Sold (Part 2)

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Later that evening, when I was in bed, I could hear Kyle crying through the walls. I could also smell how distressed he was. I didn't know what to do. I was in way over my head. I didn't know if he'd appreciate me barging in and demanding to talk to him. But, eventually, the noises he was making became too much for me. So, I quietly walked into his room.

"Hey, er, Kyle? You okay?" I asked gently. I was so tired; I really just wanted to sleep, but Kyle was more important than that. He was sitting in the middle his bed, curled up into a ball, wrapped one of my jumpers and currently, desperately, wiping his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm so sorry for waking you," he said softly, bursting into tears again. I couldn't stop myself from wrapping my arms around him. He tensed up. But then, slightly relaxed into my hold.

"Do you, wanna talk about it?"

"I just, I feel so overwhelmed. You're not what I was told to expect. I-I mean, you're really nice. I'm sorry. I don't know what I'm talking about," Kyle stuttered and sobbed into me, as I held him tightly and shushed him gently.

"Do you wanna come sleep with me?" I suggested, knowing an alpha's scent might calm him. 

"I don't want to be anymore of a nuisance than I already am." Every sentence he said seemed to be able to pull at my heartstrings.

"I promise you won't be. I'd like the company," I said smiling, and hoping he doesn't take that the wrong way.

"Okay," he replied, and I gently led him towards my room. He lay down next to me, and I held him loosely in my arms as I feel asleep.

I woke up to find Kyle happily nuzzled into me. I couldn't help but smile. Unfortunately, I had to gently shake him awake, as there were a few things I needed to explain to him before I headed off for work.

As I was heading out the door, I remembered I'd forgotten to explain maybe the most important thing. "Dude, when I leave for work, I'm going to lock the door behind me, just so no one can get in. But you can unlock it, like this, okay?" I said, showing him how the lock works, so he wouldn't feel trapped.

Kyle nodded. "Okay Stan," he said smiling. I smiled back, as I felt the two of us had made progress since yesterday. I was about to close the door when he yelled out, "Stan, wait!" I immediately paused and turned around to look at him. "Is it okay if I make dinner, and clean the house?" he asked nervously.

I smiled at him. "If that's what you want to do, knock yourself out dude," I said, closing the door behind me.

I didn't give Kyle's requests too much thought until I returned home later that evening. However, perhaps I should have because the change was quite drastic. The house was completely spotless. Ten times cleaner than it was whenever I had tried to clean it for Wendy. Although, on the living room carpet was a large pile of what looked like junk.

Kyle was standing in the sparkling clean kitchen, attacking some probably non-existent stain on the hob, but when he spotted me, he bounced over with a smile plastered to his face.

"Hey Stan!" he said happily. How can one guy be so, fucking, cute?

"Uh, hey dude," I replied, still a little shocked by my house's transformation. Was my carpet really that colour? And I swear I didn't use to own that chair. "What's with the pile?" I asked, motioning to the mountain.

"Oh, um, when I was tidying I found a lot of junk. But I didn't want to accidentally throw out anything important. So I left it in a pile there, to double check with you."

"Dude, that's actually pretty smart," I said, impressed. Kyle released a happy scent, clearly overjoyed by the praise. I walked over to inspect the mound. "Kyle! You can't through this away!" I said, staring at the first item on the pile.

"Why do you need a three-year-old newspaper?" questioned Kyle.

"I, um," I stared at the pile of stuff that I wanted to keep without having a proper answer as to why. I may have a bit of a hoarding problem. "You're right. Let's throw this stuff out." While it was actually painful to do so, when Kyle and I had finished throwing away the junk, I actually felt a lot better. "So, what do you want for dinner?"

Kyle started blushing. "Um, well, I made something. But, we totally don't have to eat it," he said sounding almost ashamed.

"Oh yeah! You said you would! You're the best Kyle! Wait, how did you make anything? I wasn't aware my house had anything edible in it."

Kyle smiled. "I thought so too when I first opened the fridge. But your freezer was full of stuff, so I managed to make a soup of sorts."

The soup was absolutely delicious. I couldn't stop myself from audibly moaning as I consumed it, which was making Kyle turn red.

"Dude, this stuff is orgasmic." My comment seemed to make Kyle nervous, so I changed tone. "What I meant was, it's really good."

"Oh, um, thanks." He was quiet for a minute, but there was a happy smile covering his lips. "Um, Stan?"


"Is it okay if I, read your books?"

"Of course." 

Kyle's eyes lit up."Really?"

"Yeah, there's even a library just down the road. I can give you my card. You can get as many books as you like," I said, and I meant it. Anyone who can make me soup this good gets whatever they want, whenever they want it. Kyle, however, was looking at me like I'd grown two heads.

"Go outside? By myself? Are you insane?" Now it was my turn to be confused.

"Why is that a problem?"

"I'm an omega. We're not allowed to do that," he said like that was an obvious statement.

"Yeah, you are," I said, confuddled

"Isn't that against the law?"


"It was where I used to live. I wasn't allowed to go anywhere without my parents, or an alpha or beta guardian. Even before I was sold off," said Kyle quietly. I felt like I should comfort him, but I didn't really know how to.

"Well, this is America. Here, omegas have the same rights as alphas and betas. A lot of my co-workers are omegas."

"Really?" asked Kyle excitedly.

"Yeah, so it's totally cool for you to go get books by yourself." Kyle still looked terrified by that idea. "Or, um, I can take you at the weekend?"

"You'd do that for me?"

"Yeah, dude, of course." Kyle's smile was so perfect. It was fast becoming my mission to make him smile all day, every day.


Hey guys~ And we still aren't at the smut yet. Honestly, I'm not even sure the next part will include it either. Man, I'm bad at this. It will come! I swear!

This story kind of seems like me doing a Miley Cyrus, as in I'm not cute and innocent anymore. Except, I never was, cause this has been on my computer for ages. You know what? Bad analogy. We will get to PG fics after this, I promise.

Also, I'm probably not handling the kind of PTSD Kyle should have all that well, mainly because if I did we would honestly, literally, never get to the smut - so I'm sorry!

Anyways, have an awesome day guys~

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