「sugar • 06」

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If I win this match, I will ask her to date me.

That was what Sugawara had promised to himself after he saw [Name] cheering him on.

But when Karasuno won the match, he begins to panic.

I'm a loser if I can't keep the promises I make to myself. I have to. I need to. It's about time. It's even later than time. It has to be now.

Millions of thoughts rush in the mind of the 18-year-old, and he wonders if he really should go ahead.

There was a big probability that she would turn him down. Three years and he still hadn't got used to it, how pretty she was.

"Suga-san! You did it!" A bubbly [Name] says, and Sugawara turns around.

Wearing the Karasuno school uniform was that one girl that made his heart weak.

What was weird was that it was the same girl whose motivation makes him stronger.

Was that even possible?

Sugawara raises both his hands and gives the girl a high five.

"Yes, we did! Thank you so much for coming again!"

"I promised, didn't I?" She says, and he could almost swear that her eyes shined.

"[Name]-san, got a minute?" He makes the move. The girl nods and the way her [h/c] hair bobbed around was enough to make Sugawara weak.

What if she says no and we can never ever talk again?!

Gotta be a man. Gotta be a man.

After all, Daichi and Asahi urged me so much, I can't just let the year pass and walk a different path than her...

Standing under a cherry blossom tree, Sugawara takes in a lungful of air.

This is it. No backing out now.

"W-Would you...."

The girl tilts her head in confusion.

"I what?"

"I-If Karasuno wins the next match, will you go out with me?"

Crap, that's not what I wanted to say!

His stupid move makes him crouch down, placing both hands on his face.

Dammit, now I've done it!

"Eh?!" She squeals. Sugawara is too embarrassed to meet eyes with her.

It was one thing, confessing to her. It was another to base it on a probability.

Great move, Koushi.

"Yes, Suga-san. I will."

"Huhhhhhh?!" Sugawara quickly looks up to see the girl's face. From the way she was looking back at him, he could tell she wasn't kidding.

"A-Are you serious?"

He had to be sure. Otherwise, his mind would go insane.

It was her, after all.

The girl nods, and he stands up.

"So... If I win tomorrow, we'll start dating?"

"Yeah." The girl plays with her finger nervously. He had never seen her that way, and he wondered if he should be happy about it, or worried about tomorrow's match.

The boy holds out his pinky. He knew his face would be red by now, but the fact that her's was just as red made him realize he wasn't the only one who was nervous.

The girl entwines her pinky with him.

"It's a promise." They say together.

"Oh, and Suga-san?"


"I really hope you win it." She lets him know.

With that, she runs off.

Someone pinch me, I must be dreaming!



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