Project Min Yoongi

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School sucks.

That is one of the million thoughts running through your head as you sit in class, bored out of your mind.

Literature, of course. Where it all started.

If you'd had even an inkling of what this class would lead to, you'd never in a million years have attended it. Or maybe you would've, but that's for later.

Trying to prevent your eyelids from shutting, you glance around the room, blinking periodically.

Your best friend, Taehyung, catches your gaze, and winks at you, fluffing his already fluffy gray hair. Being too out of your mind to smile back, you simply nod and bare your teeth in what must've looked like an awkward imitation of a dog, before turning away.

The teacher drones on at the head of the room, attempting to dramatise his description of Shakespeare, but the whole class knows that no one is really paying attention.

Except maybe Min Yoongi.

Your eyes travel over to the back of his bright blue head, two seats in front of you and a row over. There were rumors in the school about him, the boy who hated girls.

The more sexually inclined girls of your school had given up on trying to seduce him months ago. Their opinion on him is that he's gay. The boys, after this, consider him a loner, but don't dare bully him...courtesy of the senior who's nose Yoongi broke in his first year.

For Taehyung, he's the troublemaker bad boy who should be constantly avoided.

You don't really know what to make of him.

He's never really talked to you, and he's not the type of person you'd approach, so you don't know his side of the story. But it's pretty much a solid belief that he doesn't talk to girls, because he doesn't.

Sighing, you break off from your mental analysis when the boy sitting next to you pokes your arm. You turn your head to face him, raising your eyebrows in an inquisitive gesture.

His face is as red as his hair when you look at him, and you remember his name from Taehyung's party a few weeks ago. Hoseok.

The boy smiles sheepishly at you. "Um, sorry to be the one to tell you this, but the professor has been trying to get your attention for some time now."

You blink, slowly turning back your head, and meet your literature professor's narrowed eyes.

You immediately sit up straight, a little shocked at finding him standing right bext to your desk. You must have wandered pretty far down your dreamland.

Two seats down, your best friend snickers.

You momentarily glance at him, narrowing your eyes in a short glare, before once again looking up at your teacher with the most innocent expression you can muster. "Yes, Mr. Oh?"

Yeah, that's his name. No, not unusual at all.

Some of the seniors call him Mr. Ah too. But he's kind of new, you think, so he doesn't really-

The teacher in question snaps his fingers in front of your face, bringing you out of your reverie once again as you give him a sheepish smile. It doesn't affect him, though, and he sternly crosses his arms over his chest after pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose. "Miss Y/N, would you like to share your, ah, internal monologue with the class?"

You blush, embarrassment building up in you at being caught. "Um, no?"

Mr. Oh purses his lips. "Then maybe you'd like to tell me what I just told the class?"

You glance around the room nervously, hoping for someone to tell you what he'd said. Instead, your gaze catches Yoongi's.

His triangle shaped eyes are cold as he looks at you. You freeze, trapped in his intense gaze, unable to look away.

He turns back to the board.

You blank out, your expression awkward from the eye contact. "About that, um. Could you repeat that?"

Mr. Oh sighs before walking back to the front of the classroom. "Pay attention next time, Y/N, or you'll miss important information. Now class," he turns to the students. "I'll be announcing your partners, which I have already chosen for you." He says as the class groans, and starts reading pairs of names from a paper.

"Partners for what?" You ask Hoseok, frowning. I hope I get Taehyung, whatever it is.

"The literature assignment." The boy says, smiling lightly at you. "Maybe you can ask your partner what it's about."

You nod, turning back to the teacher just as he announces your best friend's name. "Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin."

You groan. "Oh, come on."

Unfortunately, you don't have to wait long for yours.

"L/N Y/N." Mr. Oh says, glancing at you sternly for a moment. "And Min Yoongi."

Oh shit.

You gasp. "But-"

"No buts, Y/N." The professor says, not even looking at you. "You work with him or get a failing grade."

You slump back into your seat, anxiety building in you as the teacher keeps announcing the names.

The dismissal bell rings a few moments later, and you don't get up, unwilling to talk to the blue haired boy.

Taehyung gives you a pitiful look as he talks to his partner. All the students are in pairs, discussing the project, and you can do nothing but sit there awkwardly.

You look up, and raise your eyes to Yoongi, finding him looking back at you expressionlessly. Biting your lip, you slowly grip the side of your table, gathering the courage to talk to him.

But before you can, he rises from his seat, his eyes still on yours.

You stare back, wide-eyed.

He doesn't waste another moment before tearing his gaze from yours, and walking out of the room.

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