🐚Eleven- Romantic Night

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Don't know how many times Yi Shun-Shin saw Gusion keep on talking with his phone. Gusion's scheduel today is full, but he always calls when he has time even the tiniest. Without even asking, Yi Shun-Shin knew with who he's talking to.

   "Gusion, how long are you gonna keep calling? You have to perform shortly." Yi Shun-Shin said while patting his friend's shoulder.

   Gusion who's sitting on the chair with slouched feet flinch and close his phone. "Oh, Hyong."

   "What is it? Why's your face so sour?"

   "Not in the house." Gusion seems like to be talking to himself.

   Yi Shun-Shin pretends to don't know who he's refering to. "Who?"

   Gusion sighed. "What ever. Forget it, it's nothing."

   "It's best you get ready," He remind Gusion again.

    This time Gusion glance at him and ask, "Hyong, after this i don't have anymore scheduel, right?"


Lesley just got in the house when she heard the telephone ring. She close the door and put the keys on the table. Pick it up or not? This is Gusion's house and she can't pick up any calls whenever she likes. Finally she let the answering machine pick up the telephone.

   "If you're in the house, pick up."

   Lesley flinch hearing Gusion's voice from the machine. She quickly grab the phone. "Hello?"

    "Finally you pick up. I've been trying to call you." Gusion's voice has a hint of annoyance in it.

   Lesley take a look to her watch. "Oh, i didn't relize it's already in the evening. Why are you calling me? Is there something i can help you?"

   "Not really."

   "Then what is it?"

   "Just checking on you."

   Lesley smile to herself. "I'm fine. Where are you now?"

   "I'm on my way, i'll be there soon."

   "Mmm, do you want me to cook dinner?" Lesley ask while thinking. "I may not being called the best at cooking, but i can make *bibimbab or..."

   She heard Gusion's laughter from the other side. "I'm not brave enough to try eating food that's been cooked by someone who can't cook." (Author got stabed).

   "I just wanted to thank you," Lesley protest.

   "Forget it, it's not necesary. We'll eat dinner outside. I'll pay."

   "Outside? What are you thinking? You want people to see us?"

   "If they saw you then what? Ain't your identity was already exposed by reporters?"

   Lesley froze. Is it really happenend yesterday? Why does it felt like a long time ago?

   "It'll just be a matter of time for your face being showed on the tabloids. What else is can you hide? The whole Korea knows you're my girlfriend. Is it wrong to have dinner with my girlfriend?"

   Lesley felt her heart stop beating and her breath hitched. What's going on with her?

    "Hello? Lesley, are you still there?"

    Lesley flinch. "Ye... Yeah."

    "I'm gonna hung up, bye."

    Lesley put the phone. What's wrong with her? When Gusion said...

    Lesley pat her cheeks with both of her hands. "Lesley, snap up," She said to herself. "There's many other important things to think of."


"Gusion, are seriously want us to eat here?" Lesley know that her voice is tinted with worry.

   Lesley and Gusion are on the lift that lead them to the top of the hotel. After knowing that Gusion is taking her dinner at a luxurious hotel, she can't suppress the tensity in her heart.

   "Why?" Gusion ask without looking at Lesley.

   Lesley wave her hand. "Look at me. I can't get in to that restaurant. I will get kicked out." She just wearing a T-shirt and a pair of jeans from Angela.

   "Who will kick you out?" Gusion exclaimed. "There's nothing wrong with your clothes. Come on."

   The lift opened without hearing Lesley's comments, Gusion walk in while holding the girl's hand. They step in the restaurant and immediately being greet by a waiter who lead them to a table for two beside a big glass window. The restaurant is a bit silent, the lights is shining softly creating a calming atmosfere on the room. Except the sounds of conversations that's done by whispering, the soft sound of jazz music filled the air. The less of the guests is not that odd. Of course only the rich could eat here.

   "Wow, it's beautiful," Lesley mumble happily as she look outside the window. The night view of Seoul from the high is definately magnificent. "What floor are we? We're so high up."

   "Ah, i forgot," Gusion exclaim suddenly.

   Lesley glance at him with a curious gaze.

   "You wait here for a while. I forgot to take something," Gusion said while standing up from the chair.

   "Ok. Don't leave too long," Lesley shout. Then she went back admiring Seoul's sparkling lights from the height.

