Episode 6: Knock Knock

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There was a knock on the door of Mr Sennen's lab. He was just staring through his microscope and he waited a few seconds before he responded.

"Come in,"  he said. 

The door was opened slowly, and Seto Kaiba's head peeked around the corner. 

 "I just came to tell you that I'm leaving for Europe," he said. 

Yami nodded, trying not to lose contact with the microscope. 

 "Alright, Seto. I will see you in a week," he said.

Seto sighed and entered the lab. "Okay, Yami, how long will you be going on with this insanity?" he asked him, pissed. 

"You tell me," Yami mumbled.

"Listen. I. Didn't. Kill. Pegasus," Seto said.

Yami gave no response.

"Look at me when I'm talking to you!" Seto hissed at him.

Slowly, Yami's head disconnected from the microscope. He turned around and smiled mockingly at Seto.

"What do you want me to say, Seto?" he asked him.

"I don't want you to say anything, I just want you to trust me. You know why? Because I love you, Yami, and I can't stand you being like this!" Seto said. "First, you start flirting with our maid, then you accuse me of killing Maximillion Pegasus, someone I really looked up to and who I will miss forever, and now you won't even look at me when I'm talking to you!

"Well, you're the one who started acting strange!" Yami said.

"Since when do I act strange?" Seto said.

"Since the time when Pegasus told you to "do it", and "tell everyone what you were up to", does that sound familiar?" Yami spat.

"Can you stop about that for once!" Seto exclaimed.

"Not before you tell me what he meant by that!" Yami exclaimed back.

Seto sighed. "Well then."

Yami looked expectingly at Seto Kaiba's face.

"I'm sorry it had to be like this. See you in a week, Yami."

He then turned his back on the biologist and walked out of the lab. A few seconds afterwards, the door slammed shut with a big noise. 

Yami shook his head. He then looked back into the microscope. He was just so close to finding out the secret of life. So close, that he was almost certain that he would actually find it. Maybe not today, but maybe tomorrow.

He really knew how to use his fine forceps, his work was always on point and therefore only rarely, there went something wrong. But this time... No, never had he come so far!

In the meantime, while he looked away for a second to find his syringe, he thought about Seto. He thought that maybe his boyfriend wasn't a murderer after all, for he had actually cared about Maximillion Pegasus in the past. But why wouldn't he tell him what Pegasus his last words meant...? Seto knew what they meant. Even if Seto wasn't the murderer, he was up to something, that was clear. 

Yami Sennen used the very, very small syringe to inject the empty cell that lied in front of him in the petri dish under the microscope. If this worked... Then he would be remembered forevered from this day on.

The small needle succesfully entered the cell, and he injected the substance he prepared ― twice. He was just carefully pulling away his syringe from the petri dish, when he heard someone knocking on the door again. He sighed.

"Look who came back after all!" he called across the room. He rolled backwards on his saddle stool that had wheels underneath it, got up, put on his glasses and walked over to the door.

He opened the door, expecting Seto, but instead, he looked into the eyes of detective Malik. Yami Sennen raised his eyebrow. 

"Your maid let me in," he said with a dark voice. "At first I thought you had just suddenly shrunk, or that he had to be your son, but you just look very much alike, don't you?" 

"Yes," Yami answered. He blinked a few times. "What do you need, detective?"

"I need you to answer a few of my questions."


Yami walked out of the lab and closed the door behind him. "Let's go to the living room, shall we?"

"Fine," Malik answered, and he followed Yami through the corridors towards the living room. 

Yami gestured towards the couch, and Malik sat down while Yami undid himself of his lab coat and sat down on the couch across from the one Malik was sitting on.

"Proceed," Yami said.

Malik sighed, then he gave Yami a quick smile. "You were the one that made that potion, didn't you? Right there, in that lab of yours?"

Yami Sennen smirked. "Detective, I wish I did. In fact, I feel flattered by the fact that you think I'm capable of making such a brilliant substance. Odorless, colorless, tasteless! But no, I would never make something to kill. That would be a waste of my time."

"I see. So, where did it come from?" Malik asked. 

"Like I would know that. But I've never seen something like it before," Yami said. 

"Then do you know someone who could get acces to this so called brilliant substance?" Malik said.

"Dear detective! Literally everyone living here, in Domino Hills. Everybody has connections. It could have been anyone. But if you ask me, who I think that paid Miss Gardner to put it in Maximillon Pegasus his wine, then I would say Seto did it."

