Kanan and Ezra

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    One day, on the Ghost, Kanan walked into Ezra's room.

Ezra was playing on a Datapad. "Hey, Kanan, make a copy of Super Smash Crew for my Datapad," he commanded.

"No you have no power to command me!" Kanan replied, pointing at Ezra.

Ezra got up and walked into Kanan's room. Gadgets and tidbits and spare parts went flying out of his room.

"Hey! Those are my spare parts!" Kanan yelled and dashed into his room.

Ezra was all dirty. He held up a twisted and strangely-shaped cartridge-looking thing. It also had an inferior smell.

"Is that supposed to be Super Smash Crew!?" Kanan asked, plugging his nose.

"Precisely." Ezra replied, obviously very proud at his work. Ezra stuffed the stinking cartridge into his Datapad and marched back to his room.

    Just then Hera came in. "What is that awful smell?" she asked.

"Ezra's latest invention," Kanan said, his voice sounding strangely high because his nose was plugged.

"I thought you did the inventing!" Hera said, sounding hoarse.

"UGH!" Kanan said. He couldn't stand the smell anymore. He pushed Hera out of his way and stomped to Ezra's room. "How's your game working out for you!?" he asked. Green gas was floating about Ezra's room.

   "It's kind of weird," Ezra replied. He looked ten shades darker than he was supposed to be. "I don't know why, but there are dark patches of glitchy stuff all over the screen. Sabine and Chopper aren't even there. And Hera is weirdly color-coded. Oh yeah, somehow, a pink Inquisitor is a playable character." Ezra finished. His voice was extremely high-pitched, like a chipmunk. Kanan was laughing the whole time.

"Well, you put some extremely bad, weird, gas into your game," he said. "And I think Super Smash Crew is killing you, literally."

Ezra blinked at Kanan.

"That video game is unhealthy!" Kanan warned him.

"Oh, come on, no video game is unhealthy!" Ezra said. Right at that moment, his eyes started flickering and he dropped his Datapad.

"Ezra, oh my gosh!" Kanan yelled. He took a deep breath and plunged into the gas. He grabbed Ezra. He also ejected the cartridge out of his Datapad. He opened the door to Ezra's room. The green gas billowed out. "Great," Kanan mumbled. He rushed to the cockpit in a flurry of green gas. Then he set Ezra down, who was practically unconscious.

"What happened to Ezra?" asked Hera. She put the ship on cruise control.

"It's a really long story," Kanan said. "But I guess I have the time to tell it. So, I went into Ezra's room and he commanded me to make him a copy of Super Smash Crew for his Datapad. I said no, basically, and then he went into my room without permission and used all my spare parts to make a cartridge for himself. It was horribly put together, of course, and smelled really stinky. So Ezra went and played it, and I bumped into you, and then I went to his room, and green gas was all inside of it. Ezra was playing his newly-made game and told me all the problems it had, including a pink Inquisitor, and then he started dying so I rescued him and brought him in here." Kanan was now panting.

"You know," Hera said after pondering that story, "if you had just made him the game we wouldn't be doing this," she said, squishing Ezra's gut.

Kanan slapped him. Ezra woke up. "Hi, Kanan!" he said.

"Oh, great, you still sound like a chipmunk," Kanan said.

Hera was laughing to herself in a corner. Kanan fed Ezra a voice-get-normal pill and it worked.

"Thanks," said Ezra.

Kanan left and came back in two seconds with an official-looking Super Smash Crew cartridge for Datapad.

"Awesome!" Ezra said when he saw it.

Kanan put it into a data pad. "It's for ME!" he said and played it.

Ezra started crying. Kanan groaned. "Every Padawan gets want he wants, at any cost," Kanan said, remembering something Hera had said. It was also then that he had wondered how Hera knew that, but that's another story.

    So he gave Ezra the cartridge. Ezra was about to start playing when green gas billowed under the door.

"OMG!" Kanan and Hera screamed at the same time.

But, suddenly, the green gas sucked itself back under the door. Sabine opened it. She was holding a vacuum. "Need some ship-cleaning?" she asked.

"Yes." Ezra and Kanan and Hera said at the same time.

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