「sugar • 05」

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You could remember the day you saw Sugawara crying as if it happened yesterday.

It made you realize just how much he cared about the things he loved.

Damn, it made you jealous. Of a sport.

It was the Inter-High prelims. After a full set and a deuce in the third set, Karasuno had lost to Aoba Johsai.

The moment the ball hit the ground, your eyes darted to Sugawara.

You had never seen him look so shocked before.

And your heart... You had the weakest heart ever, and you could feel tears well in your eyes.

"Thank you for coming." The boys had yelled out afterward, and you had joined everyone in clapping.

Sugawara didn't lift his head even once.

Even though he had done a good job, he was crushed.

Crushed for good, by the Seijoh setter named Oikawa Tooru.

You didn't know why.

You could swear that you didn't.

But for some reason, as they boys walked out of the gym, you grab your bag and run downstairs.

"Shimizu, where's Sugawara-san?" You ask your classmate, and she lets you know that he had gone out of the building.

You could see everyone else huddled around, drinking water, wiping their foreheads.

Some of the players were so shocked, they barely blinked. And worse, some cried.

So where was Sugawara?

You run outside the building and spot a boy sitting on a bench, right in front of the building.

The boys' jersey read the number 2.


You wipe your eyes and run across the street.


The boy turns to face you, with a shocked expression on his face.

That was the moment you saw him crying, for the very first time.

The boy you had feelings for, his eyes were swollen, red, and there were tears that hadn't dried out, on his face.

What did I come here for? This is obviously a bad timing! Your mentality screams, and simultaneously, Sugawara wipes his face with both hands.

"[Name]-san, thank you so much for coming." He says, and stands up to face you. "I'm sorry you had to cry because of us."

You shake your head as fast as you can.

"Sugawara-san, you played better than you had ever done before! You were so amazing, and I am so proud of you." You say, and his hazel-brown eyes go wide.

I haven't openly complimented him before, have I?


"You still have the Spring Tournament, right? You can do it, Suga-san. I believe in you." You found yourself saying.

Crap, now I've gone ahead and done it! You could feel your cheeks flushing, but for some reason, you felt like you did right.

Really right.

In fact, it made Sugawara smile.

"Thank you, [Name]-san. I'll work even harder, and I'll crush Seijoh." He says, holding out his fist.

You give his fist a fistbump, and he follows you back to the building.

When he reaches his teammates, he turns to face you again.

"Will you come see me play in the Spring Tournament?"

"Every single match." You promise, and the boy blinks a couple times, feeling flustered.

"I promise to work hard enough so that you won't need to cry again." He says, and leaves.

Was that how he treated the people he cares for? You wonder.

Wonders would have turned to confirmation if only you saw the way he blushed afterward.

Damn, you missed it, big time.


a/n; damn u shittykawa why u mek my sugababe cry ;w;

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