"Momma, I Miss You...(Emma x Nathan) part 2

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       Marinette Dupain-Cheng Agreste  Beloved Wife, and Mother the tombstone read. 

        It appeared to seal her fate.  

        Hugo still doubted she was truly gone.

        Louis did not understand anything. He was only two.

         Adrien wept.  Emma did her best to keep it together. 

        Nathan felt sorry for the Agreste family.  Ever since Marinette's tragic death, nothing was the same.

         Sabine came over the day after her daughter's funeral with a casserole and hugged everyone. Tom sobbed right along with the rest of them and hugged whoever he felt needed it at the time.

          Louis sucked his thumb. He held tight to his teddy bear. He knew something was up.  Aunt Alya and Uncle Nino let him spend the night the previous evening. Now it was early the next day when they brought him home.

         He wished he could help. How could he?  He was not sure what all the fuss was about anyway?  It just confused him.

         "Daddy, daddy?"

        "Not now, Louis," Adrien said.

      Emma picked her baby brother up and read him a story. She figured it was the least she could do under the circumstances. 

        Adrien heard the doorbell ring. He opened it to find Wang Fu and Marianne standing there. 

      "It is great to see you again.  Although, I wish it were under better circumstances."

       "Mom is fine. I know it!"  Hugo yelled as he stomped off in the direction of his room.

       "Oh, my, what was that all about, Adrien?"

          "Hugo is having a hard time dealing with Marinette's death."

          "I see, and how are you doing?"

          "I can not believe she is gone.  I almost expect her to walk through the door."

           "Son, that is normal." Tom reached out and hugged him.

         Adrien was grateful for his father-in-law's understanding.  His father did not even attend the funeral. 

        Sabine handed Adrien a tin of freshly baked cookies.

        Emma carried the now sleeping Louis upstairs to his room. She tucked him into his bed with his teddy bear.  She knew it was special to him as it was the last present their mother gave him before she died. 

         "Sleep well, little Louis," She whispered.

      Emma slowly went back downstairs so as not to wake him. She ran over to her grandparents. She hugged them first, then the Fu's, and her father.  She wished Hugo did not have to be so stubborn.  It was almost as if the guy denied their mother was no longer among the living.

       Later, that evening after everyone else had gone home, Emma could hold it in no longer.

      "Oh, Momma, I Miss You..."  

        Emma sobbed once again.

         Nathan was the only one who stayed after the others went home. He only did so to try to console Emma.  He just let her weep and held her close.

         the end...

    bye, bye little owlets!

   -Summer out!

*Author's note: I am not sure why I just wrote such a sad 2 part story.  Oh, well that is how it goes sometimes.




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