Stanny Phantom

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Hey guys~ This is another crossover fic, South Park meets Danny Phantom, requested by iburnedyourhousedown. 

This crossover should actually be pretty easy to follow if you haven't watched Danny Phantom. Stan has ghost powers and can change from a ghost to a boy and back again - that's all you need to know. 

But if you want more info, Danny Phantom is a cartoon about a boy (who looks weirdly like Stan) who has a family (which is vaguely like Stan's) whose personality is a lot like Stan's! And who has a friend who is a lot like goth Stan!

Basically, his crazy Dad made a machine which lets ghosts into our world and also turned Danny into a weird hybrid ghost thing, and why the show is not about trying to shut down that machine I have no idea, instead Danny just fights off ghosts and sends them back into the machine, and why don't all the ghosts all come out at once? And if he puts one back, why doesn't it come out again? I swear the show has more plot holes than my stories - it's still a fun show though. And I haven't watched the whole thing, so maybe that's explained later.

Also, in my mind, in this story Stan and Kyle are 13 - but they can be whatever age you want in your mind because I don't specify in the story.

Anyways, if you ever felt like your life was missing an angstier and gayer version of the show which included Style, then you're in luck! Because here it is!


"Children! You wouldn't want me angry, would you? Come on now, eat up my chocolate salty balls!" yelled Chef's ghostly green apparition as he fired the little brown balls out of his hands like bullets.

"The only thing we'll be eating is the sweet taste of victory!" Stan yelled back, mentally cringing at how that had sounded out loud and levitating tauntingly close to the deceased cook in his ghost form.

"Oh that does it!" said Chef snatching Kyle up in one fist, about to throw him when Stan punched Chef in the face. In annoyance, Chef dropped the Jew and hurled a barrage of sticky food at the phantom boy. Stan skilfully dodged all of it. However, Chef then managed to grab Stan tightly and threw him violently across the room. He switched from ghost form back into a human just before he smashed into the wall. His snow white hair fading back to the black of the night sky outside. If his eyes weren't closed, you'd observe the change of glowing green back to their usual baby blue. He wasn't moving.

"Stan!" screamed Kyle, running over to his boyfriend as Kenny sucked up the now exhausted ghost into the Marsh flask. "Stan? Stan! Are you okay!?" said Kyle, worry evident as he held Stan gently against him.

Wearily, Stan smiled up at him, but even as he tried to do that, he coughed up a little blood. "Yeah dude, I'm fine. I think I might have broken my arm there though," he said, wincing as he tried to lift it.

Tears started welling up in Kyle's eyes and Kenny took that as his cue to leave.

"Kyle, dude, you okay?" asked Stan worried, even as blood continued to dribble out of his mouth.

"Yeah, I'm fine," said Kyle furiously wiping his eyes while simultaneously trying to wipe away some of the blood on Stan's face with a tissue.

"You know you can talk to me about anything, right?" said Stan comfortingly, not enjoying seeing his boyfriend in such a state.

"I don't, I don't think we should be a couple anymore," he responded quietly.

"What?! Why?!" replied Stan, distressed and jerking his arm in the process which caused him to yell out in pain again.

"Because you keep getting hurt and it's usually my fault. I can't ever do anything to help you! You'd be better off without me. I'm not strong like you are. I always just get in the way," said Kyle, hugging Stan closer against him.

"Don't be stupid Kyle. You're the strongest guy I know."

"How am I in anyway strong Stan?" responded Kyle blankly, sounding unimpressed and annoyed.

"Strength is a word with many different meanings. Sure, it can mean physical strength, like how easily can you take down bad guys, and it's true that I'm good at that because have these weird ghost powers, but I only have those because my dad is such a moron. I acquired them accidentally; it's not like I worked for them. 

Strength is about more than just how good you are in a fight; it's about your ability to withstand things, like bullying or peer pressure. Strength is about having the willpower to do the right thing instead of the easy thing. And you always do the right thing Kyle. Or at least, you do nine times out of ten." 

Kyle glared at Stan, who gave him a quick smile. "Being strong is about sticking to your principles, even when that seems pointless. It's about not giving up on yourself or anyone else and standing up to people who mean to hurt you, those you care about, or just random strangers. It's about being strong for others when they need you, even if you need them at the time. Sometimes, strength isn't about being the one who's fighting the monsters, sometimes being strong is about supporting that guy, helping him fight his own personal monsters so he can continue the fight himself.

Strengths are the qualities people possess which ultimately turn them into great people. And you have so many of those: you're determined, brave, loyal, you have a strong sense of justice and you never give up on the good in people. Kyle, if you could just see yourself like I see you, you'd realise that I'm not so strong. And that you're the strong one."

Through teary eyes, Kyle said, "When did you get so smart?"

"I'll have you know I've always been smart!" Kyle gave him a look. "Fuck off dude," grumbled Stan.

Kyle smiled at him. "Thanks, Stan," he said a little quieter.

"Anytime," responded Stan.

"Think you can stand?" asked Kyle.

"Probably." Kyle slowly lifted Stan up. The noiret grimaced as Kyle slung Stan's good arm over his own shoulder. The couple then slowly made their way over to the nurse's office. It was way after school hours, and the nurse had gone home, so Kyle made Stan a pretty decent makeshift sling for his arm and then proceeded to vigorously cleaned his mouth and face.

"If you rub any harder, I won't have a face left," joked Stan.

"Do you want my help or not?" grinned Kyle, hitting Stan in the face with the wet cloth.

"Not cool!" responded Stan, wiping his face with the sleeve of his good arm. The two of them just smiled at each other for a couple seconds until the prolonged eye contact became too uncomfortable and both boys looked away a little red.

"Kyle," asked Stan quietly.

"Yeah Stan?" he replied at the same lower volume.

"You don't actually wanna break up with me, do you?"

"What? No! You were right, I was being stupid. I just, I hate it when you get hurt, and I hate it even more when it's my fault."

"Well, you know, I'd hurt a lot more if you weren't always there beside me to make it better."

"Dude, that was such a gay thing to say."

"Well, I am gay, gay for you." Kyle beamed at his boyfriend and gave him a quick kiss on the cheek.

"Are your legs okay now?" asked Kyle.

"Yeah, why?" Kyle responded by sitting on Stan's lap and pressing his lips against Stan's who grinned into the kiss. Stan didn't care what Kyle thought, in his opinion, he was the strongest most awesome boyfriend ever. 


Hey guys~ Thanks for reading, and thanks again iburnedyourhousedown for this idea. Hopefully, you enjoyed it, sorry if anything was incorrect, I haven't watched a lot of the show.

My editor, crazy as always, at the point where Kyle says 'I'm not strong like you are' said, pretending to be Stan, 'You can have superpowers if I inject you with radioactive waste in the face!' - he truly is one of a kind.

Requests are still open, so request away people! And it doesn't have to be style. Anyways, have an awesome day guys~

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