   A few minutes passed and Gusion hasn't back yet. Lesley sigh and look around the room. Finnaly she stood up and walk to the toilet. When Lelsey got out and walk to her table, she heard someone call her name. Lesley turned and follow the source of the voice and saw a beautiful woman with a tall, slim body and red long hair wave to her with a smile on her face. Lesley felt something bad would happen when she saw her. Her thoughts are getting heavier as the steps that the woman took to get to her.

   "Wow, Lesley. How are you? What a suprise to meet you here," The woman greet with a friendly tone, but to Lesley's ear that friendliness is made up, like her smile.

   Lesley invisibly smile. "How are you, *son-bae? Long time no see."

   Irithel flick her long hair and say, "Claude is coming here soon. You alone?" But without waiting for Lesley's answer, Irithel continue, "It's a coincedence to meet you, i have something to talk with you."

   Lesley keep silent, standing there frozen, and wait for her words.

   Irithel stare at her deeply. "I heard that your apartment was burnt from Claude. I'm happy you're safe. But i'm a bit worried about Claude."

   Lesley's eyebrow lifted in suprise. What is she talking about?

   "I like being to the point, so i'm just gonna tell you now. I saw Claude is also worried about the situation you're in. But he suppose to know that he didn't have to be do that cause you're okay. Right? What ever happen your relationship with him already long ended. Your problem isn't his anymore."

   Lelsey smile bitterly. "Son-bae-"

   "Oh, Lelsey."

   Lesley turn and see Claude walking towards them. She sigh and think why both of them have to be here with the same time as her.

   "You're okay, right?" Claude ask while gazing at Lesley from head to toe. Lesley felt uncomfortable being gazed like that, expecially with Irithel glaring daggers at her.

   "You see for yourself, she's fine," Iritgel cutted and slipping her hand to Claude's. "Right, Lesley?"

   Lesley crinch. "Yeah, i'm good."

   "Where do you live?" Claude ask again and Lesley see Irithel's face expression change instantly.

   "At a friend's house," Lesley answer.

   "Oh yeah, are you alone? How about you join us?" Claude ask changing the topic.

   Oh my gosh. Are these two really out of their mind to think that i came to this luxurious restaurant alone?

   Irithel pull Claude's hand and cut the conversation quickly, "Lesley said earlier that she's waiting for her friend. Her friend will feel left off if we ask to join us."

   Lesley really want to laugh her ass off looking at her senior who looks like a five years old little girl who's not gonna let go her favorite teddy bear. When did she tell her that she is waiting for someone? But the weird thing is that she's right. She's waiting for Gusion.

   "Sorry, took too long?"

   Lesley and two people infront of her turn their heads to the source of the voice in unison. Gusion run to Lesley while smiling widely with two hands behind his back. Lesley can hear Iritgel's breath hitch. There's a gush of proud in Lesley's heart when she sees Gusion came, and with him as a famous singer that gives a plus score.

   "Have i gone to long?" Gusion ask again while facing straight to Lesley, ignoring the other two who's standing near him.

   "Oh, no. Not long," Lesley exclaim with a bit nerve on it.

   "I went to buy these," Gusion said.

   Lesley jaw drop gazing at the the big bouquet of red roses that Gusion give to her.

   After Lesley take the flowers that Gusion gave to her, the male looks like he just relize the other two presents who were watching them wide eyed. "Oh, i'm sorry. I didn't see you. How are you? Lesley's friend? Ah, i mean Jun-Mi?"

   Lesley see Irithel't eyes glints, her gaze is lock at Gusion. "You are Park Goo Hyun ssi, right?" She ask feeling her exitement rise up.

   "Yes," Gusion said with a friendly voice. "And today i plan to have a romantic dinner." He lift his arm and hug Lesley's shoulders.

   Lesley stare at Gusion with a suprised gaze, then she glance to the other two who's also looking at her in confusion.

   "It seems that both of you also wanted to have a romantic dinner," Gusion continue with the same tone. "We will not disturb your dinner any further. Nice meeting you both."

   After saying that, while hugging Lesley's shoulder, Gusion lead her back to the table.

   "Thank you for the roses," Lesley said when they sit down. She gaze at the flowers that Gusion gave with a happy smile.

