Chapter 3

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Omkara was impatiently waiting for doctor....

He stand from his chair and start to walk back and forth aimlessly....and keep on muttering....

Omkara : Nothing happen to you gauri...Nothing will happen to you ...

Jhanvi came in to room ...with lady doc....

Jhanvi : Doc is this gauri... (jhanvi narrate the whole incident) to the doc

Doc look at om ...

Doc : This is ?

Jhanvi : This is my son ...omkara

Doc : Hi Om , If you don't mind...can you wait outside ...I need to do some checking on gauri...

Om (annoyed) : Why ! I want to be here with my gauri !

Jhanvi look at Omkara with Suprise....

Then Omkara realise due  to outburst he had...said something that he shouldn't...he look at Jhanvi ...and Jhanvi gave him the face of owe me answer look .

Omkara pretend like he didn't see her and when to wait outside .

Jhanvi shook his head and then smiled look at her son's behaviour ...

The doc does gauri'S check up .....and did dressing on her wounds....

Doc : There is no internal injury ....I

Before the doc finish her sentence.....omkara cuts in...

Omkara : Doctor have you done your check up ? Can I come inside ?

Doctor smiled....she wonder what relationship he had with gauri....

Doctor thoughts broken by Omkara....

Om : Doc you were saying something gauri alright ?

Doctor : She is definitely alright Omkara ...

Om little Irked when the doctor called him Omkara ...

Om : Doctor please call me om...only the people close to me can call me Omkara....

Jhanvi chuckled....

Doctor annoyed....

Doctor : Ok fine Mr . Om , your gauri is perfectly fine , she is just exhausted...I had put injections and dressing on her external wounds...and here is the prescription for the medicine ...please get it ... and she need a good rest.

Om : Okay Doctor , thank you

Jhanvi : Thank you Doctor

Doctor : Welcome and will take a leave now ...

Jhanvi followed Doctor ...

Meanwhile Om returned to his position back again...sitting beside his gauri and holding hand..

Om bring her hand near to his almost whispering....

Om : Why you are still unconscious gauri ? Open your eyes please...I don't like to see you like this ...I just want to see your beautiful smile...your smile bring ease to my troubled heart.

Slowly gauri'S fingers starts moving ...Om tilt his head up to see gauri.....he was still holding her hand .

Meantime  Jhanvi with Doctor ...

Jhanvi : Sorry Doctor for omkara behaviour...

Doctor : It's okay , I understand some kids are like that ..but I was very impressed with he is vey concerns and care towards gauri...

Jhanvi : Yeah ,  he shared special bond with gauri...

Doctor : I can see that clearly ... Okay I will take a leave now .

Jhanvi : Take care...

Meanwhile in omkara'S.....

Gauri eyelid were moving....she slowly open her eyes...the first person she saw was Omkara ....

He smiled at her...gauri look at him.....
Then Omkara realise he was holding her hand...he quickly break the hand hold .....::

It was a awkward moment for them.....

Om break the silence ....

Om : How you feeling now gauri ?

Gauri : Better But my body is aching very badly (she said so softly)

Om : Is it very pain (he asked with concern)

Gauri : Yeah very ....

Gauri tries to get up.....

Om runs to her ....

Om: Slowly slowly are injured...don't forget that...

He helped gauri to sit...he made her sit and put some pillow to support her back .

Gauri said thank you...

He pat on her head and smiled ....

He noticed ...

Gauri eyes were searching for someone .....
And om know who she is searching......

Om shook his head and smiled...

Om : Prinku is fine and she is having a good sleep in her room ...stop worrying about her ...and start to worry about yourself ...

Jhanvi came in....

Jhanvi : Why she need to very about herself...I'm here her Maa to take care of her....

Jhanvi move towards the bed and sit beside gauri ...

Jhanvi placed her right arms in gauri 'S cheeks

Jhanvi : How are you feeling beta ?

Gauri : Better Ma But body is aching ....

Jhanvi look at Om....

Jhanvi : Om get kumar to buy the prescribed medicine

Om : Okay mom, will do it

Om left...

Gauri look at Jhanvi....

Gauri : Pooja maa ?

Jhanvi : she been informed beta...she busy beta...she will be coming shortly ...

Gauri face turns sad...

Jhanvi tilt gauri'S chin ...

Jhanvi : But your Jhanvi maa here na..gauri hugged Jhanvi and tears starts to flowing ...

Jhanvi pat gauri'S hat and pulled her out from the hug...

Jhanvi wipes her tears.....kissed her forehead

Jhanvi : For me there is no difference between you and both are same to me...


Sorry for the the late update ...I slept of while writing ✍️

Sorry my dear aashisood  😫😓

Silent reader please hit ⭐️ button


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