Chapter 2

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Along the way to OMansion.....

Omkara eyes never leaves gauri even for a second ....

Gauri head was on his lap and he was holding gauri'S right hand a chant he kept on telling ....

Om: Nothing will happen to you gauri will be fine...I won't let anything happen to you...
Unknowingly he was crying ....

Prinku was praying the same...with tears

Om was screaming to the driving from his lung out

Om : Kumar Bhaiya....please drive faster

The driver follow his chote Malik instruction and increases the speed...

The car have reached OMansion....

With the nano second... Om scoop gauri in his arms and run into their mansion....

Jhanvi who was in the living hall....shocked to see omkara with gauri on his arms.....

Jhanvi was in trepidation seeing this ....

Jhanvi run to omkara ......

Jhanvi : Omkara What Happen to our gauri ?

Om: Mum I will tell later ....please call our family doc now and ask him to any lady doc ...

Jhanvi : But Om our family doc is doctor raj ...why he can't treat gauri?

Om get annoyed .....

Om : Mum please...we can talk about this later ...please Mum please ask doctor raj do the arrange

Jhanvi thinks to about this later to and she made arrange with doc raj.

Om bring gauri to his room and placed her on his bed and never leave her side ....he was sitting beside her and were holding her hand....

Jhanvi was watching all this .....

She was indeed happy to see her omkara being so matured and caring towards gauri...and why not for her ...gauri is just like another daughter for her....if omkara have no problem with the status indifference she want gauri to be her daughter in law....

Jhanvi was smiling think of this .......suddenly she heard Om calling her.

Om : Mum

Jhanvi came out from her lala land....

Jhanvi what are you thinking ...their still won't know what will be happen in future...stop hoping for something like this ...Tej will not agree for this .

Om : Mum are you listening

Jhanvi : Yes beta... sorry I was thinking about something

Om : Mum can you inform Pooja Aunty about gauri and please check why the doctor taking this much time to reach here ?

Jhanvi : Don't worry I have informed Pooja, she will be in here in few minutes and the doctor is on the way .

Om : Okay mom...thank you .

Jhanvi was turned to leave by stopped by Om

Om : Mum could you please check on prinku ...she was crying a lot just now ...Check on her Mum if she still crying ....and please give her something to eat ....

Jhanvi : How about you omkara ? Do you want something to eat ? I will get someone to bring it for you ?

Om : It's okay Mum...let the doc come and check on gauri ...we will have food later...

Jhanvi feel proud to see her selfless son...

She look at omkara ....and say it to her self ....
Please stay like this always omkara....don't ever baby....

Jhanvi left to prinku room....

She open prinku room door knob....she saw prinku on her bed and still sobbing ....omkara was right she thought.....

She went prinku bed and sit beside her....

Prinku came to Jhanvi ....she hugs her and start to cry.....

Jhanvi place her hand on prinku head.....she pat her hair repeatedly....

Jhanvi : What happen prinku ? Why you are crying like this ? And what happen to gauri ?

Prinku : Ma wo...wo

Jhanvi : Calm down prinku ...breath in breath out....calms down

Prinku follow exactly as her mum instructed....she managed to calm down....

Jhanvi pat her hair...

Jhanvi : Okay tell me what happen ...

Prinku tell what happen A to Z......

Jhanvi eyes got teary hearing it....

Jhanvi : She proved that she belong to sharma family...Pooja has brought up her so well....

Jhanvi smiled and feel proud of gauri.....

And suddenly Jhanvi turns to all serous mode when she think that gauri has risked her to protect prinku ....

Jhanvi : But that doesn't means...she could risk her life just like that ....

Prinku : Haa ma...please give her some earful...

Jhanvi : And you ? Why you didn't stopped her ?

Prinku protest...

Prinku : Ma! I tried ! I promise I tried but you know how stubborn she is ... and she was in her GKS mode ... I'm not able to stop her

Jhanvi smiles hearing prinku words....

Jhanvi : Gauri in GKS mode ? What is GKS ?

Prinku do face palm....

Prinku : Ma GKS is gauri kumari sarma mode...

Jhanvi laughed....

Jhanvi : What mode is that ?

Prinku : Her raging mode ma

Jhanvi : Acha! How come I never saw that before ?

Prinku ; because at home there is no need for that...she is everyone's ladla....especially my ladla gauri...

Jhanvi : I thought you might be jealous on her...

Prinku : Sometime because of you Mum

Jhanvi : Prinku you know she has no one...she lost her father and Pooja took over the responsibility and her hands are full....

Prinku come and hugs her....

Prinku : I know Mum and I was just kidding ....I never jealous of Gauri n never will be....I love her so much Mum...she is like my sister....

Jhanvi smiles ....Jhanvi kisses Prinku on her forehead ..,,

Jhanvi ; I'm so proud to be your n omkara Mum....

Prinku : No , Bhaiya and gauri too to have Mum like you...if not for you...we would end up like the rich spoilt brat which bullied gauri today ...we might be one of them but thank to you teaches us simplicity...humbleness to respect others and's all comes from you deserve all the credits...

Jhanvi hug Prinku ...and said ....

Jhanvi : I love you Prinku

Prinku : I love you too Mum...

My sincere apologies for the delay in update , hope you guys like the chappy ...
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