Project Sweet

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Yoongi listens in silence as you finish up your story, voice cracking in between and hands messily wiping at your seemingly uncontrollable tears.

You're not surprised when he doesn't react to the part about Baekhyun and his gang-you already suspected that he knew before you did, the day you had eavsdropped on him and Jimin arguing in the room. But what you don't notice is the way his fists clench and his knuckles turn white as you narrate the part about the dance, jaw working.

As you finish with a messy breakdown, he stands in front of you in a cold, momentary quiet that reminds you of the Yoongi you had met first. And it hurts much morr than it should, because it's not the only thing that hurts.

In a sudden move, he grabs your wrist and pulls you along.

You blink, confused at first, as he drags you inside the school building again, his mouth a thin line. Then it dawns on you.

He's going to create a scene. He's going to get into a fight, maybe punch Jimin in the middle of the dance floor.

Alarmed at the prospect, you furst attempt to pull him back, but he is too strong for you. Being completely against his violent tendencies, you fail to recognise the fact that he is much softer when it comes to you.

"Suga-oh god, Suga, no," You try to plead, but in vain, as he turns a blind eye and a deaf ear to your pleas. "Please!"

The blue-haired boy ignores your pleading, pulling you around the final bend that would bring you to the decorated interior of the gym, and the couples who dance the night away.

He drags you inside, your steps sounding on the wooden floor as everyone's eyes turn to you two-you with your sad white dress and tearful face, and Yoongi who looks out of place with his blue hair and old jeans and a white and red jacket. And it's almost midnight. It's almost a new year.

"Yoongi, please don't do this," You try again. "I know what he did is dumb, but don't hurt him."

No response.

The boy's eyes dart around the interior as everyone goes back to their partners, knowing better than to waste their night over watching drama. No sign of the blonde so far, but you fear for the boy you have grown to love.

He stops so suddenly, in the middle of the floor, that you bump into his back. He turns suddenly and sharply, facing you with a serious expression.

"There's still time until the countdown, right?" He asks, and you nod, slowly and hesitantly.

He is going to find Jimin.

As if on cue, the guy at the stage starts counting, making every smiling couple face each other, some of them joining the chant. You curse internally as Suga's eyes flit momentarily to him, before facing you seriously.


The seriousness, it scares you.


Yoongi licks his lips, inhaling and exhaling slowly, and your brow creases. What about Jimin?


"I know you love Jimin," Yoongi says, face set. "And I know this won't ve enough."


You frown slowly, tears almost forgotten in your absolute confusion. "You're not going to hurt him?"


He doesn't reply, pushing his tongue against the inside of his cheek as he stares into your eyes.

It's the same intensity you've been trying to ignore.


Your lips part as you lose yourself in his gaze, unknowingly moving closer.


"But I think," He licks his lips, his eyes flickering to your parted ones. "That no girl should be deprived of her Cinderella moment."


"A new year is a new start." Yoongi's hands cup your face gently. "And I'm sorry if I'm not your number one, but I hope I can be at least your number two."


"Yoongi..." Your voice is a breathy whisper.


"I love you," He whispers before kissing you.

As the hall erupts in cheers, you find yourself reaching up on your toes, hands curling on the boy's warm chest. His lips are warm and welcoming against yours, and your own move slowly with his, getting lost in the kiss.

Your lips move in perfect harmony, too perfect to be true, but warm and unpractised enough to be real. Your eyes flutter shut as his feelings take shape in the form of wordless communication, and it is as if tendrils of healing warmth have wound themselves around your heart.

The kiss is sweet, as sweet as the blue-haired boy's smile, as sweet as his name. It's as sweet as Suga himself.

The break for breath is fleeting before you plunge into the kiss a second time, just as breathless and soft as the first. And no matter what your situation is, you know you can't regret this one kiss.

And it feels familiar, too familiar, so that you know you didn't dream the last one.

Because the kiss, no matter how sweet, is just like the touch of a feather.

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