Chapter 26

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Gauri was busy explaining each and every details of Oberoi Group's products....

While Omkara looking at in awe. He was checking her out.

How fast time flies , she has grown up to be such a beautiful lady ...

To him she seemed so beautiful, she brings a warm ease to his heart .

She is definitely different , different from many woman that he has come across , but no one made my heart skip a beat as she does ....not now..since the first day he meet her...she showed him the meaning of love .

Omkara doesn't understand why no one was as disturbed as he by looking at her flawless face,

why no one else's heart goes wild with the as he by just staring at her .

Why no one did gone mad with every each of her movement .

The way she adjust her fringe...her melodies voice...the way she smile....made him feel captivated....

And Her amber eyes...those beautiful eyes...

How I wish I wish that now I could have you in my arms and look into your tell you how I feel....

Oh my gauri...what you are doing to me ?

He sighs...there a many things I wish to tell you ...but

Suddenly a voice break his thoughts ....
He startled...

Omkara : What !

Gauri : Stop staring at me like that ! You are intimidating me !

Omkara smirk.
He know that he do affect her.
He stand up and move near to her.

Seeing omkara walking toward her....her heart to pounding ....she starts to move backward....

Her back bumped onto wall.
He soon pinned her against the wall.
He heaved out a heavy sigh.
She could feel feel his warm breath escaping into her neck.
His hard gaze met her terrified eyes.
An unknown fears start to cowers her .

He leaned down and whispered into her ears ...
Gauri gulped.
I'm intimidating you? You have no idea ...what effect you have on me....
He said it in a husky voice ....making her knees grow weak....

He moved back and took the file from her hand .
Gauri look at him in awestruck .
She was standing at the place where he pinned her.
Her mind barely had the time to comprehend things which just happened .

Omkara looks at her ...
Her milky white complexion was flushed....she look heavenly radiant right now ....
He love the fact , of how she can thrill him by just looking at her . are giving me such a hard time.
He sighed.

Omkara :Are you just going to stand there ?
He snapped his fingers...

She came out of her trances .
She look at him ...

Omkara : Are you done ?

Gauri : Of What ?

Omkara : Checking me out , of course .

Gauri : What ? I never ...

Omkara : It's okay made it so obvious just now ...I know it's so hard to handle when you have hunky man infront of you ...

Gauri jaw dropped hearing that from him...

Omkara almost wanted chuckled seeing her that ...he just wanted to pull her leg.

Gauri : self praiser , Gauri murmured under her breathe
even though she strongly agree that he is hunky...

She came and sit in front of him and start the briefing ...

Omkara was so tired of listening the company history .
Omkara checks his watch ....
Omkara : Okay stop It's lunch time now...

Gauri checks her watch ...
Gauri : Okay , please carry on...I will continue with my work...

Omkara : Work ? You are not going to have lunch ?

Gauri : Bosses can go lunch any time.. but workers for like us ...there is timing happy lunch my new boss

Omkara frowned...
Omkara took his mobile .

Omkara : Shivaay are you free ? Can we go for lunch ?

Shivaay : Lunch will be send over here ...ram is bringing it over...enjoy your lunch with your company .

Omkara lips curves into smile.
Omkara : Thank you Shivaay.

Shivaay: Have fun.

Seeing Omkara sit back...gauri was curios.

Gauri : You are not going for lunch sir ?

Omkara : Mum has send lunch box through ram bhaiya...we will have our lunch here .

Gauri eyes 😳
Gauri : We ?

Omkara : Yes you and me...Mum has send it for us...any problem?

Gauri :'s not ethical to have lunch with boss...

Omkara : Where you want to have it then ? We have are having here and that's final.

Gauri frowned.
Gauri : So bossy.
She murmured.

Omkara heard that
His lips curved into smile

Gauri look at him awe.
Is he really smiling? Smiling to me ?

Sorry for the late update
Was not well yesterday
Hope you guys like this chappy
Silent readers please vote .

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