First Day

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She quietly enter the classroom and hesitantly walked in. She took a deep breath and sat down at a desk. She had to tense her muscles to stop from shaking, out of all the classes she had to have gotten this one. She looked around, everyone looked as pale as her, maybe even paler, everyone afraid to utter a word but their minds filled. The teacher came in and stood by his desk.
"Welcome class. Today-" the teacher started, he kept talking but it didn't seem like anyone was actually listening. The rain pattered outside, out of all the classes, why here? Amaya pulled on her short orange hair, it'll be okay, it will... right? She bit her lip.

The bell for lunch rang, Amaya stood up and ran out of the class pushing out of the door way. She was about to turn to the stairs when she felt a hand on her shoulder.
"Huh?" Amaya turned her head.
"Hello! I'm Reika!" The girl smiled. Well she seems happy Thought Amaya.
"Um... I'm Amaya..." Amaya said hesitantly.
"You want to go eat lunch! Oh oh I have a few friends I want you to meet! I love people!" Reika laughed.
Well isn't she just about the most annoying person I've met.
Reika dragged Amaya down stairs and to a table in the cafeteria, there sat some more students.
Three guys and two girls, Reika sat down. One of the girls had choppy dirty blonde hair that ended about halfway before reaching her waist, she had grey eyes and smiled at Amaya "I'm-"
"THAT'S TSUKI, HARUKO, ISHITORU, TAKAHIRO AND SATOSHI!" Reika yelled before anyone could even blink.
"Oh, kay... my name's Amaya..." Amaya said, unsure of what to really say. She sat down and started eating her sandwich, no one here seemes to be as scared as the rest of the class, are they really this happy?
" So, when are we gonna find the spirit?" Tsuki suddenly said.
Everyone started at her, unsure of what to say.
"B-but how?" Ishi-san said.
"Well the only way is to kill people to see if the deaths will stop-" started Tsuki-san.
The pattering rain outside stopped, but the clouds didn't clear.

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