squad | 045

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imagine: you're in school one day, when all of a sudden the squad turns up and rescues you.

you sighed, twirling your hair in your fingers as you attempted to listen to the boring lecture your math teacher was currently giving. you weren't really interested, you were more focused on getting home and sleeping for the rest of the night. unfortunately, it was only lunch time meaning you still had a couple more hours of boring old school which you just couldn't wait to get away from.

"i'm gonna fall asleep.. any minute now" your friend whispered to you, making you laugh slightly.

you didn't blame her you felt exactly the same, you were tired as it is and your teacher wasn't really helping to wake you up in the slightest. it was safe to say, if you were half asleep before.. you definitely weren't now. there was a loud explosion, coming from outside the classroom causing everyone to jump, some even screamed. everyone was sent into a panic, they all jumped up rushing to their friends as the teacher tried to control everyone but you could clearly see that he was also scared.

you were scared too, you just weren't showing it as much as the others. you believed that showing you were scared made you weak, something you didn't want to be. you slowly followed your friend to the giant window in the class which showed you the hallway clearly. you looked out, trying to find anything that could tell you what the big explosion was. you didn't see anything at first, but you soon realised why the explosion had happened. in the smoke, you were able to see the familiar blonde, blue and pink pigtails that everyone was afraid of making you gasp.

it was the most dangerous group in the world, they liked to call themselves 'suicide squad' after they went on a mission which was basically going to get them all killed. when the mission was completed, instead of going back to the prison with rick, they disobeyed and fought both rick flag and amanda waller before teaming up with the enchantress who managed to disarm the nanite in their necks using her powers. they had all now been wanted for around a year, they were known to kill anyone who got in the way of what they wanted.

you admired them in a way, the way that everyone was afraid of them and how they all seemed to protect eachother no matter what it cost them. but you were also afraid of them, who knows what would happen if you ever met them. well, here was your chance to find out. all six of them were stood about ten yards away from you.

harley quinn, the crazy one who was also the jokers girlfriend leaving you confused as you wondered where the joker actually was.. he normally enjoyed joining them on their criminal activities. killer croc, the human crocodile who would eat you within a blink of an eye. el diablo, the fire boy his abilities were amazing and you envied him slightly. captain boomerang, the one who robbed any place in sight with help from the gadgets he had. deadshot, the man who never misses.. the one that could shoot you with both eyes closed. and last but definitely not least, enchantress. she was by far your favourite, her powers intrigued yet scared you and you couldn't deny that her appearance was definitely good to look at.

they all looked around the place, a small smirk on their faces and a glint of mischief in their eyes. they also seemed to look proud of what they had done. you could see them talking to eachother but had no idea what they were saying due to the fact they were in a different room. your breath hitched slightly as they all seemed to look at you at the same time before they slowly made their way towards the door to your math class. everyone ran away from the area, cowering in fear as the door was swung open. the first to enter was diablo, followed by croc.

they all looked around the room, smirking as they saw everyone was terrified.

"ooh look there she is" boomerangs accent called out.

he was pointing at you, leaving you nervous and confused. why did they want you? they all turned to you and slowly made their way towards you making you back away.

"don't worry.. we're not going to hurt you! we like you" harley said, putting her gun away in an attempt to calm you down.

"what do you want from me then?" you asked them, looking at them all.

"we want... i don't actually know, guys what do we want?" deadshot said, turning to the rest of the squad.

"we want you to join us" enchantress' eery voice said.

"m-me? but you don't even know me!" you exclaimed.

"i can sense something in you.. something that would be much help to us. you have abilities you don't even know about yet" she explained, now stood in front of you.

she raised her hand, and slowly trailed her fingers down your head before stopping at your temple. she did the same with her other hand, and then closed her eyes, applying pressure as she started chanting something. you could feel something going on in your head, it hurt slightly but not bad enough for you to scream, it just felt like a headache. after a minute of everyone looking at you in silence, all intrigued as to what was going on, she stopped. her eyes popped open as a gasp left her mouth.

"you have the power of bringing back the dead" she told you.

your eyes widened in shock, never in a million years would you of thought you had any sort of power never mind something as huge and as amazing as this.

"are you sure?" you asked her, narrowing your eyes slightly.

"i am certain my dear" she replied.

"this means you have to come with us! you can bring back my puddin!" harley called out in excitement, but at the same time she seemed upset which made you feel sympathy towards her.

"yeah and you can bring back my wife and kids" diablo said, a small smile on his face.

"y/n no don't! those people are bad, they're just trying to make you feel sorry for them so you'll go!" your friend shouted, grabbing your arm.

"but i want to go with them" you told her, "i would honestly rather be with them, the ones who could kill me at any moment than stay here with all these boring people"

she looked a little hurt, but her expression soon changed to anger as she gripped your arm more tightly and pulled you towards her.

"you are not going!" she shouted at you.

you attempted to pull your arm away, but that just made her grip even tighter. you were struggling, which deadshot must of been able to sense as he shot your friend right in between the eyes causing her to fall back.

you gasped, everyone else in the class let out a scream as they started crying more.

"we said nobody dies today!" croc groaned, turning to deadshot.

"my bad" was all deadshot said back, a little smirk on his face.

"come on y/n, we have a dead body to get to" harley smiled, grabbing your arm but gently.

"we need to come up with a nickname for you" boomerang randomly said, which everyone agreed to.

"how about.. lively?" he suggested.

"that's a terrible name" enchantress said, making everyone laugh.

you were gonna enjoy the next couple of years.

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