Project Date

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"Fine. But I can't promise I'll reciprocate whatever fuckboy feeling you might have." You sigh, leaning back against the wall, legs dangling over the side. "As I told you, I'm gay."

Jimin grins at you.

"There is nothing I can't do." He announces, spreading his arms wide. "And that includes making girls fall in love with me...even if they think they never will."

"How is that even an achievement?" You sigh, turning away from the grinning boy. "Now, eating more than three servings and burping the loudest...that's an achievement."

He looks at you, slightly disgusted. "Sometimes I wonder why I like you."

You giggle a little drunkenly. "I told you not to-" You break off as you realise the weight of his statement. "Wait, what?"

Jimin raises an eyebrow. "Sometimes I-"

"No, I mean..." You're blushing, though you don't know why. You're not supposed to be flustered because of something a boy did, but here you are, blushing. " like me?"

He snorts. "What did I speak? Spanish?"

You frown a little, smacking his arm. "You know what I mean."

Jimin glances at you lazily, and that's when he notices the slight pink hue of your cheeks. His eyes widen. "Wait-aw you're blushing?" He cooes, overwhelmed. "Am I making you nervous?"

You smack his arm again, covering your face.

His smile is wider than any you've ever seen, so that his eyes disappear again. "You're so freaking adorable, honestly."

"I am not adorable!" You pout unconsciously.

Jimin leans over to mess up your hair. "You know that only makes you seem even more adorable, right?"

You roll your eyes, trying to tone down your blush and act unaffected. "Where is the date, anyway?" You hurriedly attempt to change the topic.

"Are you actually looking forward to it?" Jimin laughs. "Wow, you're really eager."

You give him a deadpanned glare, pinching his arm.

"Ow!" He holds that part of his arm, giving you a slightly whiny and unimpressed look. "That actually hurt."

"It was supposed to." You look away, squinting against the bright sunlight. "Now, are we going to stay here the whole day and skip all the classes?"

"I do that sometimes, actually." Jimin shrugs. "But my house?"

You frown. "What?"

He shrugs again. "You know, the date...I thought maybe it would be comfortable enough." He side glances at you. "And you don't seem like the type of person who would enjoy something romantic like a coffee date."

"I wouldn't enjoy the date either way." You raise an eyebrow, giving him a superior look. "And if that's your choice of location, then I'd prefer my house."

Jimin raises a questioning eyebrow. "Why?"

" dad's rarely home, so we'd have the whole place to ourselves."

He smirks. "Alone? Seems like you have something sinful in mind."

You smack his arm again.


"When I said I wanted it as early as possible, I didn't mean that I wanted to be dragged off immediately." You grumble.

"I didn't drag you off immediately." Jimin gives you an offended look. "We even went to a couple of classes!"

"Correction: I went to a couple of classes." You roll your eyes, leaning back on the couch. "You were god knows where...and just to clarify, my idea of immediately is dragging me off immediately when the school ends."

"It wasn't that bad." He shrugs. "And I told you; this is much comfier, isn't it?"

You nod grudgingly. It was around seven, and all you two have done is lounge around the house, watch sitcoms and eat popcorn.

"It doesn't really feel like a date, though." You say doubtfully, munching on a kernel, without taking off your eyes from the television set. "I thought dates were, like...romantic."

"What, you want to do something romantic?" Jimin scoffs, his eyes not moving from the TV either. "I thought you were 'attracted to girls and would never like a fuckboy like me'?"

You scowl over at him, shifting to make yourself even more comfortable. "Well, I thought if you were going to take away my first date, you might as well make it worthwhile!"

Jimin looks like a deer caught in the headlights. "I-"

You'd never, even in your wildest dreams, ever thought that you'd give away your first date with a male, and a fuckboy at that.

You get up, still scowling. "I could do this all myself! The fact that I even agreed to your dumb request means that you do something on your part to make it a good time for me too!"

Jimin's eyes are wide, the popcorn in his lap long forgotten. "Y/N, I didn't-"

You raise a hand, rolling your eyes. "Save it."

You then proceed to dramatically stomp off upstairs to your room.


You're still blank as you stand next to the wall, staring at the picture on your bedside table.

Everyone important leaves you.



You flinch slightly at the soft voice, crossing your arms over your chest.

I thought he left.

"What do you want?"

Jimin sighs as he walks over from his position at the doorway, standing directly behind you.

"Y/N." He says again, and his voice is almost a breathy whisper.

You refuse to budge.

You don't want to talk to him or look at him ever again. You don't know why you're so upset over someone like him.

To care about what someone did, you had to feel something towards them. And you didn't feel anything towards Jimin.


His voice is almost too close the next time he speaks, his lips brushing against your ear. "Look at me."

His voice is soft like before, but there is an urgency in it that makes you turn around slowly and  reluctantly.

You are met with Jimin's golden brown eyes, staring down at you intensely. And when his tongue swipes over his lower lip, you don't know why your breath hitches.

Jimin's hot breath hits your face, and everything is quiet. And with a start, you realise that he is slowly leaning closer.

Your eyes flutter shut as his breath fans your face, arms falling limp at your sides.

Your lips part in an inaudible gasp as his lips brush against yours.

His breath is even hotter.

Jimin's face is closer now, and his lips press a little against yours-

Your eyes fly open as he suddenly pulls away.

"J-Jimin." You can't speak. You don't know why your insides feel weird.

Jimin doesn't speak, simply staring down at you, studying your face, an incomprehensible emotion swirling in his eyes. His face is still centimetres away; you can still smell the mint on his breath.

"Y/N," He speaks after a long moment, tongue darting out to swipe over his lips. "Are you absolutely sure you're gay?"

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