Project Rooms

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You wake up when you sneeze.

And that sneeze is executed with such force that you fall off the bed you were in.

And it's when groaning on the floor that you realise that this is not your own home.

And that's when you register the blinding headache.

Hasty footsteps sound outside, and the door swings open with a click to reveal a frantic Yoongi and Jimin.

"Try not to scare us next time," The blue haired boy grunts when he sees you're more shocked than hurt.

"Did you hurt yourself falling for me?" Jimin smirks smugly as you rub your aching back and glare at him.

"Where am I?" You ask sleepily, half-groaning as you get up. But you have the answer even before the boys open their mouths, for you notice the glinting basketball trophy on the bedside.

"This punk's house." Yoongi strolls inside the room, tugging at the hoodie of his jacket. "We all stayed over, seeing as you and Taehyung were...occupied."

You remember nothing, but the headache makes it obvious. "What did I do?" You ask weakly.

"Banged some random person's door like a crazy person because you wanted to, amd I quote, pee." Yoongi says uninterestedly.

"Thankfully it turned out to be someone we knew." Jimin adds, shooting the other boy a look. "And it was much better than what your best friend did anyway."

You're really distracted by the constant drumming in your head, but you register the bitterness in the blonde's voice. "What'd he do?"

"Took a piss on his car," Yoongi seems quite gleeful as he says this.

"Stop sounding so happy about it," Jimin mutters.

Yoongi's smile widens.

"Who's house, though?" You ask warily, closing your eyes and pressing your hands against your ears.

"Kim Namjoon." Jimin speaks up. "The nerdy English guy with an IQ of 148?"

"Oh." You're kind of relieved when he says this, because Namjoon is a pretty chill guy. Even though he is sort of shy, he's not a rude person. Much better than anyone else it might have been.

"Take something for your hangover." Jimin says before folding his arms. "And then you guys can go wherever you want."

"You can get Taehyung." Yoongi adds. "I have a feeling he doesn't like me very much."

"You can go out with me instead." The blonde smirks from the door. "I'm better company than this guy, and plus your best friend approves of me." He winks at you.

Okay, this is exactly what you were afraid was going to happen.

You purse your lips, squinting at him. "How about you get me the medicine, Jimin, and I leave with Yoongi?"

Yoongi looks at the boy, smug.

Jimin shrugs, retreating. "Your loss, kitten."

You remember your conversation from the party. You wouldn't be able to wake a little kitten either-

Yoongi raises an eyebrow at you as the other boy closes the door. "What was that?"

You avert your gaze to the trophy. "Honestly, I don't know."


He cradles his own body in his arms as he leans against the wall of his room.

He can hear his parents yelling and fighting downstairs, and he can hear his mother screaming. He doesn't like it, at all, but there's nothing he can do about it. There's nothing he can do about anything.

The screaming slows to calm, controlled conversation. It takes half an hour, but he's thankful that his family can be civil sometimes.

Maybe there's someone at the door.

He can feel himself shiver in fear when the atmosphere grows quiet all of a sudden.

Hands trembling, he crawls to the door, pressing the side of his face to the floor. He peeks through the slit at the bottom, hoping that they're not too angry this time.

Sometimes, when they're not too angry, they let him be. Of course, they scream at him about things, but mostly they don't hit him.

When they are thoroughly disturbed...

Let's jut say that when that happens, he prefers to sleep under the bed.

He's seventeen, but he feels like the burden of the whole world is on his shoulders sometimes. So much to do, yet so little time.

Nothing he truly wants to do.

He flinches when he hears loud footsteps on the stairs.

Not today.


There's banging on the door. "Open the door this instant!"

The boy's breathing quickens as he hesitates, feeling goosebumps erupt all over his body when his mother's voice sounds outside.

He doesn't want to get hurt.

"Jeon Jungkook!"

His breath is shuddering now, coming in short gasps, hitting his shaking body like bullets.

He doesn't want to open the door.

"Open the door, you disrespectful piece of-"

He presses his palms against his ears in an attempt to drown out the insults.

It doesn't work.

"How could you even dare to get a grade like that? You're an absolute disgrace to the family!"

He got an B+.

But it isn't an A.

Breathing quickening further, Jungkook scrambles to his feet as he rushes behind the side of the closet. He can't bring himself to open the door, but he is scared nonetheless.


He's scared in a way he doesn't want to admit.

The door shudders against the strain, then the banging stops.


His breath slows slightly, relief taking over his features. Slowly peeking out from behind the closet, the tension goes out of Jungkook's shoulders when he finds the room empty.

He feels a relief he hasn't felt in a long time, realising that his parents have finally left him alone.

The door bursts open.


Okay, just a little reminder that this is fiction. JUNGKOOK'S PARENTS ARE NOT LIKE THAT IN REAL LIFE.


And my updates may slow down for the coming week.

Okay, I'm done.

Peace out.

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