The Girl, The Beast and The Invitation

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Chapter 3

Birds chirping outside the window of Tyler's apartment, the sky is all blue and the breeze blew a near summer vibe to it. "It's a new day!" Tyler shouted with enthusiasm! He looked at the mirror inside his small confined room, and then wore his black hoodie jacket with a big white "X" mark on its back topping his white shirt.

His phone rung! He quickly picked it up and read the message for him. It was from doctor Sanders! The message was a long list of errands!

"Whaaaat? Pay for his taxes? And bills? Well, what do I even expect. His busy all day long I guess he doesn't have that much time for this. His a really nice person anyway. Yeah! Here I go anyway!" an energetic Tyler shouted once again hyping his self-up and head on out to run the errand for doctor Sanders.

After about an hour all of Tyler's errands are done. It was just about 10 am so, he spoiled himself a bit in the city. Craving for something unique tasting foods he decided to go to a china town within Ville city. His stomach started growling and his craving intensified as he comes closer to china town. He then saw the big sign for a Kung Pao chicken restaurant so, he picked up his pace! He was so focused on getting to the restaurant as fast as he could, walking faster and faster! He was so close to the restaurant! But he accidentally bumped into someone! The sweet saucy smell of fresh chop suey burst through the air. And all over the floor the chop suey dish smeared the floor!

After watching the chop suey gone to waste, Tyler quickly turned his attention to the person he bumped. A girl was already on her feet and shrugging off some dirt on her kimono! Though it was a bit ironic to be in china town wearing a kimono. Her black hair was a bit messed up and covered her face a bit so, she fixed it by quickly turning it into a bun hairstyle and approached Tyler!

"Oh! Shit! I'm so sorry I didn't mean to." Tyler pleaded and asked forgiveness.

"I'm ok, but that food's not mine. And you have to pay for it." The girl replied while reaching out her hand.

Tyler looked from side to side, but everyone around was already looking at them! He had no choice but to negotiate. The girl asked him to buy a new order of chop suey! The price was a bit much and made a hole on Tyler's wallet, and as a gentleman Tyler accompanied the girl from buying. Tyler was a bit shock that the food wasn't exactly for the girl and it was for her colleagues.

"Thanks for paying, but I'm really sorry. If that was mine you could have saved your money." The girl in a calm manner said to Tyler.

"That's alright it was my fault anyway." Tyler responded and opened his wallet.

Tyler took a deep breath and, "I'm sorry, but I don't have any money left. I can't take the bus home with 3 pieces of candy wrapper." He implied and was almost tearing up showing his bottomless pit like empty wallet, not only that Tyler's stomach growled so loud that anyone could hear it.

The girl looked at Tyler and was about to burst into laughter, but instead the kind girl walked across the street and into a small playground she sat on a bench. She took out a lunch box from her bag.

"Here have some of my lunch. Oh! I forgot! My name's Irene Myoui." The girl then reached her hand for a hand shake as they both sat on the bench.

"I'm Tyler."

The two shook hands. Irene felt the roughness and warmth of Tyler's burnt skin through the bandages. But Tyler felt different, despite the bandages he felt the calming softness of Irene's hand, as if she doesn't do anything with those hands.

"Woah! Your bandage is cool! Let me have a look!" Irene asked for it to be shown to her but she actually grabbed it. Tyler didn't mind at all, but he was a bit shocked that his hands doesn't hurt anymore. Tyler was a bit flustered looking at Irene so he turned his head down. After a few while he noticed that Irene was drawing something on the bandage.

"Tadah! I drew a star! Yo! Keep it that way maybe it'll heal up faster." Irene said while showing a big star on the backhand of Tyler.

Tyler just smiled and ate what Irene had offered. Irene seemed to be a bit childish at sometime but you can never think of that by just watching her. She is graceful and elegant, she moves with so much poise it seems like she's a poetry in motion. The complete opposite of how she treats and what she's showing Tyler.

"You said you didn't have any money, right?" a smiling Irene asked.

"Yeah? Why?" Tyler replied.

"I have something to offer, come follow me. It's getting dark anyway." Irene then stood and walked ahead of Tyler. Tyler had no other choice so he followed Irene, it was a bit of a long walk out of china town and into the deep part of the concrete jungle of the city. Finally, they went into an alley, people were all over the place, wanting to get inside.

Finally, they reached a bar within the alley. An underground mixed martial art hosting arena, named "The Fighting Circle". The went inside through a management door. It was a bit dark inside the door and down they walked even further inside.

"Are you looking for a new fighter?" Irene asked some men over a table.

"Hell yeah! If he can beat our guy he gets 1000 dollars, but if he can't, we won't pay for his injuries." a man replied with smirk on his face.

"Sure, sure! My client can beat your guy. So, who's his up against?"

"The Beast. And his match will be next so get you guy down the feeding pit!" the man replied.

