Project Blue

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"Are you trying to get back at me?" Your eyes are narrowed as you study the blue haired boy next to you. "For the jail thing?"

He simply rolls his eyes, lazily leaning against the iron gate. "I am a much more responsible person than you, Y/N. I am not going to get us arrested."

You aren't so sure. "Then why are we in front of an old, abandoned amusement park?"

"To get in."

"Honestly, Yoongi?" You purse your lips, raising an eyebrow at him. "It seems like the perfect setting for a crime to me."

"Like?" He seems unimpressed.

"I'm gonna be blunt with you on this on." You sigh, stepping away from him, and take a deep breath before saying the next words. "Are you trying to kidnap me, Min Yoongi?"

The boy's face says everything. "Y/N what the-"

"Okay, maybe not." You mutter, but your slight assurance goes away when he slips a metal pin inside the lock. "What are you-"

"Shh, don't panic." Yoongi pushes open the huge gate with ease.

You don't want to follow him, but seeing as you two came here in his car, you don't exactly have much of a choice.

And you end up in the horror house.

"Yoongi, what is this?" You're panicking at this point. "I'm beginning to reconsider my decision to come with you..."

Maybe I should've just stuck with that playboy.

"Not thinking about Jimin's offer, are you?" He grunts, his form barely visible in the dark tunnel ahead of you. "Trust me, this is much better."

"How would you know?" You fire back, but you internally think he's probably right. "You're so antisocial."

Yoongi turns, and the slight light you two encounter glances off his teeth as he smiles at you. "You love me."

"I met you literally a few days ago." You roll your eyes, internally thinking how the tables have turned. "If anything, you love me."

"Just come on."

The two of you emerge at a point where the little ride with wheels is finally out of the tunnel; in the sunlight and free air. You welcome the light with open arms, reaching forward to embrace it, but Yoongi grabs your wrist to pull you back.

You almost snap at him, but then notice the steep drop at the edge of the rails, dropping off a cliff. "Holy-" You pull back, sitting down heavily on the ride's seat next to the boy.

"The reason why this place was shut down." Yoongi says, gazing at the opposite side. "They took the 'scare' part of horror seriously...and plus you can see the whole park from here."

You follow his gaze, involuntary gasping at the sheer height of the ride. "How did we even-"

"You didn't realise the climb because we entered at a higher point." He points at a gate far off the elevated platform. "And because you were busy complaining."

You stick out your tongue at him, and he immediately smiles.

The fear of the height having worn off, you sit comfortably next to Yoongi. You realise that the position actually feels quite calming; and you find yourself admiring the boy's wide gummy smile.

The sky is clear, the breeze is soft, and the two of you are silent.

And you like it that way.

But you still want to talk...about something.


"Why is your hair blue?" You ask out of the blue; pun unintended.

Yoongi seems slightly started by your question, but his expression closes off as he glances away. "We haven't known each other long enough for me to say."

"Come on. In relationships..." You say softly, still staring at him. "You and I both know that time is irrelevant."

He glances over at you momentarily, but you see the indecision in his eyes. You two were too close for two opposite people who met literally a couple weeks ago, and you both knew it.

It was abnormal for Yoongi.

"I was in love once." He says suddenly and you're taken aback, by both his suddenness and his words. "Her favourite color was blue..."

You're quiet for a moment, sympathy taking over you.

Maybe that's why he's so closed off...

"To remember her?" You ask gently, placing a hand on his shoulder.

He shakes his head, scoffing. "To remind myself never to fall in love again."

His voice is cold, colder than the tone you're accustomed to. And being a usually happy-go-lucky person yourself, you want his voice to be warm again.

"You'll find a girl." You say casually. "Maybe even a boy...and join the gay club." You grin at him.

Yoongi smiles slightly, turning his face away so that you don't see. "I'm fine with being straight." He chuckles, pressing into you.

You catch his smile anyway. And you realise how much you love it.

"You know," You break the momentary silence. "You're like a mix...of sugar and ocean."

Yoongi raises an eyebrow. "The ocean I get." He says. "My blue hair...but sugar?"

You pause for a moment, letting the warm sunshine and the calming breeze caress your face. Feeling content, you place your hand over his, squeezing it a little.

"Your personality is deep, like the ocean. And yes, your blue hair," You laugh softly. "But your smile..." A breezy smile makes its way onto your own face. "Your smile is sweet, like sugar."

Yoongi turns away again, but again, you catch the corners of his lips lift into a sugary sweet smile. "You're so cheesy."

"You love me." You say cheekily. "And you know what? I'm going to call you Sugar from now on..."

The boy simply smiles. But he doesn't deny your former statement.

You lean your head against his shoulder sleepily. "Or maybe Suga..."

Yoongi doesn't understand why his smile widens when you grin up at him, cutely and sleepily.

And he doesn't understand why his heart flutters.


When a straight person has a crush on a gay one...things rarely end well.

@ foreshadowing

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