Sticky Notes Marichat/Adrienette part 8.1

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            Chat's POV:

          Chat Noir thinks do not worry Marinette I am on my way.  I have help with me this time.  So hang in there.  He runs faster towards the area where he believes she is held captive.

           He hears footsteps close behind him as Rena Rogue and Carapace follow him.  

          He arrives shortly to the basement area to his father's mansion.  

          "I am here, Gabriel Agreste so let her go," Chat states.

       Rena Rogue's POV:

        "I would not try anything if I were you because you are outnumbered," Rena says.

         She can tell Marinette and Gabriel are surprised to see her. She knows Master Fu gave her the fox miraculous for a reason. She is not about to just stand back and let Chat take the fall.  Not when she is all ready to assist him.

        Carapace's POV:

       "She is right as there are three of us and only one of you," Carpace says.

          "Now return Marinette before anyone gets hurt," He demands.

            Carapace can see Mr. Agreste sneer as if he knows something now of them do.  He can not help, but wonder if this was a mistake coming here. Then, again someone did leave him a miraculous.  This must mean he was meant to be a hero just like Rena and Chat.  The only thing he wonders now is where is Ladybug?  He thinks it odd she should miss out on the chance to rescue a civilian in danger.

            Marinette's POV:

               "Chat, Rena Rogue, and Carapace, you should not come.  It is to dangerous here, he has Tikki and he has my miraculous," Marinette says.

                Marinette is tied up so she finds it hard to move. She does recall her discovery as to why she was unable to escape. She has no idea how long she has been in this shape.  She just knows she does not want to see anyone get hurt.

              "Now,go before he finds you here," She yells.

     Gabriel's POV:

     "Very touching speech, but I am afraid it is to late,"  Gabriel scoffs.

         Gabriel charges towards Rena, but Carapace puts his shield up so that the two of them are under its protection. He smirks as he turns to Chat Noir next.  

         "Well, well, it seems we have come to a cross roads at last Chat Noir," He says with a sneer.

       "Now, hand me the miraculous so I can combine it with the other one and make my wish, then all this will go away,"  He states as if it is a regular every day occurrence in his life.

      Chat's POV:

       "I will no such thing, Hawkmoth," Chat blurts out.  He does not care now if everyone else knows it.  

       "I will not have a part in someone else dying or being stuck in endless sleep for years," Chat tells him.

       "Do not try to give me an excuse it is for us or for mother either," Chat scoffs.

       "You never did care about me, as you are the one who gave me all the scars over the years," He retorts.

          Chat charges at his father with the baton as he speaks. He hits him with it hard.   

            "This is for Marinette, now free her and I might reconsider killing you," Chat sneers.


      Gabriel's  POV:

        "If you kill me, she will leave you," He scoffs.

           Gabriel laughs as he speaks since he believes Marinette will hate Chat if he kills his own father.   "Go ahead and do it though if you dare," He mocks him.

           Chat's POV:
           Chat Noir brushes past Gabriel and calls out "Catcylsm."  He smiles as the chains break free from Marinette.  He is glad to see she is alive.

            He then turns back around and yells, "Now, tell me what you have done with Tikki and the earrings."

           Rena Rogue's POV:

             Rena sees the shield drop so she calls out, "Illusion!"  

             Now, thinks to her using her power there are many copies of Chat and herself surrounding Marinette.  As the real Chat exits the room and enters the upstairs office,  Rena stands guard to make sure Gabriel does not try to attack Marinette again. She does not trust him.

             Chat's POV:             

              Chat sees Tikki as soon as he enters his father's office, he grabs the glass off of her and she comes flying out glad to be free.  He thinks good now for the earrings.  He looks around in dismay when he does not see them.

               "Where could they be?"  Chat asks himself.

              "Look in the box over there, Chat," A voice says.

            Chat realizes the voice belongs to the ladybug kwami so he listens to her.  He opens the box and sees the earrings inside. He breathes a sigh of relief. Now, he wonders how he will get them back to Marinette without something going wrong.

            Carapace's POV:

             Carapace thinks hurry Chat Noir, Rena's illusion will not hold on much longer.  He sure hopes the cat hero knows what he is doing for both their sakes and Marinette's.  It is clear Marinette is in bad shape.  

              He picks Marinette up and makes his way out the door. He carries her to the Bougerious motel and hides her inside one of the rooms.  Now, he waits to see what Chat has in mind, glad that at least for now, Marinette Dupain-Cheng is safe and sound.

             *Author's note: There is only one more part left to complete this short story, it is part 8.2.  Anyways, hope you enjoy the story so far.  -Summer Cheng

         bye, bye little owlets!

        -Summer out!

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