"Why?" Malik asked him.

"Did he tell you why Pegasus his last words to him were something like, "Do it Kaiba, tell them what you're up to"?

"No, he still didn't. I wanted to ask him again today."

"Well, he didn't tell me either. And he left for Europe today. That's why I think he knows more about all of this," Yami said.

"I see. Thank you for your time, Mr Sennen. I will be back sometime," the detective said. And with that, Malik stood up and walked towards the door.

"Wait, Yugi will show you out ―"

"Not necessary," Yami heard before the front door opened and closed. 

Yugi looked confused around the corner of the corridor that led to the living room. Yami looked just as confused back at him. 


"We should spend more time together like this," one shadow whispered into the other shadow's ear.

"Ah," the other shadow hummed. "So you are starting to forget about Pegasus, aren't you?"

"I try to," the first shadow said, timidly all at once. 

"Someday, you will understand every detail of it, I really ―"

"I know why I am scared," the first shadow said, interrupting the second. 

There was a silence for a while.

"I'm scared, because when we tell everyone about us... Then we both have a motive to have killed Pegasus," the shadow gulped.

"Yes, that might be. But I guarantee you, that you will be fine. No one will suspect a thing," the other one reassured. "Besides, weren't you trying to forget about Pegasus? We are together now, and not for just a few hours. You may enjoy it, really."

A chuckle was to be heard.

"Alright then. Everything will be going according to plan from now on."

"You said it."

"The bank will fully cooperate with us, detective," Malik heard a voice say through his phone. 

"Excellent," he answered. 

"It might take a few more days, maybe a week or so, but we will find out whose bank account the money belonged to," the voice said.

"Good. Let's hope I will find out who the killer is before next week, but anyway, now we will get the one who did this for sure. Good work," Malik said. Then he hung up the phone.

He sighed. He really wondered who the bank account belonged to. He had no idea, and even after the conversation with Yami Sennen, everything just seemed to have become even more complicated than before. He didn't know what to believe anymore. Everyone was just pointing in opposite directions, he had the feeling. But eventually, everything just seemed to point at Kaiba for some reason. Or maybe everyone wanted it to look like that to protect themselves. 

When he got back from the Kaiba mansion and arrived at his desk at the police office again, he couldn't resist to pick up the marker from his desk again. He looked at what he had written down the other day.

→ what is "it"?

→ does Sennen know?

→ Pegasus called out to him as his last act, why?

knows who the killer is!

What was he missing? The motive of the killer. That was the one thing he needed to know the most. Kaiba had the best motive, namely to kill Pegasus just for KaibaCorp to become the market leader once and for all. But wouldn't that be too easy...?

He decided to add people to the list. Maybe the three suspects just weren't enough to complete the puzzle. Maybe he had to add everyone that was present at the party on the night of the murder.

→ what is "it"?
→ does Sennen know?

→ motive: to become market leader
→ known to be smart enough to arrange the murder  

→ Pegasus called out to him as his last act, why?

→ motive: ???
→ known to be smart enough to arrange the murder

knows who the killer is!

→ motive: money?

→ motive: ???

→ motive: ???


→ motive: ???

→ would not be convincing to be the murderers since they threw the party

The detective decided to add the butler of Pegasus, even though he was not present at the party. There were reasons why he could also be s suspect, he thought.


→ motive: very close to each other, maybe secrets?

He nodded. Maybe this would work after all. 

"Thanks for having me over for dinner, Mr Sennen," Rebecca smiled. She was sitting atthe head of the table, and Mr Sennen was sitting on the right of her, while Yugi was sitting on her left.  

"It's really a pleasure to meet you, Rebecca. It might be a bit unusual, but I actually like to come to know more about my maid," he smiled genuinely at Rebecca. He took a sip of his wine, then he looked Yugi, sitting right across the table from him, straight into his eyes. 

"You seem to be like a good boss to work for," Rebecca said, looking at Yugi too. Then she put some food in her mouth. 

"Yeah, h-he really is," Yugi stammered.

Then Yami Sennen took his eyes off Yugi. He looked at Rebecca for the first time that evening. 

"So, Rebecca. What do you do in your daily life?" he asked her. It wasn't long before he took another sip of his wine, and his glass was almost empty already.

"I now work at the museum in Domino City," she said. "I am actually an archaeologist, just like my grandpa, and we sometimes go to foreign excavations together, too."

