✨ Chapter 1 ✨

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"Ugh! Why is college so hard?!" There were 4 women in the living room of their shared apartment working on assignments and notes from that day. A brunette flops back on the couch dramatically while the other 3 were looking at her pathetic whining with no care.

"You can always drop out." The silvernette of the group tells her as she continues to write. The whining girl gasps at her response. "Suga-chan! Why would I ever if I need a degree to go big! Besides, my parents would totally curse me out if I did. " She complains, shedding fake tears while a girl with pudding like hair sighs at her childishness.

"Can we just go back to work? I really don't want to save this until later cause you know I'll forget about it." They all nodded and went back to work.

Several minutes later, they were completely finished and tired out from all that stress. They laid on the floor, sighing while enjoying the cool feeling of the floor. None of them talked until a curly noire defeatedly said, "I need a drink." All nod in agreement.

"Then why not go to a club? I know a friend who went there and had a blast." The brunette, Oikawa, suggested, at least she knows someone who had experience, so it can't be that bad. It was the only option they had since the rest of them said nothing nor objected. They wanted to get wild tonight. "Alright, who's gonna drive us home?" The silvernette, Sugawara, asked. They can't just ask someone to drive them home, what if they're vulnerable and they take advantage?

"Not it!"

"Not it!"

"Not it."

"Not- damn it."

The pudding head, Kenma, was stuck with the job to drive them home. They gathered their school related stuff and cleaned up their small coffee table. They walked into their separate rooms and await the night where they would party hard.


It was finally 10 pm and they were dressed up classy and pretty. They stepped out of their rooms one by one, in their own fashion.

Oikawa can out first with a strappy teal dress that reaches halfway her thighs wearing white 6in heels. Her makeup was a light blue shade eyeshadow and mascara with lipgloss. She checked herself out in the small hallway mirror, absolutely adoring herself.

Sugawara was next, coming out with a white set of a long sleeved shoulder cut and a tight skirt that almost reached her knees wearing ankle covering 4in heels. She had a natural glow from her foundation and blush with lipgloss also.

"Suga-chan, you look so cute! White totally suits you!" Oikawa compliments. Sugawara giggles as she spins herself around in the mirror, gazing at her outfit with adoration. "You don't look half bad yourself, those legs are gonna kill everyone once they see!" She smiles at her.

Kenma was reluctant to come out, but eventually walked out with a short sleeved red dress and flats, not putting on much makeup as there was no need to if she wasn't going to impress anyone. She's really not a big fan of loud noises.

"You know Kenma, if you don't want to go, it's perfectly fine." Sugawara assures, sensing her uncomfortableness from her. "No, no, it's fine. You guys know I'm not a big fan of crowds." She waves it off and proceed to drink away her uneasiness.

"You can stay by the bar at least."

The curly noire, Akaashi, was the last one out wearing a simple tight black dress while showing shoulders and black glittery 4in pumps. She also went with a natural glow with a few specs of black here and there on the eyeshadow.

"You know, we can turn our relationship into a friends to lovers mutual pinning 100k words fic." Blurted out Sugawara randomly.

"Honestly, I wouldn't mind that."

Oikawa groans, annoyed. "Not you two platonic flirting again. Next thing you know, i'll find y'all cuddling while watching clueless again!"

"It's a great movie, you whore! And her breasts are the best damn pillows ever!"

"Wow, thanks for saying that about my tits-"

"Can we just go now?" Kenma interrupts, impatiently waiting to get a move on.

"Let's go!"


After pulling up outside the entrance, they 4 ladies, dressed in all of their glory, cut the line to reach the bouncer in the front. Of course, everyone was pissed and miffed about their sudden appearance. "ID's?" ...Fuck...They forgot about that. How are they going to go in now?

"How about we just go in and you don't have to see them?" Oikawa jokingly reasoned with him. The bouncer was having none of it and closed the velvet door. "Sorry ma'am, ID or no entry."

