, him sobbing, tears going down his cheeks.
"Sakura I swear that I will give those old fuckers a piece of my mind!"
Sasuke stood up, and left the room, as nurses rushed into the room.

He immediately went to the building where the medical board resided, and walked up the steps, his sword in his hand, it staticking in chidori, and he entered their offices, and immediately slaughtered them all, blood splattering all over the walls, blood covering his kimono.

Naruto found Sasuke covered in blood upon the Uchiha Training Grounds, and Naruto immediately had Sasuke arrested, placing him in prison once again, and yet again he was released in two years, due to good behavior.
Him on probation; and Sasuke moved into an apartment, him abandoning his Uchiha Clan home, because Sakura lived there with him, and the memories he had with her were too much for him, so he let that place rot, and rented an apartment for himself, placing Sakura's things he cherished into the third bedroom that's a guest bedroom, having that room locked.

For two years he lived alone, that is until Naruto called him into his office, and Sasuke stood before Naruto.
"Sasuke; Hinata is going to bring a girl to stay with you.
I want you to look after her, until I decide if she's an enemy, since we found her on the battlefield on a mission."

Sasuke didn't protest the order, only accepted the order from Naruto.

"This will be an important mission for you, since you are on probation still.
Be nice to her.
She cannot speak our people's language, only English."
Naruto tells Sasuke.

Sasuke blinked in confusion.
So she is a foreigner?"
Sasuke asked Naruto, and Naruto nods in reply.

"Yes; she is a foreigner, and please don't mock her weight, she is very sensitive about her size."
Naruto says to Sasuke as an order.
"Go home.
Hinata will bring her.
The girl is unconscious right now."

Sasuke bows to Naruto, him replying to Naruto.
"Understood Lord Hokage."
Sasuke left Naruto's office, and walked home, him arriving to find Hinata standing at his apartment door, her carrying a chubby short haired girl upon her back.

Sasuke approached Hinata.
"I take it that's the girl I need to care for?"
Sasuke asked Hinata.

"Yes; please treat her nicely.
I'll place her in your home."
Hinata tells Sasuke, as Sasuke unlocked his apartment door, and Hinata sets the girl upon his couch.
"Her name is Kiro.
That's all we know about her.
I'll be going."
Hinata bows to Sasuke, and left his apartment, her shutting the door behind herself.

Sasuke sits upon his recliner, and stared at the chubby girl, and wondered where she came from if she spoke English.
He guesses he will find out soon enough.
A girl that even Naruto has no information about, who Naruto told Sasuke to look after.
The girl who will be his new roommate.


To be continued

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