Chapter 56

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"I will give you the chance Omkara"
She said while resting her forehead against his ....

He nodded ,unable to say anything....
They stay like that for sometime.....

"I need you Gauri" he paused ...
Gauri looks on....
Omkara runs his hand up to her face and ran it slowly across her left cheeks ...then he gently pushed the lose strand of hair which kept escaping behind her ears...

Omkara POV...
Her skin felt so soft under his touch ....
I wonder how her lips will feel like against mine ...
Even the thoughts of it ....too tempting ...
Realising what he had been thinking ...
Omkara mentally smack his head...what's wrong with you Omkara ....

Seeing his shaking his head...Gauri look at him dumbfounded....
"I will fix everything today Mrs.Gauri Omkara Singh" he whispered , his mouth were almost touching her neck ....

Even though he lips were barely touching ...
Gauri could feel her heart pacing out as it could burst anytime ....his warmth and touch feel so good till she doesn't want it to leave her body ...

"Gauri" he called her name softly almost whispering...
Gauri felt like her name sound so beautiful....

Gauri POV
What's wrong with you Gauri ....
Sound so beautiful? Are you serious? That's how he called you always are supposed to angry on him don't you ? And here you are melting over his little touch ?

Realising what she is doing ...Gauri immediately snapped ....and narrowed her eyes towards him ...

Today ? What about today ? She asked curiously...

Patience jaan ...patience you will know soon....once we are back home ...he said while his gaze dropped to her plumped lips...their lips were just a millimetre apart....
Gauri bit her lower lips realising their close proximity....
Omkara leans closer towards her....
gauri closed her eyes ...her heart were pounding ....
when he about to close the distance between their lips ...

Suddenly Omkara phone rings ....
It's brought them back to their senses....
Gauri quicky pushes him and runaway from there....

Shit! Omkara muttered angrily....
He took his phone from his pocket and get more angrier when he saw the caller ID...

Omkara : What is it Rudy?
Rudy : Hey Om , everything is ready ...when you and bhabhi will be coming ? And why you sound so angry? Do i interrupt something important? Were you in meeting Omkara ?

Omkara : Yes you did ! I almost kissed her and you just spoiled it !
Rudy : What ? Kiss ?
Omkara realised that he had spilled his own beans ...he smack his this hot news will be in every one's's will be hot selling piece of information...and this will Gauri make more angrier on him ...

Rudy : Om ? Are you still there ? You were telling me about kiss ...what is that all about ?
Omkara : I mean I almost kiss her in my dream...
Rudy : Om are you okay ? You even started to dream at day time ? We have to fix this soon ...I don't want to send my only friend to mental asylums...

Omkara : Yeah I will fix thing soon....what mental asylum! I should send you there first !
Rudy : If you send me there ...I will bring you Along with me ...buddy
Omkara : Don't even think about it even in your dreams...
Rudy : Well my bro ..,I don't think so know me well enough....
Omkara : Yeah yeah I know very about , now cut the crap...
Rudy : Which crap I should cut mere bhai ?
Omkara slapped himself ....
Omkara : Bye rudy calls ...see you shortly ...
He cut the call and walk towards his office ....
Rudy : What ! He cut me off just like that ? It's true what people says , After marriage friend become stranger ...
He said with fake sob.

Meantime Gauri ....
Gauri was feeling so restless ....
Thinking about their encounter a moment ago ...
Her thoughts were broken by footsteps ....

It's was Omkara ....
She immediately turn her gaze down to avoid contact ....
Omkara smirk looking at her flushed face .

Omkara : Gauri ...
Gauri : Hmm...
Omkara : We will be leaving in another 2 hour ...
Gauri : But Office hour end at 6 and now only 2...
Omkara : We will leaving at 4... and I have already Shivaay know ....
Gauri : But
Omkara : Who is the boss here Gauri ?
Gauri : You ...
Omkara : We will be leaving at 4 and that's final...

Gauri :Nandhi bel singh Oberoi
Omkara : I heard you ...
Gauri : No sir I was just praising you ...
Omkara : Yes I heard that praise ...thank you
Gauri smile sheepishly...flashing her teeth...