Irene reached into her bag and gave Tyler a black luchador mask! Outlined with silver color on the eye part. Tyler wore it immediately. The two walked inside the rowdy loud crowd! Everyone was cheering while watching the match before that's taking place. The two finally reached near the ring side.

The ring was like a boxing ring, rectangular and has this turn buckles.

"All you have to do is beat up that guy!" the crowd was so loaded so Irene have to shout for Tyler to hear her.

"Which guy?!" a shouting reply by Tyler.

Irene then pointed at the guy he was talking about. Tyler's eyes almost popped out seeing his opponent! The man looked like a mountain of meat! He was so ripped and even looked more fearsome with that bald head, long gray curly beard and a scar that seemed to scrapped off a portion of his face.

The bell suddenly rung! The match on the ring was over and the crowd are even louder than before. The announcer then called the next contenders!

"Hey! Listen up! You're STAR BOY now! Don't die!" Irene with a quick word of wisdom!

"Hey! What! I never agreed to this! Holy! What the hell!" Tyler shouted while Irene was pushing him into the ring!

Finally! Tyler was on the ring! And even looked more smaller than his opponent across the ring! Tyler kept looking at the huge crowd and the bright lights glare at him! He could feel the heat inside the place! His heart is pounding and his mouth is all dried up with the intensity!

"Hey! Kid! I'm going to rip you apart! But don't worry I'll do it slowly!" His opponent shouted at him across the ring!

"Introducing! The Beast! Vs Staaaaar Boy!" the crowd went wild after the announcer introduced them!

Some part of the crowd started chanting "His gonna kill you!" "you'll be dead!". And the chants went even louder as the match was about to start!

The ring is shaking as the crowd noises intensifies. Suddenly the bell rung! And the beast was storming his way to Tyler!

Tyler quickly ducked and avoided a lariat! Tyler was in awe with his opponent speed.

"If I get hit by one of those that would cut my head off! I should be careful." Tyler said to his self.

Tyler then started carefully side stepping and place himself at the corner. And again, the beast went storming again this time for a take down! Tyler avoided once again by drop kicking the Beast's knee! And face first the beast went crushing for the middle turn buckle!

"Wow! His really quick! I guess he won't die after all." Irene commended Tyler as she watches from a distance.

"Here's my chance! His back is open!" Tyler quickly went for a rear naked choke! A move he learned from joining a Jiu Jitsu club in high school But the Beast stood back up! Tyler is obviously not a push over at Jiu Jitsu he was at a national level fighter but can't afford the fees on fighting across other countries.

But Tyler still not releasing the hold and tried to grip it even tighter! The Beast then drop on his back to slam Tyler! But Tyler is still holding on! The choke isn't that locked in, his arms are not fully wrapped around the neck of the Beast.

"I guess his not injured anymore, well those bandage looks good as a ring gear anyway." Irene continued being impressed on what she's watching.

The Beast's face looked a bit uneasy with Tyler's offense! It seems like that Tyler got lucky to hit the Beast with his weakness, choke holds! The Beast started grasping some air while Tyler was struggling to keep the hold!

The Beast face turned all red and ready to rampage once again! He then rammed his back into the turn buckle! And again, sandwiching Tyler with the turn buckle! This time banging Tyler's back even harder!

"This guy is tough as hell! His like a Pitbull clamping down a bite on something bigger!" the commentator shouted in enthusiasm!

The crowd is still going wild! This time shouting "Tap!"!

The Beast is dumbfounded and loosed his cool! His now flinging his arms all over the place grasping for air! The beast went for a last resort and tried to reach for Tyler using his arm! But Tyler acted fast! And grabbed the Beast's left arm for a chicken wing! This time the Beast went down on his knee! But still the beast was not tapping out or quitting!

"Come on! Tap! Or else I'll break your arm and neck!" Tyler shouting inside his head frustrated and banged up after being pounded into a turn buckle!

"What is this! The Pitbull mentality of star boy is working! Can we see an upset tonight! Can David really conquer Goliath!" again the lively commentator responds in shock on what his seeing! But the crowd became silent as soon as the beast went down on his knees!

Tyler continued to apply pressure on the chicken wing arm hold and the choke! His arms really squeezed with full strength like an anaconda squeezing its victim! But the Beast is not tapping out! Tyler went all in and put tremendous amount of pressure again! This time locking is legs on the waist of the beast for leverage!

"His going to snap it!" Irene worriedly uttered.

"Oh! Boy! Mister Star boy! You're bad, bad man! His about to snap the Beast's arm and neck!" the commentator shouted and stood up to the action!

The referee acted quickly and tackled Tyler out of position! Preventing him from breaking the beast's arm and neck! It seems like the Beast have already passed out! Preventing him from tapping out.

The crowd was ghost-silent. Then burst into a frenzy of cheer after a second! Amazed with what the saw the crowd started chanting Star boy!

"The Beast! The Beast is out! Star boy! The star boy just tamed the Beast!" the commentator added to the frenzy!

