Project Hyung

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The best feeling ever-according to your current stream of thoughts-is waking up in the arms of that person you want to wake up in the arms of.

The air feels sweeter than usual, and your hands are pressed against a surface warmer than everything around you, though your body heat is higher than usual. You let out a slight sigh, slightly opening your eyes, only to be met with a rock solid, warm surface.

Or Jimin's bare chest.

You look up to find him staring intensely at you. He looks like an angel in the early morning, sunlight dancing off the blonde in his hair, face fresh and bare. Flushing, you pull back your bare shoulders as you remember last night's incidents.

"How long have you been staring at me?" You lay your cheek against his bicep, your hands still pressed against his chest.

"Couldn't keep track." He murmured, reaching out to tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear. "Did you sleep well?"

"Mhm." Especially after I tired out. You sigh, tracing invisible patterns on his skin. "Did you?"

"I couldn't sleep." Jimin says softly, his eyes never leaving your face. "Not after what happened."

You flush, hiding your face in his chest. "You don't have to bring it up constantly, you know."

"Oh, but I do," He chuckles, outlining your jaw with his thumb. "It feels like it was a dream, so I have to constantly remind myself that ut actually happened."

"Stop being so cheesy," You roll your eyes, but there is a smile on your face. What happened was an amazing experience, though it left you kind of sore-but you're glad it was him and no one else.

"It was perfect, you know," Jimin leans down to kiss you softly, and when he pulls away, you don't want to lose the sensation of his soft lips on yours. "Especially that I was your first time."

"Chim," You pout, snuggling into his arms. "Stop it."

"But that's not it," He smiles. "What's even better is knowing that you were my first time."

You stare up at him, lips parted in awe. "Jimin." You say softly.

"Y/N." He says, just as softly as he leans in once again to press a soft kiss to your lips.

"How did I ever find you?" You ask breathily as he pulls away, his arms winding around your waist as he pulls you into his chest. "It's so hard to believe sometimes..."

"I ask myself the same thing all the time." Jimin kisses your bare shoulder. "Ah, you're so beautiful."

You giggle a little, letting yourself get drunk on his light kisses. "Says Park Jimin."

He grins at you, winking exaggeratedly as he cuddles you further. "You're perfect."

"I know I'm not." You roll your eyes.

He smiles then, eyes disappearing into crescents. "Exactly."


The previous night

Jungkook hesitates at the door, his hand resting on the handle as he rocks back on his heels. His mind goes places, fear taking over him, as he hopes his parents are asleep.

He pushes open the door before he can change his mind, stepping inside with what he hopes is quiet steps. Looking around carefully, his heart hamering in his chest, he steps into the kitchen.

The light is on.

"Where were you?" His mother's voice is cold, quiet and calm, but he knows the storm it hides. He doesn't want another scar; he doesn't want another nightmare.

Jungkook stays silent.

"I said, where were you?" The sudden force in her voice makes him flinch.

But he feels stronger somehow-maybe friends are worth something, after all.

"Why do you care?" He asks quietly.

His mother's lips curl into a snarl. "What did you just say?"

"I said, why do you care?" His tone is deadly quiet.

"You insolent brat-" Her jaw clenches as she gets up, and he tries not to let his fear show. "Don't you dare talk to me like that!"

But Jungkook has had enough.

"Why? Because you're my mother?" His voice is bitter. "An what a loving mother you are."

"You disrespectful brat," She sneers at him. "I've provided for you, fed you, got you an education, and this is how you behave?"

"Done all that, for what?" His jaw clanches. "So you can take your anger out on me, treat me like shit? You never acknowledge the fact that I'm your son."

"You know nothing." The curve if her mouth is cruel.

"I'm seventeen, and I know what I need to know." He replies steadily, and he knows that she knows he does.

The silence is momentary.

"Get out." The fury in his mother's voice is barely contained, and he doesn't want to be hit again. "Get out!" She screams.

Jungkook is trembling with anger as he steps back, opening the door once again. "Gladly."

"And never come back again!" She screams at him, and he sets his jaw, heartbeat picking up as he throws her one last look of hate.

"I wasn't planning to."

And he slams the door shut.

For a moment, he stands outside in the cold, stunned and numb and not quite grasping what he just did. The sudden exhilaration of freedom that hits him is short-lived, fast taken over by the realisation of not having a roof over his head anymore.

Jungkook doesn't realise when he starts running, the chill of the wind biting into his skin under the jacket, whistling in his ears. His thoughts are as if scattered in the breeze, running astray in his head as he simply runs, with no intention of stopping.

It is only when he is out of breath that he skids to a stop, and looks up at the fairly old, but familiar building.

Time whirs past again and he's standing on the top step, and then he's in front of a door with a smiley-faced, old, frayed yellow welcome mat, and he bites his lip as he hesitantly pulls on the knocker.

Taehyung opens a moment later, bleary-eyed and sleepy-looking, and frowns when he sees the boy.

"Jungkook?" His deep voice is unsure, hesitant.

Jungkook is quiet for a moment, before he realises why Taehyung is hesitant-he's crying. He brings up a hand to his face and wipes off his tears, but a fresh wave overwhelms his action.

"Hyung." He breaks down into the boy's arms.

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