Episode 5: Puzzle Pieces

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"How do you mean "I can't hack the bank account nor the computer's IP"? That's impossible!" Malik shouted through his phone.

"I'm sorry detective. It's no use. The person who owns this bank account has put a virus on the IP... Unless the virus is deactivated we can't find out the bank account with which the owner of it has paid the money to Miss Gardner," a voice crackled through the phone.

The detective sighed. "Is there really no way to figure it out?"

"The virus is too complicated, sir. Our only option is hacking the whole bank system," the voice said.

"Well, what are you waiting for then?" Malik said.

"It will take us probably weeks, detective," the voice sighed.

"I don't care!" he shouted.

"Alright, sir. We'll start," the voice said before the line finally went dead.

Malik sighed and put his phone down on his desk.

The funeral had been almost four weeks ago now. That makes five weeks since the death of Maximillion Pegasus.

And still, no sign of the killer. He didn't have any evidence against Kaiba, and despite that the detective knew that he and his biologist boyfriend had also something to do with it, he couldn't prove it.

He didn't understand why Miss Gardner wouldn't tell him who paid her the money. The past couple of weeks she had spent in a nice orange uniform, behind bars.

But the detective knew that there was more. More that he didn't know. And his job was to find that out.

Which piece of the puzzle was he missing?

He cleared his mind. No, he shouldn't think about what was missing. He should think of what he already had.

He opened the drawer beneath his desk and took out some paper and a marker. What did he have? He started to write it down.

Kaiba. Pegasus told him that he had to do "it". But what was "it"? Kaiba wouldn't tell him, that he knew... But somehow he had to figure it out. Maybe his boyfriend would talk...?

Sennen. Pegasus called out to him. He knew something. He did something, that was for sure. The detective decided that he would pay a visit to their mansion. Maybe today already.

And then there was Gardner. The third piece of the puzzle. She knew who the killer was. If only she would speak, this case would be cleared. The detective couldn't stand that the answer was so close, so incredibly close. But just not close enough for him.

And he knew the killer was smart. Very smart. Using poison that couldn't be seen nor be tasted in wine. And fingerprints would be left on paper money, so instead the killer transferred the money to Miss Garner from his bank account.

He put down the marker and sat back in his seat, folding his arms. This was going to take a long time.

Yugi Muto walked through the corridors of the mansion. Four and half weeks since he had starter working for Mr Kaiba and Mr Sennen. They fought a lot the last couple of weeks, and with Mr Kaiba going on a trip to Europe at the end of the week, Yugi couldn't wait until he had the mansion - and Mr Sennen - for his own. Finally he could search for clues and evidence that proved Mr Kaiba was guilty.

But for now, he would just go and see what Mr Sennen had to tell him... He also suspected his boyfriend for killing Mr Pegasus.

He opened the door at the end of the corridor and found the huge swimming pool behind it. And every morning, Mr Sennen would swim fifty times from one end of the pool to the other.

The ceiling of the room was beautifully painted. You could see all kinds of sea creatures and mermaids and colorful coral. But to be honest, Yugi had never looked at it properly. He looked at other things.

He sat down at the edge of the pool, waiting for the man to stop swimming and notice him. But, in the meantime, he just stared. You couldn't say Mr Sennen was strong and muscular anymore - he was beyond strong and muscular. Every inch of his body was just... perfect. Beyond perfect. Well, at least everything he had seen was...

"Yugi?" a voice suddenly said.

The boy came back to reality and saw Mr Sennen in front of him. He hadn't noticed him. But here he was.

"Towel, Mr Sennen?" the boy asked.

Mr Sennen smiled. "Please."

"So... Mr Kaiba will leave soon for his trip, won't he?" Yugi asked, handing his boss a towel.

"Yes, that's right," Mr Sennen said, rubbing his face with the towel. "How so?"

"I just wanted to know if you're going to miss him. He will be gone for two whole weeks, right? That's a long time," Yugi said.

"Oh well," Mr Sennen replied. "He can stay away as long as he wants. There's something going on with him anyways."

"What do you mean?" Yugi asked.

"Well, I don't know, maybe he has indeed killed Maximillion, maybe he is just very pissed that people are suspecting him, you know, especially now with that girl," Mr Sennen said while climbing out of the water, Yugi's eyes following every movement the man made.

"Girl? What girl?" Yugi asked, extremely distracted by the man, who was standing very close, maybe too close.

"The girl who put the poison in Maximillions wine... The killer offered her money. The maid of the Ishtars... I'll remember her name, wait a second..." Mr Sennen said.

"Why wouldn't she tell who paid her?" Yugi said.

Mr Sennen shrugged. "I don't know. However, her name was Gardner, if I remember it correctly."

"Wait, wait... Téa Gardner?" Yugi asked.

"Yes, that could be," Mr Sennen said, walking into one of the dressing rooms and leaving the door open for a bit.

"Is she in jail...?" Yugi asked.

"I thought so," Mr Sennen said. "Do you know her?"

"She was my friend in high school," Yugi said, his eyes widened.

"Interesting," Mr Sennen mumbled.

"Yes..." Yugi said astonished.

"But, we'll see. Maybe Seto just needs some time to think. Some time on his own. Maybe then he will see that he is acting crazy," Mr Sennen said.

"I bet..." Yugi said.

"I will work on my project the rest of the day, and I don't know what Seto is going to do, but you can just do what you want today, I guess. The house is all cleaned up, so you don't have to worry about that anymore," Mr Sennen said.

