Chapter 11

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It was now winter break so students were able to get a moment to themselves and enjoy time with their family. That also means celebrating winter holidays with those you enjoy, but it's annoying when someone you enjoy is late to pick them up from the station.

Akaashi had a small suitcase with her as she got of the train. In front of her were if not hundreds of people, mostly college students, greeting and embracing their loved ones as they see them after months. She smiles at the warm atmosphere despite it being December and freezing cold. Speaking of cold, she was going to kill her brother if he doesn't get her right now.

He was able to leave early and was staying at their parents home so of course she called him first before their cousin. "Where the fuck are you, I'm freezing!" She complains out loud. She can hear her aunts arguing over who gets to make their homemade taquitos. "Look, I couldn't make it but I was able to convince Haji to get you. He should be near by." Of course, he asked their sensible cousin to come get her, like she was some trouble.

"Wow, way to be incompetent." Akaashi insults. "Okay, that was fucking uncalled for." She rolled her eyes. Oh well, at least she doesn't have to explain her now 4 1/2 month belly being just 'fat'."Hey! Over here!" She can hear her cousin close to her, so she turns sound to find him.

"Hajime, veo que viniste en lugar de Tetsuro." She hugs him. "Yep, apparently my step-mom's totally bombarding him with relationship questions." He informs as they walk away from the station. They walked up to his car and got in, though it was a bit of trouble for Akaashi and of course, Iwaizumi found that odd.

"Are you okay? You shouldn't have much trouble." He asks, then notices the bit of mass poking out underneath the oversized sweater. "You're not stress eating again, right?" He squints at her. That was an unhealthy habit back then though it's in the past, but there's something definitely not okay to him. She just nodded her head, afraid of tearing up from the intensity of the stare.

"Alright then."

And then they stared to drive.


"Keiji! Bienbenivo, todos te estabamos esperando para tí!" Mamakaashi excitedly hugged her daughter. "Oh? Keiji, estas comer mucho orta vez?" She teases as Keiji's face turns red with embarrassment. Let it be their mom to be the teaser. "It's probably just baby fat, cause you're still a baby." You can see where she passed her genes to.

"Callate! I'm only a year younger than you!" Keiji refutes as Tetsuro laughs loudly. As she entered the house, she can see her family, most from their mother's side, as their father sits in a corner over watching everything like a gargoyle. She hugs her dad gently as he shows a small grin. They didn't need much words between them, already understanding each other.

"I see you're doing well." He points out. Keiji smiles warmly at him and nods.

"Somewhat, I'm just trying to get by."

"That's good."

"Oh mija!" The mother called out to her, everyone was sitting at the extended table, about to start their prayers. Keiji helps her father over to the table before sitting down herself, although with a bit of difficulty like before. Hajime notices it again and makes note to ask her later.

After the prayers, they started eating and talking with each other. A spoon dropped to a plate, the siblings can already hear their aunt's nosy tone coming out of her mouth as she ask- "So, alguna relacíons?" She asks. Everyone turned to them both and some maybe glancing at Hajime, he already made obvious that he wasn't looking for one right now but the other 2 hadn't said anything about it.

Tetsuro was keeping a calm expression while Keiji look visibly uncomfortable. "No tengo tiempo para eso, pero ¿tal vez pronto?" The women at the table all giggled at his response. "¿Y Keiji?" Now all the attention was on her, she can feel herself shrink the more they stared at her. She uncomfortably rubs her belly.

"¡Si, Si, Quiero ver a mis nietos antes de evnejecer demasiado!" Their mother cried out. Now, It got Tetsuro's attention. He looked at his sister next to him as she looks like she's sweating bullets and close to crying. "Keiji, you don't have some boyfriend, do you?" He bluntly questions, but it didn't feel so easily dismissive.

As pointed before, having a pretty face was a problem between them so they had to protect themselves. Keiji more than Tetsuro in that aspect. Furthermore, starting in the end of junior high, love letters had been sent to Keiji in her locker all cause they thought she was pretty/hot/cute and so they would beg to date her. That caused Tetsuro to be more protective over her, basically declining any relationship unless deemed worthy.