She bit her cheeks as she slowly removes the right strap of her dress. "Well maybe there's another way?" She winked at him. His stone cold face didn't change at all. "I'm happily married." He shuts her down and shows off his wedding ring.

"Fuck, my least favorite."

The girls huddled up to find another way inside.

"Maybe we can sneak in from the back?" Sugawara proposes. She noticed a small yet passable window at the back before. Akaashi shakes her head though. "Heard they're connected to a drug extension, no way are they going to allow us in if they think we're going to steal." They drop that idea.

"Maybe we can just go home and get our ID's?" Kenma bluntly suggests. Oikawa groans. "And be forces the back? No way sister." She declines. They all continue brainstorming ideas until Akaashi releases herself from the huddle. "I may have an idea."

She walks up to the bouncer, seemingly serious. "ID?" He asks. "Of course, I have it right..." She starts, sounding flirtatious, before kicking him in the balls and when he doubles over in pain,  punches him in the face. Hopefully, that'll keep him down for a while.

"Come on!" She calls out to them, running quickly inside so as to not get caught by anymore security. The rest followed along.

"Didn't think it would work."

"Heels are a menace to everyone..."



Once they reached inside, they were greeted with a dimmed area. It was lit with colorful lights and effects, loud music everyone was dancing to and leather booths for people to rest on or make out with their catches. They all stared at awe while making their way to the bar.

"Hola señoras! Care for a hit?" A bartender with a hispanic accent greets them and passes four shots of Melon ball before walking away. They each took their own shot and looked with curiosity, it was a new type of alcohol they have never heard much before. "Well, bottoms up!" All clinked their drinks together and chugged.

"Mmmm, taste like melon!" Sugawara comments, it has a fruity smell but it was mostly melon that was prominent. "At least it doesn't fuck up my nose, though the aftertaste is horrible." Oikawa called in another bartender who passes them a bottle of alcohol for free.

"¿No tenemos que pagar?"

"No need, todo gratis para damas guapas!" He winks while compliments and takes his leave. "Pretty privilege." They all collective said. Oikawa smirks while uncapping a bottle of what looked like Mezcal, a Mexican beverage.

"I dare someone to drink this whole bottle. " she dares, finishing unscrewing the strong bottle. The smell reaches to everyone's noses and causes Kenma's sensitive nose to catch wind and make her tear up. "Ken-chan's out. It's between you two!" She passes the drink to Sugawara and Akaashi, both look at each other with uncertainty.

"If you drink it, I'll do chores for 2 weeks." Sugawara betted, Akaashi contemplates on the bet before shrugging and quickly chugs the whole bottle. "Chug, chug, chug!" People surrounded her as she downs the whole beverage with quick ease, though the burning sensation in her throat is doing wonders.

"Fuck! That was strong!" She raises the now empty bottle in the air as everyone with them cheers for her.  Done with her high, she dumps the bottle in the trash.

"Okay who's next?"


"Good lord, I hate it here." Kenma was leaning against the counter of the bar as she witnesses her friends crowded yet dancing on other people on the dance floor. Oikawa was close to passing out while those bumbling BFF's were shaking their hips sensually to the songs.

"¿¡Ayo, es eso Shakira?! Y está tocando 'La Biciclecta?" Someone shouts from the middle as everyone screams for the familiar song.

Did they forget to mention this was ethically a Hispanic club? You would think Oikawa would have told them, but nope. Guess they should have known from the music in the beginning. Everyone instantly started to bust down to the beat and rubbed off on each other. Good thing Kenma's not in that clusterfuck.

La que yo guardo donde te escribí! ¡Que tu sueño y que quiero tanto!" Everyone shout-sang the lyrics to the song on blast, bouncing up and down. Even those two started to dance on each other and screamed.

They eventually moved, drunk and all, to the VIP section on the upper floor of the club. It was a lot more cleaner than the messy common level. "¿Entrar?" Said the security for that floor. The both sighed at another bouncer they had to deal with and he was a lot more buffer than the last one. "Can you please let us in, mister?" They slurred their words but it was still comprehendible what they said.

