Kanan and Hera

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     "What's up, Kanan?" Hera asked one day.

"Nothing much," Kanan replied, staring at the golf on TV.

Hera sat down and stared at the golf, too. "Huh, I see your point," she said. But she kept watching.

Soon they were both sleeping. Suddenly Kanan zipped up and watched eagerly. Hera glanced at the TV. It was a Mercedes speeder commercial. Hera groaned and fell back asleep. Once the commercial ended, Kanan did too.

Soon, the golf ended, and they both got up. "What do we do now?" Kanan asked.

"Eat some ice cream!" Hera yelled and ran into the kitchen.

Kanan followed, and they ate some ice cream. "That was good," Kanan remarked. "Now what do we do?" he asked.

"Um...go to bed?" Hera suggested.

"Not a bad idea," Kanan replied, "I am pretty tired."

Hera yawned and said, "Good night!" Then she went into her bedroom. Kanan heard her thump onto her bed, and then he went into his own bedroom. He thumped onto his bed and died.

The End

(Yeah, I know you people were probably expecting an awesome story when you read the title, but in reality I was probably bored when I wrote this.) :(

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