Project Suga

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Your mood is still on a Suga high when you reach school on Monday.

The first thing you see during break, is unfortunately a grumpy Taehyung.

"How could you leave me alone with Jimin?" He complains, pouting. "You know he talks about nothing else but sex!"

"I know." You smile sheepishly. "But I had to go with either Jimin or Yoongi, and there was no way I was going to stay with that pla-"

"Y/N!" An arm wraps around your shoulder, as the blue haired boy jumps on you from behind. "Where did you go that day?"

You grin at the smiling boy, squeezing his hand. "My house, of course...and hello to you too."

Taehyung eyes Yoongi suspiciously. "He's right...I didn't see you after the party."

"I decided to stay home yesterday." You shrug. "After Suga took me to that park-I'll tell you later, Tae-I was pretty damn tired."

Your best friend raises an eyebrow. "Suga?"

Your grin widens as Yoongi rolls his eyes. "I see you're carrying through with that one."

"His new nickname!" You proclaim loudly, attracting the attention of more than just a few students. "I came up with it! It's pretty cool isn't-"

"Where were you?" A new voice growls.

Someone grabs you forcefully, flipping you and slamming your shoulders against the lockers.

Your eyes widen in alarm as they come in contact with Jimin's glaring ones. "I-"

"Do you even know how worried-" The blonde is cut off by Suga's shove.

"Lay off her, man." The blue haired boy growls at Jimin. "You don't even know her well enough to worry about her!"

Taehyung's eyes are wide as he regards the unfolding drama with apprehension and shock.

Jimin ignores Yoongi, once again turning to you with a glare. "You didn't even pick up my calls or respond to messages! I thought this idiot had kidnapped yo-"

"Excuse me?" Suga sneers. "She actually trusts me, unlike you. And how'd you get her number anyway?"

You frown a little, confused as to his sudden switch in behavior. Sometimes, he refuses to acknowledge your friendship, and sometimes, he gets possessively protective.

"I gave it to him." Your best friend intervenes, moving to stand between the two boys. "Jimin was with me."

You can do nothing except stare at the two with wide eyes. Taehyung dicreetly gives you a I-have-no-idea-what-happened look.

"It doesn't matter now." Suga says, still glaring at Jimin as he grabs hold of your arm, tugging you slightly in his direction. "Come on."

Jimin raises an eyebrow. "And where do you think you are taking her?"

"It's break." The boy gives him a sarcastic look. "And what do people do in break, fuckboy?"

Jimin bares his teeth at him in a sneer. "You have no right to fucking call me that."

"I give up." Taehyung mutters next to you. "You all keep swearing!"

"Everyone does." Yoongi mirrors Jimin's expression. "Fuckboy."

Jimin looks about ready to attack.

"Why are you two always fighting?" You frown, upset by the boys' behaviour, as the two lower their eyes.

You hate seeing your friends fight.

It's hard enough with Taehyung complaining about Yoongi all the time, but the rivalry between Yoongi and Jimin is a completely different level. Jimin doesn't really classify as a close friend, but you trust him, simply because Taehyung trusts him.

It may also have something to do with the kitten comment.

"I'm sorry, kitten." Jimin mumbles, and that's all it takes for a small smile to sneak it's way onto your face. You quickly purse your lips to hide it, however, slightly disorientated by the effect of your own authority.

"You better be." You try not to let your surprise show.

"Come on." Suga rolls his eyes. "Kitten?"

Taehyung seems vaguely confused about the whole affair. "When did this kinky stuff happen-"

"It's not kinky." You give him a disgusted glare.

"It's not." Jimin nods, before smirking at you. "But it can be."

"Y'all-" Suga looks absolutely pissed. "Shut up."

You side-eye the blonde boy weirdly before slightly shifting away from him.

Taehyung still seems like a mix of high and confused. "What?"

"Let's just eat." You sigh, wrapping your fingers around Suga's wrist.

"Oh, no." Jimin grabs your other wrist. "You're coming with me."

Both Taehyung and Suga turn to glare at him this time.

"I'm taking her with me." Jimin announces, pulling you so that your grasp on Suga loosens and you bump into him. "I'm sure you can survive a lunch break without her."

"Wait." You frown as he pulls you behind him, ignoring the indignant shouts of the other boys behind. "I don't get a say in this?"

"Nope." Jimin doesn't spare you a glance as he pulls you through the thinning crowd of teenagers.

"But that's not-" Your voice comes out as a muffled 'oof' as you bump into someone. "I'm sor-"

The boy in the black hoodie, the one you bumped into, looks up, and you lose track of your sentence, and it is as if time has slowed down. The hood of his jacket falls slightly, exposing a dark bruise on his cheekbone.

The cut on his lower lip curves as he purses his lips, and turns away. But the damage is done.

What happened to him?

Your thoughts are broken as Jimin suddenly makes a sharp turn into a dim corridor.

Your eyes widen as you see the sign. "Jimin, stop! No one goes in there!"

The boy pays no attention to your words, pulling you up into a dark stairway.

You gasp. "Don't you know that this side of the building is abandoned?!"

Jimin turns slightly, raising an eyebrow. "All I know is that you owe me a date."

"I'm attracted to girls, Jimin." You roll your eyes, almost tripping over the top step. "And plus-"

He simply pulls you into his side, pushing open the lone grey door on the floor, and your voice dies in your throat.

The sunlight blinds you momentarily.

I thought the roof was locked?!

Jimin turns around, not once letting go of your wrist as he smiles at you, his eyes disappearing into crescents. "Just give me a chance, kitten."


200 reads for this shit? Thank you so much guys 😢😄😊

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