Chapter 10

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Keeping up with assignments while also taking care of a fetus inside your stomach is tiring. Especially when you're too hung up on a question and then all of a sudden, you're hit with a wave of emotions. From all those documents on pregnancy, She should know by now that being stressed and/or depressed would affect the fetus badly.

Now that's Akaashi's 3 1/2 months, maybe she should finally console in a set of friends rather than dealing with it herself like usual. She goes up the stairs to the 3rd floor of their campus, unconsciously holding her small bump.
She knocks on a door to a seminar room, a few students were packing up or were talking with friends. She recognized two people from the corner of the room.

She walks towards them. "Um, excuse me." She taps on of their shoulders. "What the fuck-" a woman with longe dirty blonde hair and olive green eyes jumped at her. The other one, a friend of hers, was smiling wide when she noticed her. "Akaashi! Nice to see you again." She greets. The blonde girl was suspicious until observing her, then she hugged her tight.

"Keiji! It's been so long, how are you doing?" She exclaimed. Akaashi hugged back. "Somewhat fine. Anyways, I wanted to ask you two something." The 2 looked at each other before smiling.


"Want to hang out like before? I still have some issues." The grinning woman's smile had a teasing air about it. "Ne ne, little 'Kaashi wants to play with her old senpais again? I thought you were focusing on work more?" She teases. Akaashi sighed, she didn't want to tell them now, especially since people were still hear and most likely will hear her say it. Beside, she still can't tell their reaction when she tells them.

"Just for a little while, like old times."

"Not like a little fun would hurt. But just a heads up, my boyfriend is coming." The dirty blonde woman warns. "My girlfriend too." Akaashi can already feel the second hand embarrassment and exclusion just from those words.

"That's alright with me. It's nice to talk again, Konoha-san, Sarukui-san."

"You can always call us by nicknames, you know?" They suggested.

"I rather not." She rejects.


It was in a small diner nearby where she waited for her upperclassman friends to come around. Akaashi already informed her roommates her whereabouts in case they get distressed about her situation. She checks her phone again, they were a few minutes-late but nothing she can't handle.

"Hey there pretty girl, you lonely?" And que the creeps. There has always been creeps since she was young, so much a pretty face can do for you. Her brother, who wasn't much better in these cases, had to fend and punch random guys off of her just to get from point A to point B. Not like she can't defend herself.

"None of your business." Akaashi ignores him and checks on their messages again. Where are they? "But someone like you shouldn't be stood up like this." She can feel the rando sit beside her on the booth and seemingly wrap a arm around the edge. She was tempted to shove the guy again but she can't risk herself and her baby from this creep all cause he can't take a no.

"I'm fine, sir. Please leave me alone." She scoots farther but he moves closer. "Come on, won't you spend some time with little ole me?" His hands was close to her chest before she punches him and kicked him off the booth. "I SAID LEAVE ME ALONE, YOU FUCKER!" Everyone turned their heads to her voice as the creep got back up with a vengeance.

"Oh, you're gonna regret that, you little bi-" Before he can even lay a finger on her, someone kicks him face down to the floor. "Sorry we're late." A deep voice apologizes. A employee already called the police about the man while Konoha left a few bruises on the guy too. "That'll teach him to mess with you." The group sat by her.

"Thank you, Washio-san." He grunted as a response and sat next to her.


"Should I get something savory or sweet? I can't choose." Komi, a short brunette, asked them. "Get some milk first before you order the big girl menu." Konoha jokes around making Komi glare at her. Sarukui giggles a little. "Babe! Rude!" Komi complains at her. Washio and Akaashi were just listening to the trio.

"So, what do you want? My treat for being late." Akaashi was going to answer until the sudden rush of bile was at the tip of her mouth. Luckily, she caught it on time but also made her senpais worried. "Are you alright? You look a little pale." Komi asked concerned. Washio patted her back as she swallowed the vomit.


"I-I'm fine, d-don't worry." She reassured shakily. Konoha shakes her head. "You can tell us what's wrong, we aren't going to judge you for being vulnerable." Akaashi understands it but her overthinking was telling her otherwise. Hearing things like-

'They're going to hate you.'

'They'll think it's all your fault and leave you.'

'Rumors can be spread about me from them.'

She catches her breathe before looking at all of them with some tears in her eyes. "I'll tell you, really, but I would rather after we eat." They nod understandingly and called out a waitress to order.


"So tell us, what's up?" The question was brought up again after the had their meal. There was silence at their table as other people talked over them. Akaashi played with her fingers anxiously while she can feel her tears growing again. "Just promise me not to get mad." She pleaded.

"Why would we?"

"Just promise."

The 4 of them looked confused and worried but they promised anyways. She sighs.

"I'm pregnant."

Pure quiet from them as their mouths agape from the announcement. "I-I mean, congrats but like also fuck-" Komi cursed and holds her head in her hands. Sarukui just drank her water in shock. "I'm happy for you and invite me to your baby shower." She says before drinking again. The other 2 were processing the situation.

'She got no boyfriend, so who the father?' Was the question running through their heads. "But you don't have a boyfriend." Konoha whispered to Akaashi.

"That's the thing, I don't. It was an accident." She whispers back. Konoha's eyes widened even further as she also holds her head.

"Welp, at least I'll be the godmother."

"Does that make me the godfather?"

"Heck yeah it does! And we're those lesbian aunts!"

"The perfect family!"

They all laughed and clinked their drinks in harmony. I guess they weren't going to focus much on the serious details for now, they were hanging out like friends after such a long while.


"See you soon!" They all said their goodbyes and left, only leaving Akaashi and Washio, who was ordered by Konoha to accompany her back to her apartment. They were walking comfortably quiet until a alley cat meowed, disturbing it. "Aww." Akaashi bent down to pet it.

"So, about about that announcement."

Akaashi glanced by up to Washio as the cat walked away from them. "If it's about finances, I'll think of something." She stands up and continues walking.  "I wasn't talking about that." He corrects her. She stops and looks back at him.

"Do you want to find him? The father I mean."

Her eyes shined a sad glint as she smiles softly. "Maybe, but for now I'm focused on us. He'll be dealt with when I have time." She answers.

"Besides, one parent is all you need to truly have a family." He walks beside her back to her apartment.

"I'll help you if you need it."

"Thank you, Washio-san."

No A/N, not feeling the greatest for it.

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