💧Chapter 2💧

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It was the next day, 6:00 am with a blaring headache is not a position you want to be in right now. The alarm clock was buzzing and the morning birds were chirping their early tunes. None of that matters since all it was doing was annoying the fuck out of everyone. "Shut the fuck up!" One of the girls screamed peeved and smashed the clock to the floor, annoyed by its beeping.

Oikawa came into the room once hearing the loud alarm gone dead and sips her warm coffee, witnessing the aftermath of the massacre.

"Damn, what did that alarm clock do to you?"


She laughs it off. "Anyway, wake your gorgeous ass up. Classes start 8 for you." She continues to sip her coffee as she walks out the room. She was already dressed in her casual clothes, a white shirt covered by a cream colored cardigan with jeans and converse. God does she ever shut up? That was insulting but the headache was getting to her head.

Akaashi should really get out of bed.

She tries to sit up straight but her back started to sting a lot. She hisses at the pain, how did that happen? She slowly (yet painfully) got out of bed and walked to their shared bathroom. When she looked into the mirror, she noticed her bed head was a lot more messy than usual. Her complexion looked flushed like she was out of breath and her neck and shoulders were littered by hickeys and bite marks.

Okay what the fuck is going on? She doesn't remember getting any of this. And her pajamas? It was a large wrinkled white dress shirt that was sagging off her shoulder and was opened a little at the chest area. This is definitely not hers nor anyone else in this home. She may think it's Oikawa's since she is muscular but it's large by the shoulder blades too.

And what's with the wetness between her legs? Is she on her period and she never knew? But it's not her time of the month. She looks down. Her eyes widened, that was dripping down her legs which were also covered by love bites.

Don't panic.

Don't panic.

Don't panic.


Okay...Es tiempo de entrar en pánico.

Screaming could be heard behind the door.


The other three came into the bathroom in a rush after hearing the screams. Guessing that Kenma and Sugawara were awoken by her because Oikawa was the only one dressed. "What's wrong?!" They asked in unison. Akaashi could feel the headache worsen as her tears fell down her face onto the ground. Her breathing was heaved as she tried to inhale air.

Sugawara was the first to act, grabbing her best friend by the arm and pulling her to her chest , hugging her tightly and whispering comfort into her ears. "There there, you'll be okay. Nothing bad is going to happen while I'm here." She says motherly and wipes her away her tears as they are now overflowing. Kenma went to go get a tissue box for her to blow her nose.

Oikawa grabbed painkillers from their medicine cabinet to subside the pain that was tormenting Akaashi. "I made breakfast, want to go eat now?" Sugawara asked softly, still hugging her warmly. Akaashi couldn't talk over the struggle to breathe from the overwhelming tears so she just nod her head slowly. She blows out her nose as Sugawara leads her into their kitchen island, not letting go.

"Here, it's French toast. I learned it from a recipe online." She passes a plate of toast and fruit. The other two sat beside her, comfortingly rubbing her back and holding her hand to let her know they're here. It took a while, but Akaashi starts to eat her food. Enjoying the sweetness of the fruits and toast.  "Here some water." Oikawa passes a cup of water to Akaashi as she still holds the tablets.

It was silent for those several minutes, hearing hiccups and sniffles from their crying friend while they are their own breakfast. "I'm going to go shower. Stay with her, okay?" Sugawara cleans up the plates and walks to the bathroom. Kenma and Oikawa nod their heads and gaze at Akaashi, who was just mindlessly looking out of their apartment window.

"Want me to go get my switch?" Kenma asks, maybe it'll ease her mind if she played something entertaining. She just shakes her head though. They stayed silently watching her move around but still stay at her spot on their couch. It was a few minutes after that Sugawara comes back from showering, dressed with a small fluffy sweater and black leggings with flats. She looked solemnly at her state, she hadn't done anything besides drinking water and looked out into the distance. Her tears dried up on her cheeks.

Sugawara sits down with her. Bringing her into her arms again and rubs her body up and down comfortably. "Do you think you'll be able to go to campus?" At that time, Kenma went to go shower. Akaashi shakes her head softly, not in the mood to talk at all. "That's fine, dear. But, please promise me you'll tell us what's wrong later, okay?" She worries. No response comes from her. She sighs, but still hugs her and kisses her forehead lovingly.

"I'll get you the notes from class." Kenma walked back into their living room, where she was wearing a maroon hoodie and black sweats with black reeboks. She nods, silently thanking her as she goes back to her little window gazing.

It was 7:35 am when they grabbed their bags and waved goodbye to Akaashi. "Stay safe, alright?" Oikawa was the last one, giving her a tight squeeze and walked out the door to their home. Now, Akaashi's alone. What should she do now?

She should go shower.


Kenma was walking around campus grounds with a friend of hers. "And then Yamaguchi spilled all the juice on Kageyama! You should have seen the look on her face!" He was loud and energetic but it's sort of nice to have a friend who can energize you for the day with their voice and stories. Hinata kept talking about the experience in a cafe nearby. She, of course, listened, but she couldn't help reminisce about early morning.

The bite marks...


An unknown shirt...

And was that cum dripping down her legs?! That just made the situation even worse!

Kenma slowly thought of an answer though it was pretty obvious, she just doesn't want to believe it. You can never be too sure. She goes back to playing with her phone as Hinata goes back to his cafe story and laughing along while retelling it. He stops once he caught on to the atmosphere around Kenma.

"Are you alright? You aren't playing?" Hinata points out. She wasn't? Kenma ignores it and looks back to her phone screen. When did she search up pregnancy tests? First of all, it was way too early to call shots and second of all...

Why wasn't she on incognito?!

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