Project Prologue

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Imagine a freeze frame, you standing in the middle of an empty hallway.

Your lips are parted in mid-scream, and opposite you, there's a blue haired guy on top of another with blonde hair. They're pretty close together, and one's back is to you, so you don't know whether they're fighting or making out.

There's someone else there too.

This person's arm is wrapped around your waist, so that you're squished against their chest, half wriggling in an attempt to escape their death grip.

Now, imagine this person being a girl.

And the girl is trying to kiss you.

Strands of your hair are sticking to your face because of sweat. Yeah, your face is sweaty gross, mainly because you've been running. Your chest is is rising in pants, and the last thing you want to do at the moment is exert yourself physically.

Now imagine another boy falling into the scene. Literally.

The new guy is gray haired, and he trips down the stairs and crashes into the blonde boy, separating Mr. Blue and Mr. Blonde.

You know all of them. You wish you didn't.

And you're just standing there, wondering what kind of crimes you must have committed in your past life to land up in this situation.

Then imagine the scene unfreezing.

The blue haired boy first falls onto his butt from the impact, while the other two boys are groaning on the floor.

You try to pull away from the girl's grip, wriggling and yelling, "Let go of me let go of me LET GO OF ME!"

The blue haired boy scrambles up, and it would normally be an amusing scene, but in this sitiation it is anything but.

He turns around frantically, eyes wide and panicked, as he tackles the girl gripping you below the waist, and both of them attack the poor lockers.

You stare at them, still in shock. "Yoongi what the-"

"No swearing!" Yells the gray haired boy from the opposite side, still trying to untangle himself from the blonde.

The blue haired boy, who now has a name, tries to get off the girl but ends up slipping and falling again. "Run, Y/N, run!" He yells at you urgently.

"No!" You yell back at him. "I'm not leaving you!"

Then the girl's hand reaches out and latches around your ankle.

You scream.

Forgetting all about your noble promise, which you'd made just seconds ago, you turn hastily, shaking off the hand, and sprint to the exit.

"Y/N!" Four voices yell simultaneously from behind you, and you had to say something.

"I'm done!"

Could you imagine that?

That's basically what your high school life had come to, after the damned literature project.

But I guess the story really started when you told everyone you were gay.

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