Sold (Part 3)

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When it was eventually time for bed, Kyle pawed at my chest. "Um, Stan?" he asked, quietly.

"Yeah Kyle?" I said, smiling down at him, in the same low volume.

"Can I, um, sleep with you, again?" I tried not to grin too wide as I nodded at him. He gripped my sleeve tightly as I lead him towards my room.

When I woke up the next morning, Kyle was not next to me. I felt my heart beating fast within my chest. Where was he?! Suddenly, the ginger in question leapt into my arms. He was shaking a little, clearly scared too.

"Stan, what's wrong? You smell terrified," he asked nervously. I gripped onto him tightly.

"S-Sorry, I didn't know where you were," I answered, pathetically. Why am I so attached to this guy already?

"Oh, I'm sorry Stan. I didn't want to wake you. You always seem so tired."

"It's cool Kyle; I'm sorry I overreacted."

"I, was, um, making breakfast."

"Really? Thanks."

I was soon sat at the breakfast table, happily eating scrambled eggs.

"Stan, can I have some money? I need to go to the grocery store, to get some stuff for dinner."

I raised a concerned eyebrow at him. "Dude, you sure you wanna do that? The idea of going to the library alone really freaked you out yesterday. We can just get take out, don't worry."

"No, I wanna do this. I can't just stay here by myself and hide all the time. You're being so kind to me, and I wanna help out around the house." He looked very determined. It was adorable.

"Alright," I said, as I passed him a 20-dollar bill and a flip phone, "Here, I picked this up for you yesterday. You know how a flip phone works, right?" Kyle just glared at me. "Just checking!" I said, holding my hands up in the defensive. I checked the clock. It was time to head off for work, but I really didn't want to leave Kyle. I forced myself to get up, give him a little hug and then I reluctantly headed out.

After a long day's work, I arrived home excited to see Kyle again. However, all I could smell were distress signals. I found myself running to find him. The poor guy was on his knees, crying, and when he spotted me, he walked over, shamefully hanging his head.

"I'm really sorry Stan. I broke a glass."

I instantly found myself sighing with relief. "Dude, no problem." Kyle looked up at me with a confused expression. I dragged him into a hug. "It's just a stupid glass," I said, stroking his hair.

Kyle was very quiet for the rest of the evening. He didn't react when I complimented his food or congratulated him for managing to go to the grocery store. He just looked ashamed. It didn't even get any better when I told him to come bed with me. He just shivered in my arms.

"Kyle, what's really wrong?" I asked as he continued to shake in my arms.

"I broke your property. I can't even do stupid things right."

"Dude, what do you mean? You're the world's best cook, and cleaner, like, ever, and you're fast becoming a really good friend. So don't worry about the stupid glass, okay?"

"I-It's not just that. I don't know how I'm ever meant to pay you back for all your kindness. And then I do stupid shit and mess things up."

"You don't have to pay me back at all, okay? You don't owe me anything. We're friends. And friends don't give a shit about broken glasses. That's what friends do, they forgive each other." Kyle didn't look at all convinced; so, I dragged him into a kitchen, and then deliberately broke one of my own glasses myself. "There, we're even now." Kyle smiled up at me, and started laughing, then hugged me happily. I grinned widely, glad he was happy again.

We were laying back in bed when a thought occurred to me. "Kyle, promise to stay here, please?"

"I wasn't planning on moving," he said, curled up into me, as we fell asleep.

Life with Kyle was becoming a little problematic, perhaps not for the reasons I expected. His cooking was still amazing, the house was always cleaner than a science lab where everything had to be kept sterile, and Kyle's company was so much fun. When he wasn't making elaborate meals, or obsessing over grime in the bathroom, he was telling me about what he'd learnt while I was away. The guy was an avid reader. It was inspiring really. I'd leave him my laptop if I didn't need it for the day, and google had become Kyle's best friend.

The issue was, the guy was giving a boner, all the time. Literally, all the time. Especially while we were sleeping. But also, when we weren't, like whenever he hugs me when I get back from work, or in the mornings when I leave for work (which often leads to an awkward jerk off in the car). Basically, any time he touches me, or does something cute, or says something unintentionally suggestive. 

I feel like a total creep! I should be able to keep this under control! What's worse is, he clearly knows about it, because it's obviously always poking into him when we sleep. I feel terrible, but I also have no idea how the fuck to bring it up. I mean, I'm an adult virgin, and so is he. I'd have no idea what I was doing! And I really don't want him to take any explanation I try to make the wrong way. Especially after all the progress we've made. But this problem just keeps getting worse!

Kyle and I were lying in bed. Kyle was curled up into me, and, as usual, I had a massive erection, which was poking right into him, and making it really hard for me to even think about sleep. I was thinking about Cartman naked, and even that wasn't helping. That used to always make me go flaccid, without fail. The bare concept of Kyle seemed to have killed that though.


"Yes, Kyle?" I responded, nervously.

"Do you... find me... attractive?" I felt my cheeks heat up. I couldn't really lie to him at this point. He could literally feel my boner for him.

"Yes..." I answered, trailing off at the end of the word.

"Then, do you, just think I'm too damaged to want to do anything to me?" he asked, hurt evident in his voice.

I felt terrible. "No, it's nothing like that," I said, stroking his cheek. "I'm really sorry if I made you feel that way. I love you just the way you are, okay?" Kyle's cheeks burnt red after that comment.

"Then why have you never asked me to help you out with that?" he questioned, motioning to my hard dick.

My cheeks flared up. "I didn't wanna pressure you into anything," I answered, truthfully.

"So then you'll let me-" He reached out towards my cock, which was painful at this point.

"No," I said, firmly pushing his hand away. "I only want you to do that if you want to do it. Not because you feel like you should help me out."

"Stan, what if I do want to do it?" asked Kyle, whispering at this point.

"K-Kyle," I said swallowing deeply, "are you sure?" He nodded. I dropped my resistance.


Hey guys~ And we still haven't got to the smut yet - worst author ever. It will definitely be in the next bit though - don't worry~

Anyways, until then, have an awesome day guys~

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