Super Pink and Fast Returns part 2

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         "Not so fast mister,"  A voice is heard behind him.

            Fast and Super Pink turn to see who spoke. They both look at her in surprise.  Goodness, they did not know she was a hero until now.

          "It is you," was all Super Pink could say.

          "Yes, it sure is," She replies, then giggles.

           "I am Blue Bonnet," She explains.

           "Blue Bonnet, that is dumb," Hawkmoth scoffs.

           "Oh, you are the one to talk," Fast remarks.

     "What is that supposed to me?"  Hawkmoth says with a scowl.

          "The villain names you pick out are always so cheesy," Super Pink states.

         "I could not agree more,"  Another voice says.

              "Ladybug, it is about time you got here," The others say.

        "Sorry, I am late, but I had to rescue a certain cat," Ladybug tells them.

              "Hi," Chat says. He looks rather embarrassed.

         "What no puns today?"  Fast asks.

              "What is with him?" Super Pink asks.

        "Is he broken?"  Blue Bonnet asks.

               Hawkmoth smirks as he tries to wriggle free to let and akuma free towards Chat Noir.

                 "Nope, not gonna happen," Fast says as he pulls out his can of super, sturdy, none breakable silly string, and presses a button.

                Hawkmoth is now a sticky mess.

                    The villain laughs, "See you forgot about little old me," She says.

  "What, but how?"  Super Pink asks.

      "Do not see that was just an illusion you were chasing?" She scoffs.

         "Awe, man this stinks," Fast remarks.

          "Do not worry, Bugaboo and I can manage," Chat Noir remarks.

               Chat Noir, Ladybug, Fast, Blue Bonnet, and Super Pink all team up against the crook.  

                         Fast avoids getting caught because he is well, fast!  

                       The creep tries to attack Ladybug, but Blue Bonnet shiels her with her shield and her sword.  "Not on my watch!" Blue Bonnet states.

            "Lucky charm!" Ladybug says. She gets a picture frame.

               Super Pink knocks the criminal out with her baton.

             Chat cataclysms the akumantized object a picture frame with a photo inside it.

               Ladybug catches the akuma, purifies it, lets it go, and says, "No more evil-doing for you, bye, bye little butterfly!"  

             "Miraculous Ladybug!" She says as she tosses the decoy frame into the air. 

                   "Pound it!"  Chat Noir, Ladybug, Fast, Blue Bonnet, and Super Pink do a group pound it.

      Then, the heroes run off in different directions to detransform.

           Now, as Adrien writes in his journal, Marinette in her diary, and Super Pink relaxes at home, Fast reads a book.

            *Author's note: The identities of Super Pink and Fast are not given in this book because 1. It is a secret, 2. The author felt like leaving it this way, and 3. That is just the way it goes sometimes.

  -Summer out! 

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