It's a childish stretch also supported by their father back then but maybe she can thank them for no crazy ex's or trauma. Still, even now, if he's getting tense over some 'boyfriend', how will she ever tell him about her unexpected pregnancy that had no relationship in any sense?! Especially since she's getting the feeling Hajime is catching on to her struggles!

"N-No..." Keiji stutters. More squeals from the older women, whispering to each other thinking that she has some 'secret boyfriend'. They weren't quiet about to so the tension between the 2 was getting worse.

"Keiji, I care about you a lot and I hate to see you get hurt." He started, She slowly met eye contact and she can almost say that she was close to passing away from his gaze. "Así que no me digas mentiras." It's obvious that he's serious about this, she can feel herself shrink even more now as her hormones start to act up. Silence filled up the table as they awaited her answer, but she couldn't say it. Not now anyways.

Keiji stands up and runs to her old room at their home, family members called out to her as she shuts the door on the noise. She lays on her back in her now empty bed and cries. Trying her best to calm down before calling one of her emergency contacts, she doesn't care who, she just wants someone to pick up.

Unfortunately, it was Hajime. "Hey, do you need me to bring you something?" There was faint voices from outside a room perhaps, meaning Hajime evacuated the scene after she did. She was hiccuping and sniffling as she tried to explain something. "I-I just f-felt so pressured, we h-haven't even opened presents y-yet." She cried.

There was no response until she heard a knock at her door. "Let me in, will ya?" Keiji hangs up and slightly opens to door for him. He close the door behind him as he walked inside and sat beside her, slowly rubbing her back as she cried into a pillow. "Look, it's fine that you have a boyfriend and I'll be supportive of your relationship. Besides, Kenma still hasn't called about anything bad about you so it should be fine." He reassures, but Keiji shakes her head.

"No, no entiendes."

"¿Entiendes que?"

"Yo no tenga una novío, es son la problema."

Hajime still didn't fully understand, she had no boyfriend so she could have just told the family exactly that. Besides, knowing Keiji, it's because she wanted to focus on her studies. He rubs her belly comfortingly as she cried onto a pillow on her face, he wished he can help his cousin but there was still know problem shown.

That is, until he felt a kick.

'What the fuck.' Hajime thought. He knows he felt something inside Keiji's belly, like a motion of some sort. His eyes were wide as well as hers in shock as he felt her shaking under him, crying louder yet still muffled underneath the pillow. He was about to say something until there was another knock on the door, it was probably Tetsuro.

"Hey, Iwa, is she doing okay?" He asked. He wanted to let him in but he would probably freak out if he found out about it. He looked down to Keiji, she was reducing to hiccups and her makeup was running down her face. She mouthed to him, 'let him in.' He nodded and opened the door for him.

"I was asking a question but thanks man." He walked in and saw Keiji's distressed state. Tetsuro went to comfort her while Hajime leaned against the wall overseeing the siblings.

"Look Keiji, I'm so sorry for pressuring you. I was just worried that someone could be hurting you."

"I-I could p-protect myself."

"I know, but you're still my cute little sis. It's just in my nature to protect you."

"Even if we're now adults?"

"Yes even so."

Keiji can feel tearing building up inside her throat when he said that. Overwhelming thoughts cursed her brain as she thought of the negatives to telling him. Telling him that she got herself drunk and pregnant and don't know who the father is. He'll hate you and tell the whole family and you'll be disown and cut off and-

Both of the boys knew when she was close to a panic so Haijme went to go get some water and food while Tetsuro hugged her while rubbing her back comfortingly, telling her that whatever thoughts she had won't come true. "Pero puedes y lo hará." He can hear his heart breaking hearing her.

"No it won't, now breathe for me." He ushered her to breathing exercises as Hajime comes back with necessities. "Our family's wondering when will Keiji come back." He informs them. Tetsuro nods.

