Chapter 12.5 ~ ENZO

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              The glass of cognac in my hand might break if I squeeze it any tighter. After what Augusta said at the charity event, and the rift it created between Mara and me... I can't get over the look in her eyes—the way she stared like a wounded bird, too scared for me to tend to her broken wing. 

All I want is to hold Mara and tell her I would never let any harm come to her.

And it's the truth.

Which is why I need my uncle to confess his sins.

As soon as Mara drove away from my apartment, I headed straight for the prohibition-themed lounge, where he and Carmine like to go. They always reserve the cigar room, so I told the hostess I was meeting them, and she led me straight to the private room where I now wait for them.

"Would you like another, Mr. Esposito," the waitress asks, her sparkly flapper dress glinting under the dim chandelier light. 

"Yes, thank you," I reply, but my eyes are glued to the door.

Off to the side, the bartender shakes up a drink, causing the ice cubes to slap back and forth inside the mixing tin. It must mean my uncle and Carmine have entered the building and are being escorted over here since they pay extra to have their drinks ready upon arrival. 

I gulp back the rest of my cognac and wipe my mouth with a grimace.

Old Sammy Costello has some explaining to do.

The cigar room door finally opens and in walks the hostess with the men of the hour right behind her. However, they're not alone. Two bubble-gum-chewing women, giggle on their arms, which is a surprise because the one with Carmine certainly isn't his wife Jeannie. It's odd how these men boast about loving their wives, yet find every opportunity to entertain a pretty stranger that bats their lashes at them.

"Enzo?" My uncle cocks his brows. "What are you doing here, kid?" 

"Paying you a visit." I loosen my cuff links and roll my sleeves.

"Shouldn't you be at that charity ev—"

But I don't allow him to finish his sentence. Skyrocketing to my feet, I snatch him by the collar and shove him against the nearest wall. The women jump back with a gasp.

"Whoa, Enzo, take it easy," my uncle says.

"Did you have Mara attacked!?" I bark in his face.

"No! Now get your hands off me."

"I don't believe you." I squeeze his collar tighter, and Carmine tries to intervene.

"Kid, listen—"

"Stay out of it!" I growl over my shoulder, then focus back on my uncle. "What did you do?"

"Nothing. Why the hell would I have your little girlfriend touched?" He shoves. "Now, let go of me!"

"Augusta Abramovitz says otherwise."

"Fuck that cunt," my uncle sneers. "She'll say anything to get her way. The better question is, what does she want from you?"

"She wanted me to tell you to back off of Lucas, who happens to be Mara's brother."

My uncle laughs, "Looks like I got under her skin..."

"This isn't funny!" I wedge my forearm under his neck. "Why did you have Mara attacked?" 

"Enzo, take it easy. That's your uncle." Carmine tugs my elbow. 

"Oh, I'm fully aware he's my blood, but is he aware?"

"Of course I am," my uncle says. "You're my sister's kid."

I jab my finger in his face. "When you hurt Mara, you hurt me."

"For the last time, I didn't touch her!"

"No, but you paid someone to do it, didn't you?"

"No! Now let go of me." He shoves again.

"Seriously, Enzo, why would your uncle do that?" Carmine says. 

"Then who did?" 

"Think about it." Carmine rests his hand on my shoulder. "The Abramovitz family is full of manipulative snakes who will say and do anything to get their way. We haven't been able to prove it, but we know it was Augusta's father who put a hit on your dad. So, you can't trust a word she says."

"Is that true?" I glare at my uncle.

"Our families have a long history with the Abramovitz and I know they killed your father, just like how I know they put me behind bars so they could take back the territory." 

I finally release my uncle and adjust his collar back into place. "If I find out you're lying to me..."

"I'm not. I didn't touch Mara. I'm a lot of things, Enzo, but I'm no woman beater. The part about Lucas is true though. I am using him to get under Augusta's skin. He's her little pet and nothing would anger her more than getting him on my side."

"Your side?" I bark. "What the hell is going on? What are you two up to?"

My uncle exchanges a glance with Carmine, then says, "It's best we keep you in the dark, kid."

"Please don't tell me you're going back to the life you left behind."

"Truthfully, we never left it," Carmine says. 

"Guys like us never do," my uncle adds with a shrug. "Listen, Enzo." He places both hands on the sides of my face, the cold metal of his pinky ring nipping my cheek. "What happened here is all water under the bridge, alright? I promise I would never harm your little girlfriend. I know you're in love with her."

I jerk away. "I am not."

"Yeah, ok." He pats my cheek. "By the way, how did she like the Mini Cooper I helped you pick out?"

"She... uh... she loved it." I run a hand through my hair, still processing what my uncle said.

"Come on, give me a hug." He pulls me in and kisses my forehead. "I love you, kid. So, let's squash this misunderstanding."

"I... love you, too."

"Can we get a drink for this hopeless romantic?" My uncle addresses the waitress while pointing at me, then returns to his date by guiding her to one of the couches.

Carmine squeezes my shoulder with a hearty laugh, "Glad we cleared things up, kid."

"Yeah, me too..." I rub the back of my neck.

"We've all been there, Enzo. Women do that to us. Especially the one's that burrow deep." He taps my heart. "Anyway, have you reached out to my daughter? If anyone can help you get to the bottom of the attack, it's her."

"Yeah, I did."


"And Noelle hasn't gotten back to me."

"She will," he assures. "Now, let's all relax and take a load off. It's been a long week."

Part of me believes my uncle, but there is still doubt as I sink into the nearest chair and sip another drink. An hour later, I exit the lounge and step into the cool night air. It fills my lungs on a long inhale, and when I release it, my chest feels as empty as my heart does.  

Confronting my uncle didn't solve anything. Now I have more questions. On top of it all, none of it changes the fact that Mara left because she wants distance from me, which hurts like fucking hell. She's probably at home crying, and there is nothing I can do except give her the time she needs to feel safe with me again. 

So, that's what I'll do.

In the meantime, I won't give up on finding out who attacked my tiny dancer, and why. 

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