"How interesting!" Yami said, and Yugi noticed that his eyes were focussed on him instead of Rebecca. 

"Yes, you could really say so. I love everything about it. How about you, Mr Sennen? What do you do for a living?" Rebecca asked.

"Hm? Oh, I'm just an ordinairy biologist. Well, maybe not so ordinairy, because otherwise I couldn't afford this house. I have won some Nobel Prizes in the past, so that's why I get a lot of funding, you could say," Yami answered.

"Wow, that really is amazing, Mr Sennen! What are you working on right now?" Rebecca asked.

"I can't quite tell, because I don't know if it works yet. But if it does... You will hear it soon," Yami said. 

Rebecca nodded in some sort of suspense. "I'm very curious."

"I bet you are," he said.

"Nobody knows about it? Not even Mr Kaiba and Yugi?" she asked.

"Nobody," he said.

"Wow, don't you want to tell people about your projects, Mr Sennen? I am always very excited when I have something new to tell to my friends," Rebecca said.

"I hope I will get the chance to tell them tomorrow," he said. "Because that's when I know it works for sure."

"How exciting!" Rebecca exclaimed.

"I must say you're making me very curious too now, Mr Sennen," Yugi said.

Yami smirked. "That's a good thing."

Yugi looked at his lap, to avoid Mr Sennen's look. He then looked up at Mr Sennen's wine glass, which was entirely empty by now. He didn't notice when that happened.

"Would you like another glass, Mr Sennen?" Yugi asked. 

"Please," he said, and Yugi poured him another glass.

The three kept talking and talking, but Yugi didn't forget his job for a second, because in the meantime he took care of the food and he poured Mr Sennen a few more glasses. He couldn't remember that he had ever drunk so much on one evening.

"Dessert was fantastic, Yugi," Rebecca smiled dreamily at him. She had had a few glasses too already.

"It's nice to hear so, Rebecca," he said. 

"So what's up with the both of you?" Mr Sennen suddenly said. "I would be convinced that you two were a couple when I saw you two together in public like this."

Rebecca almost spat out her wine. 

"What? Did I say something wrong?" Mr Sennen said.

"No, no, it's just that really... We couldn't be a couple, you know," Rebecca chuckled awkwardly.

"But why not?" Mr Sennen smirked while he looked at Yugi. He took another sip of his umpteenth glass of wine. "If I were you, I wouldn't let Yugi just pass by, if you know what I mean."

Rebecca still had the awkward smile on her face, but then she just began to laugh. "I wish, Mr Sennen, but Yugi is gay...!"

"Is that so?" Mr Sennen couldn't keep his eyes off Yugi. And now the big thing had been said, Yugi just started blushing like he never did before. Now he was the one who began smiling akwardly.

It was almost like Mr Sennen was posessed by something, he had these piercing eyes, and the corner of his mouth was entirely curled up. 

Rebecca looked at Mr Sennen, then back at Yugi, then back at Mr Sennen again and then at Yugi again.

"Alright, I can see what's going on... I'm going to leave now, thanks for everything!" Rebecca said. She quickly grabbed her purse that Yugi had kept safely overnight and without any of the two saying something or even looking at her.

"Did you just invite her to hear that from her?" Yugi asked softly, so that Rebecca wouldn't hear it down the hallway.

The corner of Mr Sennen's mouth just curled up even a little bit more.

"You could've just asked," Yugi said.

"I wanted to know for sure," Mr Sennen said.

The two looked at each other. Yugi felt intimidated by the man. He didn't know what was going to happen now. But in fact, he didn't really mind...

Then the sound of the front door shutting was to be heard through the dining room. Rebecca was gone.

Mr Sennen then stood up from his chair, and with a quick gesture he wiped all of the plates, bowls, glasses and cutlery off of his side of the table, and everything shattered on the ground. He climbed onto the table, and he did the same thing with the plates, bowls, glasses and the cutlery on Yugi's side of the table. He crawled towards Yugi, and before he knew, their faces were just a few inches apart.

"I don't know if it's the wine," Mr Sennen said, "but Yugi, I'm in love with you."

Yugi's mouth just opened and closed a few times, as if he were to say something, but no words seemed to come. "M-Mr Sennen..."was the only thing he managed to say.

"Please... Call me Yami," he said back.

"Yami..." Yugi said.

His mouth came fully to rest when he felt Yami's lips on his.

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