   "Do you like it?"

   "Mm, i really like it." Lesley stare at Gusion still with the smile on her face. "Do you always gave flowers to girls?"

   The male cringes. "Do you think so?"

   "By the way, what day is today?"

   "We eat at a fancy restourant. And these roses." Lesley stare at Gusion while trying to remembering anything special about today. "Is today your birthday?"

   Gusion laugh. "If it's my birthday today, why am i giving you flowers? Ain't i'm the one who has to recieve a gift?"

   Lesley thinks again. "You just sign a new contract or something?"


   "Then what?"

   Gusion smile widely. "You'll find out soon."

   Lesley tilt her head, then lift her shoulders.

   "That guy is your ex-boyfriend?" Gusion ask carefully.

   Lesley sigh. "Mm, and the girl who's with him is my senior who's now his girlfriend."

   Gusion stare at her. "You want to go somewhere else?"

   Lesley laugh. "For what?"

   Gusion still looks like he's still not sure.

   "It's fine," Lesley said. "Ain't you're here to accompany me?"

   Gusion smile. "Right, i'm here. Now, what do you want to order?"


Claude can't enjoy his dinner. He keep spying on Lesley and Gusion's table. Hoping the girl look at his direction, but she didn't. The girl chat and laugh with Gusion. Of course Claude already read about Lelsey and Gusion, but he didn't really believe it that time. Today Claude really saw them with his own eyes and it's really looks like what he read on the tabloid. He must admit that he really didn't want to see them together.

   "Claude, i'm talking to you."

   Claude flinch amd stare at the girl infront of him. Irithel is a beautiful and stunning girl. This girl is the reason he left Lelsey. But now he seems to have a tint of regret in his heart.

   "I can't believe that Lesley have Park Goo-Hyun as a friend. How come?" Irithel said while scrunching her forehead. "I have read about the relationship between Park Goo-Hyun and a girl named Lee Jun-Mi, but i don't it's actually true and the girl is this Lee Jun-Mi, Lesley."

   Claude just mumble under his breath to reply to her words.

   "Now, you don't have to worry about her cause she have a famous boyfriend," Irithel continue without facing Claude.

   Claude mumble once again and glance at Lesley. The girl laugh with her hand covering her mouth, while Gusion stare at her while giggling slightly. What are they laughing at? What are they talking about? When is the last time he saw Lesley laugh like that? He forgot. He suddenly felt that he really miss the girl's laugh.


   Claude flinch again hearing his name being called with a high toned voice.

   Irithel is glaring at him in annoyance. You really didn't hear what i'm saying, right?"

   "Of course i heard," Claude said trying to reasure her.

   "How can you hear me if you keep spying at Lesley?"

   "I'm not spying at her."

   Irithel lift both of her hands. "Enough. I'm leaving this place now. Let's go to another place."

   Claude scrunch his forehead. "Irithel, you're the one who said that you want to eat here. So why are you the one saying to leave this place?"

   Irithel cross her hands infront of her chest and huff in annoyance. "I change my mind. I want get out of here. Come on, let's go."

   Without waiting any longer, Irithel grab her hand bag and stand up from the chair. Claude tried to stop her, but failed. He sigh and glance at Lesley one lats time. Of course that girl wont be looking at him. Claude sigh again, pay the food, and follow Irithel.


Lesley relize Claude amd Irithel's dissaperance from the restaurant. Gusion also.

   "They're gone," Gusion said while looking at the restourant's entrance.

   Lesley just clear her throat and stare at her half emptied plate. She's annoyed. Why is she still feeling uncomfortable when shw saw Claude and Irithel together? Why can't she forgot about what happen eight months ago? It's not possible for her to hope for Claude again, right?

   "Again that expression."

   Lesley lift her head and stare at Gusion. The male is looking at her face.

   "What?" Lesley ask.

   Gusion lean his body to the chair and smile a little. "Everytime you mention the name of your ex and everytime you recieve a phone call from him, your face will go like that. That pressured expression, as if you have to finish every problem in the world."

   Lesley look down. "Sorry."

   Gusion look outside the window. "Now, what can we do to make you change your frown upside down? Mmm... Ah, i know!"

   Lesley stare at Gusion with a curious expression.

   Gusion turn back to her while smiling widely. "Wait for a moment."

