Project Break Your Jaw

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Namjoon is completely oblivious to what happened.

In fact, his dimpled smile is almost as bright as Hoseok's as he walks out of the room, unharmed.

Apparently, as the other partygoers rushed out of the house the moment Taehyung threw the first punch, Jin and Namjoon were chilling in a room. Taehyung's bedroom, to be exact.

"What happened?" He asks, his smile dropping into a frown as he notices your exhausted faces. "Is the party over already?"

"Yup. So sad." Suga pouts, hanging off a disgusted Jimin's shoulder.

"You honestly didn't realise what happened?" You ask in disbelief as the peach haired boy shakes his head.

"But what happened?" Jin raises an eyebrow as he enters behind the boy, and you notice his already plump lips look plumper than usual. And redder.

"Did you put lipstick on?" Jungkook asks curiously.

"Kookie, I don't have lipstick in my room," Taehyung says, perplexed.

Your eyes widen at the same time as Jimin's do, and you look at each other meaningfully. The way Namjoon's lips look right now is probably the same yours did after Jimin kissed you for the first time.

"Oh my god!" You squeal, grinning as you practically jump up and down from excitement. "You two are dating now, aren't you?"

Namjoon blushes deeper, only serving to confirm your statement.

"No wonder they didn't realise what was going on," Jimin laughs-a cute, tinkling sound. "Y/N didn't realise what time it was when the first time I-"

"Shut up." You slap a hand over his mouth, and plaster a fake smile on your face. "He's talking about that wet dream he had."


Jin looks at the two of you in amusement. "You two make a cute couple."

You blush.

"Thanks, man," Jimin grins as he removes your hand from his mouth and intertwines your fingers with his.

"Eh, I don't think so," Yoongi yawns. "He's going to get her in more trouble one of these days, I tell you-"

Your boyfriend gives him a sharp look, making you think there's something that these two are not telling you.

Namjoon clears his throat. "Um, so, can we talk about what happened-"

"Oh, yeah, I totally forgot about that," Taehyung grins, leaning closer to the boys. "Is he a good kisser?"

Namjoon looks mortified as he steps back, away from the grinning boy.

"I'd like to say I am," Jin winks at him. "He did seem to be in heaven-but maybe that's just me, since he's so angelic."

Hoseok sighs, a dazed smile on his face. "Honestly, this is so romantic."

"Kind of cheesy." Jimin narrows his eyes, staring down the man. "Too cheesy."

Jin pretends not to hear him as Taehyung recites the night's incidents.

You look out the window, biting your lip. "It's already so late." You mutter. "You guys should get back home."

"Yeah," Taehyung nods frantically.

"And you take care of Suga."

"What?" He asks, indignant. "But I didn't do anything!"

"You got him drunk."

Your best friend rolls his eyes. "Ugh, fine."

You give him a mocking, sourly sweet smile before poking Jimin's arm. "Chim, let's go."

"Okay, but," Namjoon straightens his glasses, face still flushed-from the teasing or from the kiss, you can't tell. "How can you guys be so calm when you were literally threatened and attacked by a gang?"

"This is us we're talking about," You yawn, your hand finding it's way to Jimin's of its own accord. "We're used to dealing with crazy stuff."

Jin watches with amusement as Suga rests his chin on an awkward Taehyung's shoulder. "You kids sure are something."

"Hyung." Jungkook bites his lip as he looks at Taehyung. "Can you drop me off? I don't want my..." He trails off, his eyes involuntarily straying to yours before he looks down. " parents to be angry at me."

Your heart hurts as you remember the boy's injuries, and you wonder what might happen to him if his parents become angry.

"Jungkook..." You trail off, uncertain. "Maybe you shouldn't go home..."

His eyes meet yours once again, and you know he can understand what you're implying. Never go home, you beg with your eyes. Turn them in.

And you can read his soft, sad eyes. I can't. They're the only family I have.

Your heart breaks for the boy.

"Yeah, of course, Kookie," Your best friend affectionately ruffles the boy's hair. "Come along."

"Well, I'll be going now," Jin sighs, turning to Namjoon with a smile. "You want to come with, Namjoon?"

The boy blushes brighter still, but shyly nods as he follows Jin out the door.

"Come on, kitten," Jimin pulls you out of your reverie, intertwining his fingers with yours, distractedly pressing a kiss to your knuckles. "Your dad isn't home, so you can stay at my place for tonight."

His eyes are dark, hooded as he looks at you, and you shiver at the undertone in his voice.

"Be careful," Taehyung warns, his narrowed eyes on Jimin's. "Keep her safe, or next time, I'll break your jaw."

Your boyfriend gulps, managing a nervous smile in his direction. "Sure," He chuckles awkwardly as he pulls you along.

The last thing you hear before the door closes is Yoongi's drunken laugh.

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