A Living Dead

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"Many years ago?" Her mind wondered.

"Do not deny it, Delilah," his cold husky voice replied to her. She had not known that she had asked the question loudly. Who was Delilah? Why had he mistaken her for someone else and what did he mean by many years ago?

Many years ago did not even seem to exist in her diary, she herself did not exist many years ago. She was just eighteen now and she could not have talked about enjoying torture in her mum's womb. When her eyes rolled up to him again she felt a sudden boost of anger, she stared down at the damp ground to spot her already torn robe and nightgown, this man had just dirtied her most horribly.

She did not know what to do. Was she to squat down to take the torn clothes to cover up her body that was freezing or was she to take the stone that had fallen into her brassiere the moment the clothes were turned off her. Taking the stone looked like the better option, but hitting him with it looked like a very foolish idea.

Mayhap, begging was the best idea.

She found it hard to even look at this heartless man's face. He was too handsome and too heartless at the same time. He had raped Irene, Oswald's sister when she was just fifteen. A man like this was supposed to be burnt, not completely. His remnants were supposed to be buried one hundred feet away from the earth's crust as far as it would let his soul dwell in hell.

That sudden urge to make the blood-drenched dagger appear and to stab him again made her knuckles turn white, and ice due to the sudden cold that kept coming in. Why does she feel sudden coldness whenever he was near or around? She had kept noticing that but it seemed too mysterious for her to understand.

Her feet found comfort in walking backwards when the man's violet eyes seemed to be bolder, he was coming nearer to her. What was he trying to do?

She trembled.

She was having mixed emotions now.

She did not know what happened until she suddenly saw herself chained, the chain on her body tied to a heavy cage she had not seen before.

Her entire body was covered with the metal chains that she felt she would suffocate right now as they were too heavy on her body. It added more to her cold.

She could not tell how things were happening so fast. She could have run away or punched him as he tied her with the chain but she did not even see him tie her down. She did feel him around her but it was for a split second that she had hardly even breathed out.

"What... what are you doing?" She questioned. Her eyes did not want to meet his. She felt that it was the exact time her eyes met his, was when something unspeakable would happen. It would look like she had dozed up only to be awake by whatever he had done already. His eyes were scary, violet, and scarlet. Those two colours were more than a warning about who he truly was.

Isadora knew that her father sold her out but she did not think her father knew who he sold her out to. Or she did not think her father even wanted to let her know about who she was sold out to. Everything was just too confusing. But she was not deaf to not have heard about who they had thought she was getting married to.

Those rumours were frightening but simple. But those words looked too fictional. HE IS A LIVING DEAD. SENT OUT TO THE EARTH IN AN ALLURING BODY. Yes, those are the words. She had heard them before but she thought those maids were talking about a prince who they seemed to have lusted on.

While they had prepared her father's castle for the wedding, she had completely thought she was getting married to someone of her father's age. Her father had spent sixty-two good years on earth, he had spent eighteen years out of his years maltreating her and her twin brother and all she wished was for him not to live more than his present age. Especially now that he had been punishing Isaac.

But she just couldn't wish her father death now. She even prayed that her father never died. At least, Kingdom Maxwell was in a good condition. She did not want to know what Kingdom Maxwell would turn out to be after the crown prince, Prince Louis take control. He would turn the land hanging upside down and turn all denizens into slaves. Most especially, he would make prince Isaac his slave and every royal men's slave.

Of course, she was a princess and would not die in the Kingdom she grew up in, but it was Isaac's dwelling place. She would not know what to do if it turned out to be a place where evil majorly built its kingdom in.

She had not entirely forgotten about that same man that was right before her. THE MAN IN AN ALLURING BODY, WHOSE SOUL WAS PREVIOUSLY DEAD ONLY TO COME TO THE EARTH AND TAKE SINNERS INTO HIS HELL, AND TURN NON-SINNERS INTO SINNERS. Of course, to sin was a delight that everyone would mistakenly fall into even though it looked dangerous.

In short, HE WAS THE DEVIL. The devil that had been longed warned to stay away from.

What was she even thinking? Why was everything she had strongly denied about its authenticity suddenly seemed to be real?

When had she turned to a lunatic girl?!

No, a lunatic woman, she reminded herself.

"Why not let me warm you up. Remember, you told me you love warming up your preys before launching on them?" She heard him say. She was confused for a second only to be shocked at what was already in his hand.


Then she heard a smooth voice in her head, "Kill Ezekiel before he makes you rot in his hell."

What was that?!

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