🍬Chapter 9🍬

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They were in shock at her words. She was really planning on continuing with the pregnancy. Had she ever considered abortion? "Are you serious?" Oikawa asked in disbelief. Akaashi nodded her head slowly. She was unsure herself about her decision but decided to go through with it.

"Have you ever consider-"

"Yes, I have." She interrupted, holding her stomach close. "I know I shouldn't and it might cost me in the future-" Kenma stood quiet, but couldn't keep her anger inside. "Then don't. No one is forcing you to." She says bluntly. She has always told things with no depth and truth, she can feel the guilt from her close friend and she was having none of it.

"But I-"

"No buts, you can have an abortion. No one here is going to stop you." Her voice raised a little than before and it was surprising all of them. "You shouldn't carry to make yourself repent, we aren't piteous." The other 2 stayed quiet knowing if they talk now, it'll really build to an argument.

"I get it but-"

"You're blaming yourself and you shouldn't, it's not your fault."

"But if I had just drank less-"

"That's your choice and someone took advantage of it, still isn't your fault."

"If I had just stayed with you-"

"You should have fun and be free, not your fault nor should I have to babysit. We're adults."

The more Akaashi tried to reason, the more angry Kenma got, breaking down her arguments and trying to make her understand. Sugawara sometimes would try to defuse the situation but is met with Oikawa pushing her aside, inferring to let them handle it. It escalates to Kenma actually yelling at Akaashi instead at her usual games.

"GODDAMIT KEIJI, GET THOSE MISOGYNISTIC STATEMNTS OUT YOUR HEAD AND LISTEN TO ME!" She grabs her cheeks with both her hands and slams their foreheads together. It may seem extreme, especially on Kenma's terms but she needed her to understand. "ITS NOT YOUR FAULT NOR WILL IT EVER BE YOUR FAULT! YOU WANTED TO DRINK AND THAT SHOULDN'T BE A DECISION YOU REGRET!" She shouts at her.

"ITS YOUR BODY AND WHOEVER SAYS NO SHOULD GO ROT IN HELL FOR ALL I CARE!" Akaashi cries at her words. It had been long since she heard those words, always being fed into that mindset since she was young. Maybe it was the assurance she needed in the first place.

"If anything it's my fault. " Oikawa says. She held her head down as Sugawara rubs her back comfortingly. "It was my idea to go to the club. If we never had, she wouldn't be in this predicament." She laments., tears stared to form. "It's not your fault either. We're young adults and we're crazy, no reason to restrict yourself all cause of some people." Sugawara assures while she herself starts to tear up.

It was a moment of silence for them all, but Kenma sighs. "Still, if you are so sure to conceive it. I won't stop you then either, it's your body after all." The other 2 nod at her understandingly. "Besides, if we think about it positively, that baby will be so cute!" Sugawara exclaims. "With their baby mama so beautiful, surely the baby will grow to be a great person!" She compliments.

Oikawa joins in reluctantly. "Yeah I guess...we can dress them in such pretty jumpers." Sugawara adds on. "And style their hair so prettily!" Those 2 giggled at their words. Akaashi still had her doubts, but Kenma joined their conversation. "Ugh, I can smell their vomit already." She jokes, closing her nose up in disgust but clearly with teasing intent. Sugawara gasps. "So? They get a pass cause they're so cute!"

They all laughed.


It's now 3 months and the sickness has come back to haunt Akaashi. Vomiting now 3 times a day even when she hadn't eaten much, even now when she invited Kageyama to a bakery as a sorry for the accident a few weeks ago. She didn't care for a apology, but Akaashi being the so ever insistent person, she agrees to her senpai.

"Pick whatever you want." Kageyama wasn't such a fan of sweets, but knowing that if she were to not get anything, she would deal with roomate's often snarl for smelling as such and 'not buying her something.' "What do you recommend?" She asks.

"I would get some scones, churros or just straight up dulce de leche." She answers, ordering the caramel like paste already. Kageyama just orders milk with cake pops. While eating at their table, Kageyama wonders why she looked more tired. Akaashi just excuses off with assignments deadlines, which Kageyama understands but another has been on her mind since that pharmacy visit.

"Was your family member right?" Akaashi drops her spoon. Kageyama looks up at her to see some tears forming in her eyes. She was surprised to see her upperclassman to cry, never even hearing she had cried from anyone. "I'm sorry, what was the question?" She asks softly. "Is she pregnant?" She repeats. The tears fell as she heard hiccups as well.

"Why are you crying?" Kageyama was confused why Akaashi was breaking down like this. "It's just mood swings, don't worry." She reassured, but Kageyama doesn't really believe it. "Im guessing it was false?" She infers.

"No, it was positive."

"Did you tell her my congratulations?"

"Yeah, I got them." She said. Kageyama drop her milkbox after hearing that. She lied to her? Why? And how did she get pregnant anyways? She never said she was in a relationship. Kageyama's eyes widen as Akaashi apologizes. "I'm sorry I didn't tell you, I didn't want you to look at me differently." She wipes away her tears. Kageyama just stood quiet, still not believing the news.

"So you had like a secret lover?"

"No, it's all anonymous. It doesn't matter though, I'll still carry it." She states. Kageyama couldn't process it just right, but understands one thing. "Well, that explains the sickness." Need reminder, she not the most emotionally smartest person. Akaashi chuckles at her bluntness. "Just a different type, essentially." She affirms. The conversation ended as they finished with their desserts.

As they exited the bakery, Kageyama glanced as Akaashi. She pokes her stomach. "You're growing." She randomly comments. Akaashi sighs, already expecting the action. "3 months in. If I look fat now, I don't want to see myself being 6 or even 9 months pregnant." She worries.

"You'd look like a yoga ball."

"Not helping, darling."

Sorry for being past my due date, some shit happened and I just didn't want to post. Hopefully, I'll have the motivation for a double post or a quick one later past midnight (sleep is for the weak)!

I love akaage I swear to god, it's like one of my favorite rarepairs (it just so cute.)

Dulce de leche - "Dulce de leche, also known as caramelized milk or milk jam in English, is a confection from Latin America prepared by slowly heating sugar and milk over a period of several hours."

(Literally taste it once if you're a sweet person it's super good.)

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