First News

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Amaya sat at the coffee table waiting for Satoshi-san and Haruko-san to come. They were all going to meet at this coffee shop and everyone was already here except Satoshi and Haruko. Amaya sat on the black chair swinging her legs, everyone else was talking but she didn't really have anything to say. Then the little bell jingled, the same sound it makes every time someone comes in. Satoshi and Haruko came in.
"Oh hey guys, did you know, our class is going on a trip this Friday! We're going to stay somewhere at a hotel near mount Fiji and eventually go hike or whatever." Satoshi said as he came in.
"Oh? Hm, is that really a good idea?" Reika said. Everyone turned to her.
"Well actually I think a nice little trip would be great!" Haruko smiled.
"Yeah I've always wanted to see the forest at the foot of Mount Fiji. Heh, people say they knew other who..." Takahiro paused and grinned, " came in, and never came out..." everyone looked at him, unsure of what to say. "BOO!" Takahiro jumped at Reika, she squealed and fell off her chair.
"HEY!" She stood up "you can be so damn annoying!" Reika pouted and say back down. Takahiro started laughing uncontrollably with Haruko and Ishitoru. Amaya smiled and stood up.
"So why exactly are we here?" She asked.
"No reason really, just thought it'd be nice to hang around" Tsuki-san said.
Hmm doesn't seem like a good enough reason, really... Amaya scratched the bavk of her head something is out of place, she realized that everyone was staring at her. "Oh, um yeah! I love hanging out with friends.... yeah, but I like really have to go, so..." Amaya turned and ran outside. She didn't really need to do anything, I'm fact her parents where put of town, they had decided to take a little break and go to Tailand for some reason, but Amaya didn't really care, now all she wanted to figure out was why everyone was acting the way they were, or maybe it was just her, well they were in a classroom and we're unlikely to survive to the following year but at the same time maybe it was just Amaya being too worried, maybe she needed to relax a bit. But she couldn't go back to the coffee shop now, not after she's told them she needed to go, they probably knew she was lying but she still didn't feel like going inside something was going on, she could feel it.
Amaya looked back, once. Twice. She had a feeling someone was following her. It was too quiet that day. The setting sun made everything look a pale bright orange, the trees and houses casting long shadows. The walk home was quest and tense, alerting but when Amaya got home she was just to tired to do anything but at the same time, restless.

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