Omkara : I'm not sponsoring or producing any toothpaste advertisement Gauri ...if you done flashing your may resume work.
Saying this Omkara quicky cover his face with magazine ...his cupped his mouth to control his laughter from bursting out .

Gauri frowned ...
She wanted to say something but she decide to stay mum and continue her work....

Omkara who was expecting counter attach from his tigress ...feeling surprised when he received none ....
He peep through the magazine ....
Gauri was having laptop on her lap...her one hand was on keyboard and another hand holding pencil....
Omkara eyes stick the pencil....his eyes follows the pencil...
Gauri kept the on her lips and bit the edge pencil ...
Omkara gulped his thoughts wandered some where else ....
Calm down Omkara he said to himself ....
Then he continued looking at her ....
She is so cute when he saw her expression kept changing ....he loved it especially when her eyes grew wide with Suprise or while she pouting ....damn Gauri ...I could watch you forever my love ....

Gauri who could sense his gaze on her ....
Gauri : Stop peeking sir ....
Om: What ? Peeking me ?
He startled....
Gauri : Yes Omkara sir ...I know very well what you are doing...
Omkara : Who said I'm looking at you ? I'm running through company magazine....
Omkara tried to protest ...
Gauri stand up and walk towards him...
And stand right infront of his table .. ...
Omkara gulped....
Gauri : I didn't know that people at abroad read magazine up side down ...
Omkara look at the magazine ....he was holding it up side down ....
Realising that he had been caught red handed ...
He adjust the book and smile sheepishly at Gauri who is already scowling at him....
Omkara you are dead meat ...he murmured under his breath .

Gauri was about to  say something...but there is knock on the door ..
Hearing the knocking sound ...Omkara sighed in relief ...

It's was Shivaay ....
Shivaay : Om ...Gauri ...are you guys ready ? We have to leave now ....
Omkara quickly run and stand behind Shivaay ....
Omkara : Yes yes we are are ready ...
Looking at Gauri who still glaring who still glaring at om ...he dee curios .....
Shivaay : Is everything okay guys ? Gauri ? Om? What you did this time Om ? Why Gauri looking at you like hungry tigress who will swallow you anytime ?
Omkara : I swear I never did anything wrong Shivaay ...ask your beloved  sister ...why she always look at me like that ...
Omkara shrugged his shoulder ...
As Shivaay face turned towards Gauri ...Omkara smirks...
Gauri : Bhaiya he ...
Shivaay : Okay Guys can continue your tom Jerry right in your bedroom....we need to leave now ...we are running out of time....
Gauri : But why Bhaiya ? Why we are leaving early ?
Shivaay : There will be an important event will be held at o Mansion today ...
Gauri : Event ? What kind of event ?
Shivaay : Uffo Gauri ...yaar you talk to so will know as soon as we reach OMansion...let's go now ...

They leave office immediately....
The journey to O Mansion was very silent one ....
Neither any of them talk.....

When they about to reach OMansion ....
Gauri could see there any many reporters and media people who gathered infront of Gate ...
She wonder why they are doing here ? At this time ....

Gauri : Bhaiya...the media people ...what are they doing here ? Are you gonna launch something ?
Shivaay chuckled .
Shivaay : Not me But Omkara gonna launch something ..
Gauri : But want he want to launch ? Is there any deal that I was not aware of ?
Shivaay : No Gauri ....
Gauri : Then what he is launching ?
She asked out of curiosity...
Shivaay : Maybe he want to launch himself ....
Gauri : What ?
Omkara chortle....
Seeing him doing that's annoys here .
Shivaay : Gauri will know soon....
Khanna has cleared the route for them to enter O Mansion....
Gauri eyes grew wide when she saw .....

Precap : Hi guys ....
I know everyone is baffled and bemuse see the beautiful lady beside me....
Before I get into the details of our marriage ...let me tell you how we actually end up getting married .

Hi guys writing after very long time ...
Sorry if it's not good as expected .
Hope you guys like it
Silent readers please vote .

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