It was for a good while that they all sat quietly, as quietly as sniffles can get. Keiji picked up her head and looked at Hajime and Tetsuro with red eyes, she had to tell them now.

"Haji, Tetsu, I have something to tell you."

"We're all ears."

She takes in a deep breathe and closes her eyes, if she doesn't see their reactions it won't affect her as much. "I...I-I..." Tetsuro rolled his eyes. "Spit it out woman." He said teasingly, drink the second cup of water.

"I'm pregnant."

Tetsuro spat out his water and Hajime looked a little surprised but felt as if tonight's events all made sense. "Thinking about it now, I should have known." He mumbled. Keiji opened 1 of her eyes slightly before fully opening them, They were both shocked but Tetsuro looked like he was about to burst.

"When the fuck did this happened?" It didn't even sound like a question because those give you an option to respond, it was like a command ordering Keiji to answer the question. Keiji felt like crying again, guilt was building up inside her. "Hey, cálmate, you're scaring her!" Hajime pushed Tetsuro off.


Tetsuro pulled out his phone after he walked out the room. "Hey Kuro, what do you want?" Kenma responded. He gritted his teeth. "Yeah, when we're you going to tell me?"

There was silence on the other line. "What do you mean?" His eye twitched as well. "That you, one of her best friends and roommate, knew that she was pregnant and didn't come to me, her brother, about any of it?!" He shouted into the phone. Kenma sighed at his reaction before popping a question.

"Do you think you have the right to know? For all I know you can be leaving Keiji alone in a room after your sudden outburst. Knowing her, she could be overthinking and panicking as we speak?"


"Kuro...I know damn well you did not do that hypothetical thing I just said." People don't know that Kenma could be just as angry as Tetsuro when needed or she didn't had control on her emotions which was rarely. She angrily sighed.

"You fucking asshole! You knew better than anyone never to leave her alone in a pressuring situation but you did just that and now she's going to cry  about how much you probably hate her and want to throw her out. It was an accident and now she probably feels like shit all cause of your dumbass jumping to conclusions!" She scolded him harshly. Tetsuro finally felt the words sink in and how everything he just did was the dickest move he could have done.

"...I-I'm so sorry."

"You should be, but not to me." She hanged up.
He instantly rushed into the room seeing Keiji shaking with her back turned to him. He quietly walked to her and sat down beside her.

"Keiji, hábla con yo, por favor." He softly pleaded. "I'm sorry, I was just confused, angry and worried all at once and I lashed out on you. I shouldn't have done that to you in such a vulnerable state." He apologizes, looking down. Keiji turned around slightly and looked at him. She sat up and then sucker punched him in the gut.

"Ow fuck- I deserved that."

"You do and I forgive you." She hugged him as well. "Just don't leave me alone like that." He softly smiles and hugged back.

"You don't have to tell us anything more," Hajime also joined the hug. "We'll try to be there for you if needed and possible. We just want you to be happy with yourself."

"Yeah, if you want us to be apart of the kid's life, I'll totally be his favorite uncle!"

"She doesn't even know the gender herself, so how would you know?"

"Uncle Kuroo intuition." He winked. The other 2 groaned but also thought of it funny.

WOOOOOOOO I FINSHED IT. I was planning on posting it Christmas but then it had to get held back so now it's here. I wrote a lot longer than expected.

1. I will not translate the Spanish so it's either you know or have to translate it yourself
2. Yes KuroIwaAka family supremacy, I love them all okay! (Kuroo-Akaashi and Iwaizumi being their cousin)
3. The parents are of different races but understand each other (Mama - Latin American/Hispanic Papa- Japanese) (how their surnames are different is because Kuroo took their dad's grandpa's surname as memorabilia) (the grandpa was married into the family) they do be mixed
4.self indulgent because Kuroo speaking Spanish sounds fucking hot
5.yes kenma, talk you shit.

Anyways, I'm sort of wondering if anyone wants the baby to be a boy or a girl? But not a lot of people read it so I'll just asked some random people if needed. Thanks for reading up until now!

Happy (late) Holidays!

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