Chapter 49

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Once Aeki Baki game  is done....

Anika : Okay game over ....Gauri come follow me
Gauri stands....and follows anika....
Omkara also stand....he was about to follow gauri but got stopped by Shivaay.....
Shivaay taps on his shoulder....Omkara looks on...
Shivaay : Where you going bro?
Omkara : Shivaay....Gauri ...
Omkara says gazing sorrowfully Gauri's retreating figure behind anika....
Shivaay almost chuckled to look at Omkara's condition....
Shivaay : Chill bro , your wifey won't anywhere ...
Omkara : But Shivaay What is the need to bring away Gauri ....
Omkara frowns...
Shivaay : Anika brings her to do something important...
Omkara : Important?
He asked with raised eye brows
Shivaay : Yes something important today is very important night for someone ....
Omkara : important night....
He said while his mind travel to his wildest imaginations....
He gulped thinking about all those scenes which came  into his mind ...
Shivaay's snaps bring him out of his imagination....
Shivaay : Are you planning to do everything in your imagination or will you keep some to do in room too ?
Omkara smile sheepishly knowing that Shivaay has caught his thoughts ....

Meanwhile Aniri ....
Anika brought her infront of  Omkara's room.
Gauri : Bhabhi what we are doing here ? Infront of his room...
Anika : His room ...
Anika repeats in teasing tone...
Gauri scowls...
Anika : You stand here ...
Gauri : Why Bhabhi ?
Anika : Just one Sec.. I will be back ...
Gauri just nods ...
Anika left from there ...
Gauri starts to fidgeting the edge of her veil...
Her foots were tapping the floor ....
She could feel her own beats...
Gauri feel restless standing infront Omkara's room ...even though he is not there ...

Gauri POV
You damn heart! Can you stop thinking about him at least for a Sec ! For god sake ! Arghhhh are definitely death of me Omkara !
While Gauri murmured under her breath ...
Anika came back with a glass of milk.... and passed it to Gauri ..

Gauri look at the glass of milk....
Gauri : Bhabhi What is the need to this ? and what is this ?
Anika : This is milk mixed with crushed almonds, peppers , honey and safrons...
Gauri : What ! And what is this for ? And for who?
Anika : What you mean by for who and for what ? For you and Omkara go inside and wait for Omkara ...
Gauri's eyes grow wider....
Gauri : What ? Wait inside ? For Omkara ? Why should I !
Anika : Then who else you want to wait if not for Omkara ? What kind of question is this Gauri ? Don't know you today is your wedding night ? And you suppose to wait for groom inside the room in the movie Gauri....the bride sits on the middle of the Bed with veil on and wait for the groom . And don't tell me you don't watch movie ?
Gauri : Haan Bhabhi I know about it but why I need to go inside ? This wedding ...
Anika got irritated and cut her off .
Anika : Gauri  can you stop bombarding me with questions....take this ...go inside freshers up and wait for Omkie...
Before Gauri want to say something...she been pushed inside the room....
Anika open the door little ....
Anika : And Gauri don't forget the Veil...put the veil on...only Omkara should lift down the veil ....
Saying this she close the door back never give any chance for Gauri to speak back .

Gauri is hell annoyed !
Gauri POV ...
What the hell is happening !
The wedding ! The rituals and now these !
What they are thinking of their self!
This is the limit  for this so called fake wedding !
What am I doing here ! Are they out of their mind ! Why the heck i need to wait for Omkara here ! I'm not the real bride Are they out of their mind !  !
They asked me to become substitute!
Yes I agreed for the sake of papa and Omkara...The wedding fine as there is reporters are watching but the griha pravesh..the  Aeki Baki game and now this ...what the heck ! There is limit for everything!
Why they are still pretending as there is no one watching ! Why they are moving on this drama ! And why I have been pushed in here ...his room as the first place !  Gauri clench her fist in anger !

Let me try to open the door ...
Gauri tried to open the door knob....but failed...
Anika  : Gauri stay inside quietly ...the door won't be opened till Omkara give us our demand .
Gauri : What !
Prinku : Haan Gauri Bhaiya need to bribe us in order to enter the room.
Gauri's eyes grew wider...

Gauri POV
What is happening !

She tries to eavesdrop...

Meanwhile On the other side of the door...
Prinku and Anika standing infront of the door blocking Omkara from getting it .

Anika: Omkara is you wants to go inside have to agree to our demand...
Prinku : Haan Bhaiya if not we won't let you in.
Omkara frowns.
Omkara : Bhabhi What is this ? Prinku you too?
Anika and Prinku gave their widest smile...
Omkara shook his head...
If only they know how much I want to go inside and see her...he thought..
Omkara let out heavy sigh ....
Shivaay : Just give in Omkara ...not good to let Gauri wait for too long ..
Shivaay is right...she must be waiting for me plus she must be very tired too...
Omkara : Fine ! What you want Prinku ?
Prinku : IPhone X !
Omkara : What ? But you already using the latest model !
Prinku : Yes But IPhone X is the latest
Omkara : Fine ! Order it...I will pay for it !
Omkara said in annoyed tone !
Then he look at Anika ...
Omkara : Bhabhi how about you ? What you want ?
Anika : I doesn't want anything as I have everything that I ever wanted..
She said while eyeing Shivaay ...
Omkara get confused ..
Omkara : Then What is your demand Bhabhi ...
Anika : My demand is that and Shivaay will choose your honeymoon destination.
Hearing honeymoon word made Omkara blush little .
Anika : Is my Devar blushing ?
Omkara : Bhabhi no! I'm not !
Omkara tries to cover ...
Looking at Omkara 'S condition Shivaay decide him help him out.
Shivaay : Okay Guys cut the crap , let him in..Gauri must be waiting for him...
Anika and Prinku nods and move away from the door...
Shivaay : Good luck bro...
Shivaay pats on his shoulder ....
Anika and Prinku just smile and show his thumbs up.
Omkara heart starts to pounding ...he took a deep breath and open the door ...and went inside...

Hey guys this the continual which I promised you guys yesterday....hope you guys like it...
Good night lovelies ...
Silent readers please vote ....

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