"Vamos." Is all he said before opening up the small line, allowing them in. They cheered in joy and rushed inside. It was the same as the lower floor, but it was filled with gold and red velvet texture more than anything. The lighting was slightly brighter but was still covered by saturated lights and everybody looked more rich and expensive here. Don't think they fit in here.

"Wanna hit the dance floor again?" Sugawara asked sloppily. Akaashi shook her head. "I think I'll stick to the bar." She points before staggeringly walking to one of the stools and sits down. She calls out a bartender and orders a few drinks. "Cuesta $500." What? She couldn't process the question but what he's saying is she can't fucking pay cause she's a broke college student. She whines and slams her head to the counter in pain.

"Aquí tienes." A random man in a suit pulls out 5 $100's from his wallet and passes it over to him.  Akaashi turns her head to see the mysterious payer for her drinks only to find a...

Holy shit, he's sexy as fuck.

He was wearing a grey business suit with his yellow tie untangled, his smooth gelled two-toned hair was glistening in the warm light and his eyes were a piercing gold. He looked more flushed than expected, either from the alcohol or the heat, maybe even both. "Gracias señor." The bartender thanks hun, collects the money and goes to make the drinks. He looks down at her weakened state, is he silently judging her for not being super rich?

"What's a beauty like you doing here?"

Akaashi couldn't understand the question fully, but heard beauty. "So you think I'm beautiful?" She says teasingly. He playfully scoffs then looks back at her.

"Anyone with a good pair of eyes can see that, princess."

After being sent 5 mojitos, she sips one while staring at the hot man in question. "Want a taste?" She passes up her cup to him. He declines, but moves forward to give a small kiss to her lips. "Delicious~." He licks his lips.

They both drink all 5 of them and are plastered. Sugawara was nowhere to be found and she's not so concerned about Oikawa and Kenma. Right now, Akaashi's concerned about who this guy was and why he hasn't taken her instantly. And what a fucking coincidence, Sin Pijama by Becky G starts playing.

Guessing tonight, she's gonna lose it.

The handsome hunk slowly takes off his suit, leaving him with his tight dress shirt that left nothing to imagination. Muscles and pecs galore, was absolutely loving this moment. She bites her lip as he leans back from the counter, over-watching the energetic partiers.

"Want to go dance?"

She smirks. "Sure." And proceeds to sit on his lap and grind herself on him to the rhythm, letting the music take her away.

"~Si tu me llamas, nos vamo' pa' tu casa. Nos quedamo en la cama, sin pijama, sin pijama~"

"Fuck do you know what you're doing to me, doll?" He murmurs lowly, making her feel the growing bulge in his pants. Akaashi licks her lips. "Trying to get you to fuck me? What else?" She answers seductively. The man chuckles at her boldness before harshly kissed her plump lips.

Their tongues rolled around in each other's mouths., their breaths hot and staggered. She moans into their kissing as he gropes her ass, wrapping her arms around his neck and her legs around his waist. He picks her up at the heat of the moment and carries her subconsciously into a private VIP room containing low lights, drawers filled with needed necessities and a clean king-sized bed.

Perfect for what they're about to do.

And just like that, they forget about the rest of the night...



Hola señoras. - "hellos madams."
¿No tenemos que pagar? - "no need to pay?"
todo gratis para damas guapas! - "all free for pretty ladies!"
¿¡Ayo, es eso Shakira?! Y está tocando 'La Biciclecta?! - "Ayo, is that Shakira?! And they're playing 'La Bicicleta'?!"
(Shakira - Hispanic singer, La bicicleta - the bicycle)
¿Entrar? - "enter?"
Vamos. - "come on."
Cuesta... - "cost..."
Aquí tienes. - "here you go."
Gracias señor. - "Thank you sir."
(Sin Pijama (without pajamas) is a sexual song by Becky G, though it's nice.)

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