Episode 4: What You Deserve

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"He was a man that everyone loved. And although his soul is somewhere else, a piece of Maximillion Pegasus will continue to live in our hearts. He will not be forgotten," Joseph Wheeler, who was dressed in a black suit, said.

Cecelia Pegasus wiped away a tear and nodded.

The small room was filled with people dressed in black suits and dresses. On a tiny stage stood a coffin, containing Maximillion Pegasus, his hair pefectly done, no crooks in his suit. Eyes shut.

All the suspects were present. Seto and Yami were holding hands while looking at the man who told the story about Pegasus, but Yami seemed to be annoyed. Instead of focussing on the man or the story, he was looking at the biological miracle that sat on the chair next to him. The past few days he had been working for him, but you could say Yami was being distracted by him very often. He didn't know, of course.

Marik and Bakura also sat quietly on their chairs, hoping that no one knew about the little accident. But, they had forgiven each other for peeing and being angry at each other.

The rest of the guests just sat quietly on their chairs, sometimes wiping away a few tears, but no one could tell if they were fake or not.

Then Joseph left the tiny stage. Another man asked if someone else wanted to say something about the diceased. It remained silent.

"Well then," he said. "Let's bring him to his final resting place."

The crowd got up from their seats and followed the man. A few minutes later, everyone stood around the yet empty grave. The sky was already getting darker as the evening fell.

The coffin was carried by other family members of the Pegasus family, but nobody knew them. Some were crying.

The man said a few last things before Maximillion Pegasus dissapeared into the earth forever.

Once everything was done, everyone left the place except for Yugi and Cecelia.

"I'll be there in a minute, Mr Sennen," Yugi had said. "I would just like to condole Mrs Pegasus."

Yami had nodded at him and given him a wink before he had pulled Seto with him towards their car. Yugi had smiled at him.

"Did you find anything already?" Cecelia asked the tiny man standing next to her in front of her husbands grave. They were alone.

"Not yet, Mrs Pegasus, I'm working on it. I promised you I would prove his guilt. And I'm going to. Mr Sennen also thinks he has to do something with it. His boyfriend. He has to be the killer. It can't be anyone else!" Yugi said.

"I think so too," Cecelia said. "You should check every phone call, every appointment he made! I depend on you! And so is Maximillion!"

"You know I will, Mrs Pegasus. I always do what is asked me to do. I will prove his guilt. For you, and for Mr Pegasus. I promise," Yugi said.

"I really don't know what I could've done without you, Yugi. Thank you," she said.

She looked at the grave again. Her husband's name was carved into the tombstone, and a fresh bouquet of red roses was placed against it.

"If you will excuse me for a moment," she sobbed.

"But of course, Mrs Pegasus," Yugi said, giving her a nod. He then walked away, to somewhere Cecelia didn't know and honestly didn't care. She wanted to have some time with her husband.

She knelt down in front of the tombstone and placed a white rose next to the red ones. "Oh, Max," she whispered with a naughty smile on her face. "At least you're getting what you deserve."

Yugi drove the expensive car back to the house. Seto had been angry the whole evening, especially in the car, but Yugi didn't know why. He wondered if Yami knew.

Once they had reached the mansion, Seto had stormed inside, and had headed right to the bedroom.

Yami had just shaken his head and sighed. "Do you know why he's acting like this?" he asked Yugi.

"I have no idea, Mr Sennen," Yugi said.

"Well then. Then I'll make him tell why he's acting like this," he said and walked up the stairs, headed for the bedroom, taking off his tie and stretching his neck.

"Wait! Do you want something to eat?" Yugi asked.

Yami yelled something from upstairs, but Yugi couldn't make out what he was saying, so he decided just to make something.

Yami had reached the bedroom and found Seto lying underneath the bedsheets, reading a magazine. He was grinning.

"What are you up to?" Yami frowned. "Why are you acting like this?"

Seto looked up as he heard Yami's voice. "Oh, you. I didn't expect to see you right here."

"Well, this is my house."


"What are you reading that gives you such a smirk?"

"Just some gossip. Don't you worry, you still turn me on," Seto smirked. He then threw the magazine at Yami.

Yami frowned when he saw the headline. "Is this true?" he asked.

"I don't know, but I am not surprised," Seto said.

"Marik peed in... What? Really?" Yami said and searched for his glasses.

He put them on and laughed at what the article had to say. "Ha! Scandalous," he purred.

"They seem to have gone to a therapist. The woman behind the information desk recognized Bakura and decided to overhear them by placing her ear against the door. Then she sold the information to this magazine. Quite smart," Seto said.

"Yeah, right. Can you now explain to me why you're acting like a dick?" Yami asked while throwing away the magazine.

"Well, can you then first explain why you are flirting with the damn maid?" he asked.

"I'm not flirting with Yugi!" Yami stated.

"See! You know his name! Rich people shouldn't know the names of their employees!" Seto yelled.

"Well can't I just be amazed by how much we look like each other?" Yami hissed.