   Lesley became more confused when Gusion stand up from uis seat and run outside the restaurant. What is he gonna do?

   Then Gusion came back and say to Lesley, "After dinner, i'll take you to a suprise place."

   When both of them of them finish eating, Gusion took Lesley to the base floor of the hotel.

   "Gusion, where are we going?" Lesley ask when they walk trough the hotelcs main lobby.

   "You'll know," Gusion answer and make Lesley even more curious.

   Gusion took her to the garden of the hotel. The garden is huge with a big swimming pool in the middle. The garden lamps are on so even at the night, the garden stays bright.

   "Ah, it's nice being on the open space," Gusion said while sitting on one of the wooden chair at tge edge of the pool.

   Lesley look left to right in confusion. Why did Gusion took her here? There's no one here. Even if it's quiet, Lesley enjoy the silence.

   "Gusion, why are we are?" Hse ask while sitting beside him.

   "If i'm not mistaken, the things that could make you happy are hearing music, eating potato chips, flowers, firework, rain, and stars. Am i right?" (for you who don't remember this please read chapter four- Claude).

   Lesley is a bit suprise hearing Gusion's words. She herself didn't even remember ever telling those things to him.

   Gusion continue, "I don't have potato chips, i don't know what music you like. Flowers, you are holding them."

   Lesley gaze at the roses she's hugging. She still confused about what is Gusion saying.

   Gusion look up to the night sky and say, "there's no stars tonight and i can't do a rain calling ritual." He glance to Lesley. "Then there is only one thing that  can be done."

   Lesley's eyebrow lifted when she sees Gusion taking his phone pocket.

   "Hello? Yeah, you may start now," He said to a man on the phone. After that he hung up and smile at Lesley. He lift his hand and point to the sky. "Look up."

   Lesley look up to sky with a scrunched forehead. She definately didn't understand what Gusion think off. She was about to open her mouth to ask again when she heard a sound of explosion. Just at that moment she saw colourfull lights on the sky. The sound of explosion is heard again, one after another. The night sky is filled with beautiful colourfull blooms that enchant the girl.

   Fireworks! So many fireworks!

   Without relizing Lesley stand up from the chair. Her hand went to her mouth. Her eyes are lock to the lights that fly to the sky and explode to beautiful colourfull flowers. This is the first time she ever see fireworks this many live and became really astonished untill her chest felt tight.

   "How is it?"

   Lesley look beside her and see Gusion standing beside him. Hse look back to the sky. "This is the first time i've seen fireworks live, and not from the TV."

   "Are you okay now?"

   Lesley look back to Gusion. She didn't relize that he's trying to cheer her up. Lesley smile and say, "I'm all better. You don't have to do all of these you know. But, really, thank you..."

   Gusion smile back. "I know you're being pressured these days. You helped me. So if i can help you to reduce the weight on your shoulders, why not? I just want to see you happy like this, just that."

   "Haah... tonight is really beautiful," Lesley said when She and Gusion made it to his house. Lesley sniff the roses that shecs hugging and smile to herself.

   While Gusion already walking to the kitchen, opening the fridge, taking out a bottle of cold water, and drink directly from the bottle.

   "Do you have a flower vase?"

   "I don't know, i thinks it's in that cupboard if i'm not mistaken." He point at the kitchen's cupboard then walk to his piano.

   Lesley open the cupboard while humming. "Here it is." she take out a blue vase, fill it with water, and put the roses in it. She heard Gusion playing some notes on his piano.

   Lesley look at Gusion. "Gusion, play one song please," She order. Then she came to him with her vase filled with flowers.

   "Didn't i told you that you have to pay everytime you hear mw singing?"

   Lesley put her vase on top of the piano and cringe. "Ain't you said that you want to make me happy?"

   Gusion's eyebrow lifted. "Did i ever say that?"

   Lesley nod. "You said that you'll give me anything that i want if i agree to take pictures with you. Did you forget?"

  "Did i ever say that?" Gusion look up trying to remember.

   Lesley nod and lean on the piano, waiting for Gusion to start the song.

   Lesley think for a moment, then say, "The song of Charlie Puth. Dangerously. I really like that song."

   Gusion scratch his head. "Dangerously? Why do you ask with a sad song? Do you have any other songs?" (i like Dangerously but i don't know why i thinks it's a sad song, am i right or wrong?"

