Chapter 57

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Well I think this going to be a very long one ...Guys please be seated .
Omkara request everyone to be seated ...

(Gauri and Omkara looks)

He took Gauri's hand on his .

He took a deep breath...and said
Gauri this is for you my love ...
He said and lean close to her....
You look so beautiful tonight ....
He said in husky voice makes her knees grow weak.
He winked at gauri .
Gauri could feel her heart started to pounding and rosy shades started to adorned her cheeks.

I know everyone is baffled and bemuse see the beautiful lady beside me....
Before I get into the details of our marriage ...let me tell you how we actually end up getting married .

I first 'met' my wife when she was 3 years old. I was 8 that time mom took me for shopping, while we were out , she received call , I don't actually remember it's from who ..."mom it's from who?"
He asked looking at Jhanvi ...
Jhanvi : It's was from Pooja
She said with smile .
I was disappointed when mom told that we have to leave now , I want to demur but mom's one angry glare made me quite .
But I was so curios , what is the phone call about and why need to leave immediately like this .
Curiosity was eating my head up .

RB stopped the car in-front of Pooja ma house , I look at mom...I wonder why she look so excited and not only that she was beaming with happiness .

Om: mom why are here ?
Jhanvi : To meet someone special ...
Om : someone special ? Who is that ?
Jhanvi : will know soon
Mom brought me inside the house .

It's was decorated all pink .
I saw Pooja was sitting with a toddler on her hand rushed towards her .
I was running behind sit beside Pooja and carried .

Jhanvi : Pooja she is so beautiful
I heard mom said ...
I sit beside mom and take a look at her ...
I know I'm too young that time ...then no one ever is mature enough to understand the intricacies of love but trust me my heart so skipped a beat when I saw her. The same way it's does when I look at her .... even now ....
She was so pretty and those beautiful brown hazel eyes captives me..
At that time ,I could hear my own heartbeat...ever since then neither she leave my mind nor my heart...

We started to grow up as well as my feelings for her ...I used to watch her from far ...she was growing into beautiful girl , she was different ...
You were crazy Gauri ! You are the most bravest , scariest , selfless and kindest person I know ,there will never be another one like you .
Billions of people will come and go in this world ,but there will never be another like you .I bet you guys can never came across a special girl like her .

She become my sister Priyanka's bestie ,
Which gave me more access to see her more often at my place...and I always end up looking at her all the time . She not only  managed to capture my heart but the heart of my whole family ....she was very special to all us .

It's was going all well , then one day my dad dropped bomb on my head ...that I have to leave abroad for studies ...when he gave me that news , my mind automatically thinks of her chest was to ache by the thoughts that I have to be away from her . It's was not easy , I retaliate and protested managed to Convince me but somehow she did ...
She convinced me to go that my heart screaming and forcing me to tell my feelings to her but I know she was young that time to understand even if I confess .
With heavy heart I agree to go ...there was a reason behind my leaving .
I told her to wait for me.

What was the reason ?
One of the reporters asked.

Well if one day if my dad disowned me , I would still have my education to support me .

Why will he do that ? Why Mr.Tej will disown his one and only son ?
There was another question rise from the crowd .

All the attention turns towards Tej,
I will answer that .
Omkara said turning the attention towards his again.

Well , guys cool I was just kidding , there were no such issue . We never face any objections from our both of our family .

Tej was not able to gaze up at Omkara as he was feeling guilty over his act .
Few days ago , when Jhanvi told him everything...he was angry when he got know but later on he regrets over the pain which he caused not only to Omkara and Gauri but to his family too. He was not cunning ,  Omkara wouldn't be distance himself from him, and this wedding won't be done in secrecy.
He Feel shame of himself .
Jhanvi who stand beside Tej notice the changes of expression on Tej face and pressed his hand lightly.
He smiled  with towards her , Jhanvi reciprocates.
They shift their focus towards Omkara .

Well the secret let it between me and gauri ....
Our journey of love was touch row to hoe..
For 7 years we distanced ourself without any sort of communication between us , in these 7 years I never communicated with gauri so do her .Well I have my own way to get info about her and thanks to my sister Prinku for that , Despite that ,Gauri waited for me ....sincerely and loyally.
And I grateful for it my love, thanks for trusting me and my word ...I often feel bad thinking that I was not around by your side to protect you and comfort you . I promise to repay back all the moments with interest.
He said with wink.

Gauri blushed .

Coming to our wedding ,
Well don't be surprised if I say , Gauri has no idea that she is the bride .

What ?
The crowd voice out .

Yes Gauri was not aware that she is my bride ...she was thinking she was the substitute for Riddima as Riddima went missing .

So it's was true that Riddima went missing ?
Question arise from the crowd.

I was not missing , but. I Left to make way for the person who is rightful for the place ...the person who have all the rights to become Mrs Omkara .

Camera shifted to the place where the voice came from.
It's was none other than Riddima .
Riddima came and join Omkara at the stage .

Everyone was shocked to see her .
Even Gauri ...

My marriage with Omkara was fixed for the benefit our business , it's was nothing more than that . Then I got know that Omkara was in love with gauri do I...I mean with someone else ...
Since we doesn't want to hurt our elders ...our parents ...we came out with plan. We executed it and that's how Gauri become Mrs Omkara Singh Oberoi .

After Congratulating the couple ,Riddima left the stage

I don't want to talk about the plan...
Well I don't mind you guys want to spends sitting here for another few days .

The crowd laughed .

Looking at Gauri .
He said ...

Now Gauri ,
Gauri you are beyond compare and the love I has for you can't be replaced. We will meet and meet and meet lots of people in our lifetime. But never we'll be able to meet the same type of person who could make us feel the way we feel for the other. There's always going to be someone who is the exception to the rule.
For me you are the person My Gauri .. If anyone asked me to define love, I would say love is you. Why? Because you give me your all & only love can do that! I promise to love you and cherish you forever. I Just want to Thank you for bringing out the best in me. And thank you for believing in me and the most important thank you for loving me gauri .

Gauri tears were rolling down on her cheeks ...
Omkara cups her face and wipes her tears  away...

Gauri hugged him....

Omkara wrap his arms around her ....
He kissed her forehead head...

The crowd go awww seeing it .

Guys let me introduce...The love of My Life ...My Wife ...Mrs Gauri Omkara Singh Oberoi ....

I know I took little much time of yours but this confession very much needed .

Love I presume, is something so magical. It has no bounds. It's endless. It's infinite. Even if we get hurt couple of times, at some point, we still find courage to love again. We spend half of our lives searching for the right one. Searching for that special person we could finally say the words we've been wanting to say and hear the words we've been wanting to hear. Someone who could make us the hero or heroin of our own story. Someone whom we can share our ups and downs, our hopes and sorrow. Someone who will stay. Someone who will love us who we are without expecting us to meet their standards. Because there is no standards in true love. It doesn't matter what status you're in. It doesn't matter what the world would say about you two. The world is such a big place and is full of people with wary eyes.
In the end, it's you and him or you and her that matters.
Yes, to love is to be vulnerable too. Because you're giving someone the power to hurt you and the power to make it better. Needless to say, we shouldn't be afraid about it. Be brave.
WE ALL DESERVED TO LOVE AND TO BE LOVED IN RETURN. Love has many forms. Love should be unconditional.

I don't know how this has been turned I write in the office ...hope you guys like it ....
Silent readers please vote .

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