"No," he said. "And besides, you're winking at him! Just amazed people don't do that!"

"Well, that's your problem then," Yami said. "You're acting like a baby."

Seto growled.

"Yes, indeed. You should stop acting like this. I'm not in love with the maid, hear me?" Yami said.

"For some reason, I really don't believe you. Promise me that you won't speak to him again for fun," Seto said.

"Well, that's kind of pathetic of you to say," Yami said.

"Promise it to me," he said.

"You know what, no. No. I won't," Yami said. He walked over to the bed and grabbed his pillow.

"Hey, what are you doing?" Seto asked while he frowned.

"I'm not sleeping with you tonight," Yami said.

Seto growled. "Why won't you promise me that you won't talk to him anymore?"

Yami had already started walking towards the door, heading for the guest room, but he stopped for a moment and turned around to face Seto.

"First of all," Yami said, "I'm suspecting you of the murder on Maximillion Pegasus."

"Now that's insane!" Seto said.

"And secondly," Yami cut him off, and he held a teasing pause between his words. He sighed. "I think Yugi has a great ass."

"Well you son of a-!"

Seto was cut off by Yami slamming the door shut.

"Today is tomorrow. We would meet each other tomorrow. And that's today."

"You're confusing me, stop."

"I also need this to stop."


"You and me. Like this. Doing this secretly. Meeting secretly. We could just tell everyone we -"

"Are you insane? We're both not in the position to tell everyone of our affaire..."

"So? What is the worst thing that could happen?"

"They could figure out that you killed Pegasus!"

"They won't. Believe me."

"We will break hearts."

"Really, would you care? I don't think so, honey."

"You're driving me crazy!"

"That was my intention."

"I just..."

"Just accept that you love me more."

"I do, but -"

"So what then? Literally everyone has affaires here, accept it! Everyones heart will be broken from time to time! Maybe yours too!"

"Let me think about it. What you've done isn't right."

"If we hadn't had anything together that would have never happened. You know Pegasus knew too much."


"Just know that I love you so much."

"I think I hear someone. You need to go."

"Not before I did this."

The two moaned.

"You're a great kisser."

"Go now!"

"See you tomorrow, honey."

"Miss Gardner," the detective said.

She gulped. "Y-Yes."

"I think, in some way, you are responsible for what happened to Mr Pegasus."

She looked up.

"You were responsible for the drinks, right?" Malik asked.

"Y-Yes..." she whispered.

"And you said that you hadn't seen anyone enter the kitchen, is that correct?" Malik asked.

She seemed to hesitate for a few seconds. "That's correct, sir," she then said softly.

"Why are you so nervous? You claimed that you didn't do anything," the detective said while he raised one of his eyebrows.

She just stared at the desk.

"Well?" Malik said. "Did you murder Maximillion Pegasus?"

"I didn't meant to...!" she said as she started to sob.

"How do you mean you didn't meant to? You put frigging poison in his wine!" Malik said while slamming his fist on the table.

"I got paid for it! I was told that it was just something that made you drunk so everyone could have some fun! I really didn't know what it was!" she sobbed.

"Why did you in heavens sake accept the money? And whose money was it?" Malik asked.

"I promised not to tell..." she sobbed.

"Well, I'm okay with that. Then I'll just send you to jail. I don't care. I get paid for this job anyways."

"But sir! You need to understand that I really needed the money!" she sobbed.

"You work for the Ishtars, right? Aren't they paying you enough? Couldn't you just ask them?"

"You don't understand! I have to pay for -"

"Yeah, I don't care. Tell me who has paid you for killing Maximillion Pegasus," Malik cut her off.

"I can't tell sir, please, you need to understand that -"

"Did he or she pay you with cash or with a bank account?" Malik said.

She gasped.

"Ah, bank account? That is really a good thing. I'll figure it out myself. And until I have found the real killer and I know your alibi is right, you get to spend your time in jail," Malik said.

"No! Please, I can't go to jail! Please!" she screamed when two men came in and handcuffed her.

They took her with them.

Meanwhile Malik was dialing a number on his phone. He hit the call button and smirked.

"Yes?" a voice said through the phone.

"Good evening, boss. We got the killer of the case Pegasus," Malik said.

"Excellent! Who is it?"

"Her name is Téa Gardner, the maid of the Ishtars, if I am right. She only claims that someone set her up," Malik said.


"She doesn't want to tell. But we'll find out. The killer has transferred the money onto her bank account. We only need to find out from whose bank account the money comes from," he said.

"Right. Smart. What do you need?"

"I need someone who can hack her bank account and hack the killers bank account next," Malik smirked.

"That can be arranged," the voice crackled through the phone.

"Good. We'll have this case closed in no time," Malik said.

"Good work, detective. Excellent work."

"Thanks. I'll speak to you later," he said.

"Keep up the great work, detective."

Then the line went dead.

Malik laid his feet on the desk in front of him and smirked. This was going to be easier than he expected.

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