Project Love

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The dance.

You had definitely not wanted to show up, and yet here you are-wearing a knee-length white dress, a black sash on the waist-not good for the winter, but the gym, where the dance is being held, is heated.

You move slowly to the rythm of the piano, simply because you don't know how to dance.

But Jimin is there, his arms around you, guiding you.

And that's all you really need for now.

"Y/N," He whispers suddenly and you look up at him, the smile disappearing from your face at his expression.

He looks almost pained, and his eyes are filled with a profound sorrow which you've never seen before.

You frown. "...Jimin? What's wrong?" You whisper slowly, an unknown trepidation growing in you.

For a moment, he is silent, staring at your face with an intense expression, as if trying to absorb all the details of your face. He places his arms around your waist, pulling you closer to him.

You can feel his hot breath on your face as his intense gaze bores into you, his lips parted slightly as he simply stares at you.

Jimin puts both of his soft hands on either side of your face, leaning his face forward to rest his forehead on yours. You feel trapped in his gaze, the only barrier between the both of you being your palms flat against his hard chest.

"Y/N..." He breathes again, and his tone makes your heart flutter. "I love you."

You're blank for a moment before his confession sinks into you. This is the first time he's said this directly, instead of subtly implying it.

Your stomach erupts into butterflies.

You stare at him, wide-eyed, opening your mouth to speak. "Jimin, I-"

"Shh." He silences you with a light kiss that makes you feel like you're flying. "Hear me out."

You nod hesitantly, feeling the atmosphere darken.

"I think..." He strokes the side of your face with his thumb, something he usually does when he is worried. "I should leave."

It doesn't register at first.

"What?" You feel like the world is bending in your vision. "What do you mean?"

"I mean," he says gently, with those sad, soft eyes, "that I should leave."

Something inside you cracks as you stare at his broken expression.

"But why?" You half yell at him, feeling your throat close up. "You just told me you love me! And when everything is going perfect, you want to fucking leave?"

And you feel strange because you're swearing now. Because of someone whom you swore you'd never love.

"I'm sorry." His blond hair falls over his eyes as he searches your face. "I'm not good for you."

"What does that even mean?" You cry, clutching his shirt. " Is this about Baekhyun? I get to decide what's good for me and what's not! I want to be with you, Jimin! And I'm not letting you just leave like that!"

"Being with me is not safe, Y/N," Jimin says softly.

"I thought we were over this!" You can't believe what's happening. "I chose this! I don't care if it's safe or not!"

"Don't you think it's hurting me, too?" He finally says, and that's when you notice how unstable he is. His hands are shaking, and he's barely holding back from breaking down. "I fucking love you. It's not easy for me to leave the love of my damned life, Y/N."

Love of my life.

You break down at his words, sobbing as you bury your face into his shirt. "I can't have another person I love leave me like that, Jimin. Not...again."

"I'm sorry," He says suddenly, and your shoulders shake as he gently pushes you away, and thr entire student body attending the dance are staring at the two of you, in an attempt to be discreet.

You say nothing, but pull away from his fallen face, and your arms go around your torso, trying to prevent your chest from cracking apart. From the pain, the anger, the love, the humiliation, the breach of trust.

Maybe it's the way your tear-stricken face stands out among the mass of smiling ones, but no one stops you as you move through the corridoors.

Next thing you know, you are running.

You find yourself out in the cold, snowflakes fallimg around you in a coldly beautiful crystal rain. You wonder if the cold, numbing your senses further, would freeze your salty tears as they down your face too.

And you think the cold is going to consume you there and then, and you hope it does, because you cannot face life again.

But a sudden warmth envelopes you, a jacket draping over your shoulders.

You turn to be met with Yoongi's face, creased with worry. His eyes skim over your dampened cheeks, and his frown of concern deepens.

"I go to jail for two hours," He sighs, "and you get hurt?"

"Yoongi, oh my god," You collapse into his arms.

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