Bananaette short story part 1

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        Banana Noir saw Marinette on a  stroll when the akuma came to town.  He begins to frown and decided right then and there he must rescue her.   He was not sure how he was going to since his kwami went missing because his miraculous was gone.  He woke to discover it had been taken a note left in its place.   

      Once a hero always a hero was his motto.  So Banananoir set out to save a damsel in distress.  What kind of a hero would he be if he failed to help those in need?

         He ran towards the crook and kicked in him the shin.  

             "Ouch, that hurt,"  The man cries out.

            "Well, too bad so sad," Bananoir remarks.

        Marinette tries to get out of the grasp of the bad person.  "Let me go!" She screams.

            "It is impolite to hold onto a woman when she tells you to let go," Bananoir tells him.

             "I do not take orders from someone dressed as a fruit," He scoffs.

              "Bananoir, help!" Marinette yells.

                Bananoir reaches out with his fist and punches the guy hard in the stomach. As the dude cringes in pain, he states, "Told you to let her go!"  He then, pulls Marinette away from the creep.

               Marinette smiles at the silly boy in the funny costume to come to her aid. 

          "Thank you," She says as a blush appears across her cheeks.

           Marinette thinks why should I respond in such a way?  She knows he is her partner, but could this mean she cares about more than she lets on anyway?  Could it be she loves him?
            She sees the akumantized man charge at him with a huge knife in his hand. She can not let him get hurt. 

         "No," She screams!   

            Bananoir dodges the attacks, but his wrist is hurt. 

             Marinette closes her hand tightly into a fist, and to her surprise a small drawstring bag appears in her hand.  She opens it to see pebbles.

        Marinette spills them on the ground in the path of the crook with a huge smirk on her face. She watches as he falls with a look of surprise in his eyes. She grabs the comb out of his hair and places it on the ground. She steps on it and to her amazement it breaks in two. She catches the akuma in her hand and it turns white. She lets it go.

      Next, she picks up the discarded bag, and pebbles, and tosses them into the air.  She sees everything that was messed up go back to normal. Everything, but one thing that is the boy was on the ground in pain. 

     "Banana Noir, get up!" Marinette calls out.

       The man who is all back to himself feels horrible and runs off. He goes home to get back to work and finds that he writes better now than he did previously.

        Marinette tries to get Bananoir to stand, but he remains still.  

       "Please, get up for me," Marinette pleads with him. She holds his hurt hand in hers and kisses the tips of his fingered gloves.

         She pulls off the gloves, then wraps on around the hurt wrist to apply pressure to it. She sobs as she pulls out her phone to call for help. She waits for the ambulance to arrive, but worries they will make it in time.

       Marinette looks around her and thinks, what do I do now?   She holds onto him in fear with pain in her eyes. She feels like she will choke on her tears if possible.

       "Marinette, it is okay, I promise..." Banana Noir says slowly as he blackens out. 

          "No, please come back to me!"  Marinette begs him not to leave her.

         In Banana  Noir's  Unconscious Mind...

         I must save her at all costs.  I will protect her even if it means I lose in the end.  
         Marinette is worth it.  I was wrong she means to more to me than Ladybug.  Marinette is everything to me, she is my best friend, and the one I love.

          If only I could tell her then maybe she could be happy and I could to for a change.  

          Too bad, I have to wear this appealing suit again.   It is not like I have a choice since my kwami is gone though.   I  long to hold her, to kiss her, to show her I love her, but how can I?

          I can not move.  I can hear everything, but my body refuses to let me move.  My eyes refuse to blink, and my legs will not even budge.  Great, I am stuck inside my mind inside this unconscious mind.


      Find out more in part 2

    -Summer out! 





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