harley quinn | 046

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imagine: you are kidnapped and injected with something that makes you seem like your dead so when harley comes to rescue you she finds your body and thinks your dead.

you struggled again the restraints on the chair you had been forced onto. you didn't know where you were or why you were here, all you were doing was having a relaxing evening at home whilst harley went out to get something for dinner when the door was knocked down and around about three people came in and grabbed you. considering you weren't expecting anything like this to happen, you were shocked meaning they had an advantage because when they took you away you didn't put up much of a fight.

now you were here in a damp, dark and cold room which seemed to be a basement. you had been strapped tightly to a chair, which was probably giving you bruises as the ropes dug into your delicate skin. you groaned, looking around some more trying to find anything which could tell you where you were. a bright light flickered on, making you wince slightly as you weren't used to sudden brightness. you heard slow footsteps making their way towards you, making you turn your head.

you saw a man, who looked to be in his mid thirties. he had brown hair, tan skin and was chubby with stubble. he was wearing something that looked like he hadn't washed in weeks making you cringe slightly but you were more focused on the needle he was holding in his hand.

"what is that? who are you?" you asked, attempting to sit up which failed.

"what.. you don't remember me?" he asked, walking closer to you, "we met a couple of months ago! i was doing some business with that girlfriend of yours"

you then suddenly remembered who he was. he wanted to team up with harley but she denied his request, he wouldn't leave her alone despite the many times she said no. so to shut him up, she killed his wife and sent him her head and wedding ring. the man, never returned again which harley was happy about but you could tell he would get revenge someday, and you were right.

"derek?" you asked aloud, giving him a confused look.

"that's me! see... i knew you'd remember" he laughed, now standing right next to you.

"what do you want from me?" you asked him through gritted teeth.

"well, nothing really. i just want to hurt your girlfriend the way she hurt me, meaning you have to die for her to feel the pain i felt when i got my wife's head sitting in a box!" he slammed his hand on the chair, his anger increasing.

"but that's too easy. so i'm not going to kill you! i'm going to make her think that you're dead and watch her cry next to your lifeless body. the best part is, you won't even be dead" he laughed, "that means.. i get to torture you all i want because nobody will come looking for you"

you stared at derek wide eyed, as he revealed the needle that he had been holding the whole time. it was huge and quite frankly, you were terrified.

"no, no! y-you don't have to do this" you pleaded, attempting to pull off the ropes.

"no.. i'm pretty sure i do" he spoke, not breaking eye contact with you (a/n: lmao i totally stole that from jerome in gotham)

you screamed, thrashing around as the needle got closer and closer to you until it pricked your skin. you had tears falling down your cheek as derek held your chin firmly as he pushed the needle deeper into your neck.

"goodnight darling, see you in a few" he winked, before he pushed down on the needle and the liquid substance entered your body.


harley arrived at the abandoned warehouse, all her weapons with her ready to attack. she had a smile on her face as she kicked down the wooden door and entered the room at a fast pace. she came face to face with a smirking derek who had is hands behind his back.

"you thought you could take y/n and i wouldn't find her? you're so silly derek" harley laughed, walking towards.

"harley, harley, harley... i knew that you would find her, in fact, i wanted you to find her" he said, making harley feel confused, "so.. here you go"

he moved to the side, as harley looked to see what he was hiding. she moved her wet hair from her face so she could see clearly, which she wish she hadn't. she was faced with your pale body lying on the dirty ground. she gasped, and ran towards your body, bringing your head onto her lap as she kneeled down beside you. she checked for a pulse, but she wasn't able to find one.

"no, no, no, no" she kept repeating, as the tears already began falling down her cheeks.

"be thankful i didn't cut off her head" derek snarled as he watched from afar.

harley stopped sobbing for a second to look at derek who was stood with a satisfied smirk on his face. this made her angrier than ever, so she quickly stood up and the pulled out the gun he didn't know she had and shot him multiple times in the stomach and chest area. she didn't have the patience to torture him and make him suffer, she just wanted him dead. her wish was granted as derek laid on the floor for a second in an unbearable amount of pain as he took one last final breath, before he stopped breathing all together.

she smiled, proud of what she had done before she turned back around to your body again, sadness now washing over her. she delicately picked you up bridal style and carried you out of the building. the goons that worked for her were waiting by the car and saw your lifeless body in her arms which made them feel sad too, you were nice and got along with them. they also knew now they would have to put up with an upset and short tempered harley, she wasn't the same without you.

"put her in the backseat, i want to give her a proper funeral.. one she deserves" she said quietly, giving him a sad smile.

the goon nodded, taking your body from her arms and laying you down in the back as instructed before getting into his own car. harley got into the drivers seat, and turned to look at your body a new set of tears wanting to come out but she quickly wiped them away before starting the car and speeding down the streets of gotham.

that night, as harley drank her glass of wine on the kitchen table with her clothes she had worn that day still on she thought about you. she thought about how she was never going to hear your voice again, see you smile, hear you laugh, sleep with you, cuddle with you or kiss you. she was a mess, the tears wouldn't stop falling which added to the already smudged makeup. she missed you so much already, and she had no idea how she was going to live without you.


you gasped, your eyes opening fast as you coughed rapidly. once you had regained your senses you looked around the room, realising you were in your bathtub. what a great place to put a dead body. you thought but shook it off before standing up and making your way out of the room. you could hear someone crying in the distance and you instantly recognised it. it made your heart break slightly as you sped walked to where the sound was coming from.

you ended up in the kitchen, and you saw the back to your girlfriend. her hair was down and messy and she was wearing clothes that still looked damp and dirty. you slowly inched closer, she wasn't able to hear your footsteps due to her cries so when your hand gently touched her shoulder she jumped and quickly turned around. she looked angry and annoyed that somebody had interrupted her, but her expression changed quickly to confusion.

"y/n? please tell me you aren't another hallucination" she pleased in a quiet voice.

you shook your head rapidly, happy tears making their way to your eyes. she squealed out loud, before she pulled you into her arms tightly and rocked you back and forth.

"i love you so much"

"i love you too harley"

i didn't read through this so sorry if there's any mistakes!

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