"And the winner of this match! Staaaar boy!" the announcer called the winner and the crowd still continued to cheer!

The referee went to Tyler and rose his hand! Tyler went looking at the crowd searching for Irene. As soon as Tyler saw Irene he pointed at her, and then pointed at the star on the back of his hand being raised by the referee.

Irene went near the ring and accompanied Tyler out of the crowd and into a dark passage back to the management's office. The man who offered the prize money is obviously happy. He tossed the prize money Tyler!

"Star boy, hope to see you back here." The man smirked once again, the two left the moment they got the money.

Tyler and Irene left the bar and into the cold dark street they walked. Tyler took off the mask and sweat went gushing down his face the cold air quickly turned down the heat that Tyler's feeling.

"It's pretty cool!" Tyler uttered.

"The fighting?" Irene's quick response.

"No! the mask is cool." Tyler replied and laughed a bit.

The two continued walking for several minutes now, under the pale moonlit sky.

"It's really nice to meet someone like you. I live there at that corner." Irene pointed with at an old electronic shop at the corner of the street.

The two made it in front of the old store.

"Hey! You coming in?" Irene asked.

"Yeah! Sure!" Tyler replied.

The shop was all cranked up in dust. And only a portion of the whole shop is cleaned.

"Welcome to my dream house-er place! You know, I just bought this yesterday. I saved from my day job as a waitress and bought this. Yeah! I'm sure is proud." A teary Irene bragged with a squeaking laugh.

"So, what's your plan with this place? I mean this could start something." Tyler asked.

"I'm making this as a hide out. I just quit my job earlier and from now on I'll be a full-time assassin ready to take on any mission for the right amount of cash!" this time Irene talked in a more serious manner.

"What? The what?" a doubtful Tyler responded.

"Yeah? I mean, oooh! I'm sorry! I haven't told you yet. You see, I was a daughter of very powerful rich man far away from this city. To be honest we were really that filthy rich that time. I was only a child back then, all we ever do was train our butts off with different martial arts, me and my three sisters really worked hard training. We train to fight and protect ourselves. Maybe my old man really knows what's up with his business. He was assassinated when I was 12, and his followers separated all of us four siblings to protect us. I was sent here and an old couple raised me." Irene was very serious while telling her story, compelling story indeed even Tyler got caught up and was even more curious.

"So why do you want to be an assassin? I get that you trained to protect yourself. But why? Is it for revenge?" He asked as soon Irene finished.

"I'm not in for revenge. I want to do this because it's the only thing I'm good at. I already killed 4 grown men with my katana. Heehee." Irene replied and smiled at Tyler.

"You must be joking right?" Tyler asked with a shocked look on his face.

"NOPE! Hey! See this. I got this tattoo when I was just a child." Irene started showing a "clubs" tattoo on her wrist.

"We all got tattoos based on card symbols. I got this clubs because it looked like a flower. I miss my sisters. They're pretty darn good at martial arts too. A kali expert, an archery expert as well as a knives expert, and specially my big sister. I couldn't beat her with my katana. Funny I never landed anything on her. Gosh! Seems like I've been talking a lot."

"No! I mean it's ok. I never really had a long conversation with anyone before. I'm an orphan too. My dad, he was. Uhm. He has this family and my mom was. Uhm, they were something so I came to be. My dad needed to decide and his choice was his first and legal family. I was 8 when my mom, left me. She's not a strong-willed person, she went on and left by herself." In a low voice Tyler finally talked something about his past.

"Hey? Since we don't have any family. We could be assassins, nothing to hold us back, right? Would you join me?" Irene asked with a full smile and wide opened eye trying to convince Tyler.

"What the? I'm really not sure if your serious about this assassin stuff."

"Hell yeah, I'm serious! It'll be fun! I'll be here if you want to join, you can think about it. You know when I saw you on that ring, I could really see the potential." Irene commended Tyler with proud look on her face like a teacher praising a child.

Tyler starte laughing at Irene's remarks uncontrollably!

"Hey?! What's so funny?!" a pouting Irene asked white arms crossed over her chest.

Tyler's phone suddenly rung. It's a text from doctor Sanders.

"Oh! Shit! I almost forgot! I was to bring all the receipts back to doctor Sanders at the hospital." A worried Tyler uttered while reading the txt message.

"Sorry! I need to leave. I'll just take this hundred-dollar bill, I'm taking a bus."

Tyler was in a rush, and was about to leave the store. But before he stepped even out of the door.

"Hey! Star-boy! I'll be here when you want to join." Irene reminded him and again assuring him with a glowing smile on her beautiful fair skinned face.

Tyler quickly said good bye and left. But a shadowy figure seemed to follow Tyler as soon as he closed the door. Irene quickly rushed to the door and took a view from inside the store if Tyler was alright. She felt relieved and took a deep relaxing breath when she saw Tyler walking to the bus stop safely.

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