Chapter 50

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Omkara took a deep breath and slow open the knob...

Meanwhile , Gauri who was standing behind the door ...stumps a little when she saw someone tries to open the door...

Gauri POV
It's him!

Without wasting time , she quickly cover her head with ghungat (veil)..and sits on the middle of the bed with her knees near to her chest .

Omkara gets in and slowly close the door.
He placed his hand on his chest in attempt to calm down his shuddering heart....
Calm down Omkara ...calm down ...he reminds him self mentally.....

He looks up....
he looks at his room light which has been dimmed ...he could smell the lavender scented candle which has been lit up and smell so heavenly ...
He inhale the smell and let breath out ...
It some how made him calmer...
Then he saw his bed.....
Which been decorated with white jasmine flower which been hanged so beautifully from the top....
Then his eyes fall on the one who sitting on the middle of the bed...the one in red...the one owner of his heart...his soul...his everything...his gauri....

He slowly advanced towards the bed.

Gauri's heart were pounding like never she saw Omkara is advancing towards her .

She gulped her saliva when she saw him sitting beside her (he sits on the edge of the bed actually ).

Omkara eyes fall on Gauri 'S toes....
His lips curved up...
When He saw how restless is she when he saw her moving her toes fingers .

But what caught his attention was her hand which she rested on her leg( it's on her thigh)

His heart insists his to touch feel hold it....
Without wasting time , he slowly move his hand and place it on her hand....
It's shivers both of them as they feel a current shock been send down through their spine .

Unable to stand the sensation...Gauri withdraw her hand from his hold with rapid swifts.

Afraid Omkara might pull her hand back ...
She locked it with another hand.

Omkara : Gauri I know you are me I am too...
He hold her shoulder only he shrugged away by Gauri.
Omkara confused with her behaviour.
He looked at her curiously.
Omkara : Gauri ...
He called her softly...
Gauri : You have to uplift my veil and complete the last ritual Omkara .
Omkara : Oh ya.. that ritual told me...
With smile Omkara lift her veil down....
He got lost into that brown orbs....

Gauri could feel the touch of his finger of her his finger slight brush on her neck when he lift her veil down...his warm breath were fanning on her face...
Her heart were pounding harshly ...she could hear her own heart beat...

I notice him watching me ...
The way he staring at me was different ...
It was the look that you give at the trophy that you have just won...but more lovingly and adoringly....

His trances were broke when he heard her saying ...

Gauri : So should I lay down now so that you can do your deeds?
Hearing this from Gauri made Omkara paused for a moment .
But when he saw her Laying down on the bed.
He his eyes grew wide and he jerked up from the bed.
Gauri : Why you get up ? Come Omkara...
She glared at him with so much coldness which made Omkara winced inside .

Omkara : What are you doing ? What's wrong with you Gauri ?
He asked looking at her menancing look.

Gauri get up from the bed and stand infront of him...looking straight into his eyes...

Gauri : You asking me what's wrong with me ? You tell me what's wrong with you Omkara ! Since the wedding is done ! All the ritual been done ! As only this left , why don't you complete this one too!
She said in almost yelling tone.

His eyes grew wider and looked directly into hers .
Omkara couldn't decipher the meaning behind her question.

Omkara : What is wrong Gauri ? Everything was so perfect...our wedding ...

Gauri : Our wedding ?
She let out sarcastic laugh....
She continue ...

Gauri : Which wedding ? You call it wedding Omkara ? That so called wedding that you guys made me as substitute! I'm just your fucking substitute Omkara ! Don't tell me you don't remember that you are engaged and your bride went missing ! And I have been made as substitute to save you and your family from disgrace!
She said in icy tone anger burst throughout her body .

Omkara now understands that Gauri didn't know the truth of their wedding .
He exhaled sadly .

Omkara : Gauri you misunderstood...

Gauri signalled him to stop.

Omkara move towards her...cupped her cheeks and pulled her towards him gently....
Gauri tried to break his hold...
Omkara huffed under his breath....
He lift her chin up ...leaned up his dace ...and made her look into his eyes ...
She looked at his with her best glare ..while still trying to breaking the hold...

Gauri POV
How dare he ! How dare he to pull me and lock me in his arms like this !
What he thinks of himself !

Her thoughts were broken she felt his warm hands on her cheeks ...and the lift on her chin which guiding her to look up .
I look into his dark orbs...
They were something in his eyes....
There is Something that those eyes wanted to tell me ...

I look into her eyes ...
I could see confusion and anger is still mingling on those beautiful orbs which belong to mine .
I decide to give a moment before I tell her the truth behind our wedding .

They were paused for a moment.

He brush his thumb over her cheeks .
Gauri could feel her cheeks heating up .
Gauri give him stars asking what are you doing?

He lean near to her ear and
Omkara : You are not substitute Gauri never were one...
you were my bride all the way...Riddima was the substitute...she was the substitute ...
He said almost in whispering tone...

It took sometime for gauri to digest the word that she heard just now .
Her eyes grew wider...
She pushed him away with all might.

Gauri : What ...what you said ...
Her expression turn into complete anger and disbelief...

He advanced towards her ...
She raised hand to stop.
Omkara still advanced towards her despite her warning .

Gauri : Stop making this up Omkara !
She glunched.

Omkara : You think I'm making this up ? Why would I ? Gauri I have no time nor desire to make something up .
Saying this he pulled her closer to him .
She look at with anger shooting eyes and try to get away from his clutches...
But his hands were steel clamps on her waist .

Gauri : Get your hand off me now !
Omkara doesn't loosen his grip not even a bit.
Seeing Omkara not giving in...
She starts to rain punches on his chest...
Over and over ...
Omkara stay let her to calm down her anger
But little he doesn't know that seeing him like making her more angrier then before .
She increase the pressure of the punch .
When the punch hit direct bottom of his chest...she felt something.....
Omkara lips curved into small smile with lest unnoticed by Gauri ...
She stopped her punch and touch it....and rub it gently from top of his sherwani
To confirm her doubt...
When she unbutton the first 3 hooks of his sherwani...
Her tears stars to rolling from her eyes ...
When she saw what is underneath it...

As many requested, here you ...
Don't worry the fight is still on...
This is just half ...picture abhi baki hai mere dost...
Hope you guys like this ...
Can you guys guess what is that ?
If you guys are ardent reader of substitute...
I'm pretty sure guys can guess it right...let See ...who can guess it right...
Silent readers please vote
Good night lovelies 😌

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