   "But that song is good. You don't like it? If that's so, then it's up to you," Lesley said.

   Gusion thinks for a moment, then put his fingers to the tiles of the piano and sing.

I'm only call away

I'll be there to save the day

Superman got nothing on me

I'm only one call away

   Lesley clap her hands when she heard the song One Call Away that Gusion sing, she didn't know that Gusion would sing the song from the same singer.

Call me baby if you need
A friend

I just give you wanna love

Come on, Come on, Come on

Reaching out to you, so take a chance

No matter where you go

You know you're not alone

I'm only one call away

I'll be there to save the day

Superman got nothing on me

I'm only one call away

Come along with me and don't be scared

I just wanna set you free

Come on,come on ,come on

You and me can make it anywhere

For now, we can stay here for a while

Cause you know i just wanna see your smile

No matter where you go

You know you're not alone

I'm only one call away

I'll be there to save the day

Superman got nothing on me

I'm only one call away

And when you're weak i'll be strong

I'm gonna keep holding om

Now don't you worry, it won't be long


And when you feel like hope is gone

Just run into my arms

I'm only one call away

I'll be there to save the day

Superman got nothing on me

I'm only one call away

I'm only one call away

The song that Gusion sing makes her feel that she's not alone, she has someone on her side. And it's Gusion...

   "Beautiful, beautiful." Lesley said while clapping her hands.

   Gusion giggle a bit. "Are you happy now?"

   "Very, thank you," Lesley exclaim.

   Gusion took something out from his pocket and took out a dark pink rectangular box with a dark blue bow on top of it. He put it on top of the piano and push it to Lesley.

   Lesley lift her eyebrows when she sees the box. "What's this?"

   "Open it."

   Lesley open the box and jaw drop when she sees a phone that looks exactly the same as the one she lost from the fire.

   "Happy birthday."

   Lesley lift her face and stare at Gusion with a suprise and confused face.

   Without waiting for Lesley's words, Gusion continue, "It's really hard to contact you when you don't have a phone. Actually i want to buy you another phone so you won't accidently took my phone instead, but i change my mind. How is it? I ask for the same number, so your phone can use the same number from your last phone."

   "But, today isn't my birthday. It's tomorow."

   Gusion smile and point to the clock behind Lesley.

   "It's past midnight. So today is your birthday," Gusion said. "You didn't even notice? That means my suprise really work."

   Lesley froze, then start to giggle. "Oh my gosh, so that dinner, the roses, fireworks, and this phone, is for my birthday?"

   Gusion nod. Don't forget about my singing. It has to be counted."

   "How do you know about my birthday?"

   Gusion just smile and not answering.

   Lesley is still confused. "Why do we have to celebrating it the night before? We can celebrate it with the others tomorow, i mean today, eh, tomorow. Ah, on the day."

   "I have to go to Japan at four am, so i can't join you for your celebration," Gusion explain.

   "Japan?" Lesley ask. "For what?"

   "Work," Gusion exclaim. "Do you think i'm going on vacation?"

   "How long are gonna stay there?"

   Gusion lift his shoulders. "Don't know, maybe three days." Gusion continue, "Oh yeah, what should we do? There's no birthday cake,"

   "No need cake," Lesley cut. "There's so much things you've done for me. It's more than enough for me and i'm very happy."

   Gusion stood up from the piano and say, "Alright, it's late, you-" Then Gusion feel someone hugging him from behind, Lesley hug him tightly.

   "Gusion, thank you for everything, the dinner, the roses, the fireworks, the song, the phone, everything. I don't know how to repay you, but really. Thank you..."

Marked Words

* Bibimbap: A mixed rice from Korea that consists varieties of vegetables and red pepper spice.

* Son-bae: A senior from a school or University

🐚To be continued

🐚Thank you for reading
🐚Follow my ig @gracerolly

First of all i'm so sorry for updating so late, i don't have any good exuses for this. Cause i've been procrastinating for so long, and if you want to protest you may. I don't even know if most of you are still reading this book, but who reads i would like to say thank you for keep waiting for me all these time. And to be honest i'm getting tired of my book doean't really have a romantic scenes and that's why i made this chaps for all of you GusLey shippers. I hope you enjoy this.







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