"That's very kind of you," Yugi smiled, and before he knew Mr Sennen stood in front of him again, in a black suit, just as charming as always.

"No problem," he said while he buttoned up the jacket.

Yugi smiled back at him, starting to feel a little uncomfortable with all the butterflies in his belly.

"Have fun today," Mr Sennen said, and he walked away, out of the room, to his lab. And if Yugi was right, Mr Sennen had just winked at him.

"I think he knows," a voice breathed in a dark room.

"Not... Entirely, I suppose?" another voice said.

"No... But he suspects something."

"That's not bad, is it? I mean, nothing is what it seems right here, in this city, darling."

"Don't call me..."

"What? Why not?"

"You just don't understand how wrong this all is. You and me, the murder, everything. I just start to think more and more of you as a psychopath. Not that I'm a good person, but..."

"But? But you love me."


"Well, I love you too. More than I have ever loved somebody in my entire life, honey, I would even kill to be with you... And I even proved that."

"I know..."

"You shouldn't be scared... You're scared, aren't you?"

"Just a little bit. If he finds out, we're doomed..."

"Oh, of course not..."

"I can't just pack my stuff and go live with you..."

"Everything will be alright, I promise you that."

The person nodded. "I believe you."

"Of course you do," the other one said.

"Rebecca Hawkins," a voice crackled through the phone.

"Rebecca? This is Yugi," the boy said while quickly walking over to his car. Hearing the voice of one of his dearest friends made his body relax a bit.

"Yugi! Hi, what's up?" she answered.

"It's just... I heard Téa is in jail," he said, opening the door of his car and starting the engine.

"What?" he heard.

"Téa is in jail, and I think I'm going to visit her. Where are you now?" Yugi said.

"I'm home..." Rebecca stammered.

"I'll pick you up, alright? Be there in ten minutes," Yugi said and hung up the phone. Then he drove away as fast as he could, and picked up Rebecca on his way. You could really see the difference between Domino City and Domino Hills. He had been living in the Hills for a few years now, just since he had started working there at the young age of eighteen.

On their way, Yugi explained the whole story to Rebecca. About Pegasus, about his new job - leaving his handsome boss out of the story - and about Téa.

"She is obviously innocent..." Rebecca said. "She would never so such a thing on purpose."

"No, but I don't understand why she won't tell anybody who made her do it," Yugi said, parking the car.

Rebecca and he got out of the car and walked to the huge building.

"I can't believe they're keeping her here," Rebecca whispered.

"Me neither," Yugi said.

Inside the builing, there stood a desk with a woman behind it. They walked up to her.

"I'm here to see Téa Gardner?" Yugi asked the woman.

"What's your name?" she asked.

"Yugi Muto... And this here is Rebecca Hawkins. We're her friends," Yugi said.

"I see. Follow me," the woman said.

The two followed the woman until they arrived in a room that was separated from another room by a wall of glass. Some wood was placed against it at the bottom and at the top, and it was like there were windows through which you could look into the other room.

"She will be here soon. You can wait here," the woman said and left. There were some guards in the room, though, staring at the windows. Yugi and Rebecca sat down on the two seats that were placed in front of the window. Not much later, on the other side of the glass, Téa was brought in by two guards, and she sat down in the chair in front of the other side of the window. She seemed to be very happy once she saw her friends.

Two telephones, connected to each other, went from one side to the other, so that they could talk. Téa picked up the phone immediately and started to talk.

"Yugi! Rebecca!" she said with tears in her eyes. "I'm so glad that you came!"

"Téa!" Yugi said as he picked up the phone. "Are you alright?"

"I'm alright, but I've been better..." she said. "They are keeping me here until I talk..."

"Then why don't you tell them who gave you that poison?" Rebecca said.

"Because I needed the money for my family..." Tèa stammered, tears rolling down her cheeks. "I've always worked hard to help paying for my the bills back home... And with the money, that was offered me... My family could pay for everything, and they could stop worrying. But if I tell you who the killer is... They will be hurt... Or worse... And I can't let that happen!"

"Have you told this to the police?" Yugi asked.

"Yes... But they won't believe me," Téa said. "They haven't even gave me the time to call them..."

"Time's up," a guard then said.

Rebecca sighed. "Don't worry, we'll contact your family, Téa. Hold on," she said.

"Thank you..." Téa said.

"Stay strong, Téa. We'll get you out of here!" Yugi said, before she was brought to another room again.

Rebecca and Yugi then left. They decided that Rebecca would call Téa's family and that Yugi would try to find some more evidence.

Once he had brought Rebecca home again, he drove to the mansion again. But when he got out of the car, he noticed that Rebecca had left her purse in the car. Yugi sighed, and took the thing with him to the mansion.

"Nice purse," Mr Sennen said to him when he entered the living room. The man was just drinking some coffee and reading the newspaper. And that in the afternoon.

"Yeah, it's from Rebecca," Yugi said.

"So you had a fun day?" Mr Sennen said and he smiled.

"Well, we're just friends actually..." Yugi stammered.

"Ah, I see... Well, why don't you invite her to dinner tomorrow? Seto won't be there..." Mr Sennen said.

"Then I guess I could give her purse back tomorrow..." Yugi said, feeling very uncomfortable, but not wanting to dissapoint his boss.

"Great!" Mr Sennen said. But for Yugi, great wasn't the right word.

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