Pizza Anyone? part 5 (Adrienette)

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          The next day, Marinette smiles as she prepares for the day. She changes her clothes twice after breakfast.  Tikki takes notice of this and laughs.  

          "Goodness, Marinette it is just a job interview not a date," Tikki remarks.

        "I know, but I want to make a good first impression," Marinette responds.

         "Ah, yes, well the second outfit looks great," Tikki says as she gives her a thumbs up.

              Marinette nodes her head in relief. She is glad her sister approves of it since it was something she made recently. She has not told anyone that she makes clothes.  It is her hobby, but she does not think she is good enough to make money from it.

            She reads a book, then later fixes lunch. The food manages to miss her outfit and shoes, but hits the floor.

         "I will clean it up," Tikki says. She grabs the broom before Marinette can say no.

             As Tikki sweeps, Marinette redoes her hair, grabs her purse, adds in the keys, and leaves. She might as well go on a walk since her interview it is is not for a few hours.  She was not that hungry anyway. She locks the door.

         Tikki eats a few bites of the food that missed the floor. She thinks hmm, not bad.

           Marinette enjoys the fresh air and finds herself outside the pizza place. She stands there unsure how to proceed.

           "Marinette, you coming or going?" Adrien asks with a grin.

            "I uh, ah,"  Marinette says.

             "Nice dress, by the way,"  Adrien tells her.

               Marinette blushes but enters the restaurant after him.  She takes a seat as Adrien walks through another door and a few minutes later she sees him making a pizza. She smiles as she watches him. She thinks he is good at what he does.

               The manager interviews Marinette, and when the whole thing is over smiles over at her.  "I will give you a trial basis, say a week, then you may continue if it suits you," He says with a smile.

            "Sure, I mean, thanks," Marinette says.

             "Good, then you start tomorrow, and here," He remarks as he hands her the work outfit.

                "Yes, sir," Marinette says. She takes the items and goes home.

                    Adrien overhears his coworkers whistle at her as she walks out the door. He scowls and retorts, "Stop it, okay. She is not an object to be had."

                  "Why not Adrien, you with her?" A coworker asks in a mocking tone.

                   "Is she spoken for?" Another asks.

                  "Enough, back to work," The manager tells them.

                         Adrien places the pizza into the oven to bake.  Then, he gets to work on the next one.  He wonders how to ask her out.  It is not like he has much experience in the matter.

                        Later, that night,  Adrien gets off work and grins when he sees the last place to deliver a pizza too.  "Yes, it is her place," He says with a silly grin across his face.

                   Adrien rings the doorbell but frowns when Tikki answers it.

    "Is Marinette here?" Adrien asks as he hands over the pizza box.

    "Yes, but..." Tikki starts to say.  She hands him the cash.

       Adrien hands her the change.

     "I  uh, have something I need to discuss with her privately," Adrien says.

        "Oh, got it, man," Tikki replies.

        "Marinette, the pizza guy wishes to speak to you," Tikki says.

       "I will be right there," Marinette calls out. She goes to the door.

            "Marinette, could we talk?" Adrien asks.

             "Tikki, I will be right back," Marinette says.

                Tikki grins gives her a thumbs up and sits on the couch to watch tv.  

                    Marinette walks out the door, and locks it once more.  She looks at Adrien in wonder.

               "Marinette, I was wondering are you free tomorrow night?"  Adrien asks.

                "See it is my day off and well, my sister wants to meet Tikki, " He remarks.

              "Are you asking me out?" Marinette asks in surprise. She sees his face turn bright red.

                "Yes, no, maybe, I mean it depends,"  Adrien answers.

                 "Depends on what?"  Adrien asks.

                  "It depends on how much you want to go out with me," She replies with a grin.

                    "Marinette, I was thinking we could try the new Chinese place," Adrien says.

                       "Sure, sounds great," Marinette says.

                       "Good so tomorrow I will pick you up at say, 6 pm?" Adrien asks.

                       "Better make it 7 pm, cause I get off work at 6,"  Marinette reminds him.

                      "Work?" Adrien asks.

                        "Yes, work, I am going to work at the pizza palace," She explains.

                          "Wow, that is great," Adrien responds.

                                Marinette sees his face fall and wonders what she said wrong.  "See you tomorrow night, pizza boy, I mean, Adrien,"  She tells him. She kisses his cheek, then walks away.

                  Adrien feels his blush spread as he walks home. He can not believe it. His crush kissed his cheek like in his dream.  He can not wait to see her tomorrow evening for their date. He sighs.

                    Adrien arrives home and tells Andrea the good news. 

             "Wow, sounds swell,  I will pick Tikki up so she can be here when you pick up your girl for the date tomorrow, sound good?"  Andrea asks.

                "Yes, expect she works at the same place I do," Adrien says sadly.

                    "What is so bad about that anyway?"  Andrea asks.

                   "Everything, the manager there says we can not have a relationship with coworkers outside our business. I do not know how to tell her cause she seems so happy about the job," Adrien remarks.

               "Oh, dear, brother, I am sure everything will work out fine,"  Andrea says.

                 "Adrien, here," Plagg says as he offers Adrien some cheese.

                    Adrien smiles at the sweet gesture. He washes his hands, then takes the piece of cheese. He eats it. Then, without another word goes to his room.

                    Adrien's text to Marinette

                       Where did you get the dress?  I have not seen one like that anywhere else.

                     Marinette's  text to Adrien

                      I made it, why you ask?

                Adrien's text to Marinette             

                      Wow, you have excellent skills in sewing, Marinette.

    Find out more in  Pizza Anyone?  part 6 (Adrienette)

    -Summer out!

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