🐚Twelve- Confession

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Before going to the campus, Lesley decided to call her parents. Even if she's not sure that her parents knew about the incident or not, but she thinks that it's best to tell them. Who knew that they might already get the news and couldn't contact her cause she haven't use the phone that Gusion give yet. Her parents might be worried sick.

   Lesley take the phone and go to her room to call her parents. Just like her first guess, they didn't know about the incident and now She has to do her best to calm them down.

   First she talk to her mom, so she needs to speak French.

   "Yes, I'm okay, Mom. Harley is fine too, he's sleeping at his friend's house for now. The fire was big and I didn't had the chance to take something with me. Harley was having a sleep over when that happen... What?... Oh, as far as I know no one died. Everyone is safe... But the firemen was a bit late, so the apartment is already ashes."

   Then suddenly Lesley heard her father's voice from the other side and she change to Korean. "Dad, don't worry. We're fine. Really."

   Her mom is probably trying to take the phone from her father's hands. Lesley smile at her mother's impatientness. And finnally her mother is holding the phone again so Lesley speak with French again.

   "Lesley, how about both of you live with us for the time being?" Her mother offer.

   Lesley chuckle lightly. "I still have to go study at the campus."

   "So, where do you live right now?" Her mom ask.

   Lesley didn't know what to say. "Now? ... Ng, I live at a friend's house for the time being. My friend lives alone so my friend didn't mind. The house has an empty room. I'm planning to search for a new house today."

   "You're not at Harley's friend house?" Her mom ask again.

   "No. Let Harley stay there. Their house isn't really big enough cause most of it is the cafe they build. I don't want to be burden to them."

   "Oh? So, who's your friend?"

   Lesley felt like she doesn't want to answer it. "My friend?"

   "Yes, your friend that let you stay. What is your friend's name?"

   "Oh... oh... um..." Dilema. Does she needs to tell the truth?

   "Or you're at that singer's house."

   Her mother's words feel like lighting shock on a sunny day. Her mom knew? But how?

   "What are you talking about mom?"

   "One of mom's friend told me." Her mother's voice turn motionless. "So?"

   Lesley go silent. She sit down crossing her legs while staring at her toes.

   "Be honest with me Lesley, do you really have a relationship with that singer?'

   Lesley gulp and inhale. "I know him," she hesitantly exclaimed.

   "Know him? Like how?" Her mother cornered. "Then, how did you end up at his house?"

   Lesley bite her lips and decided to spill the tea. "Mom, we don't have a relationship what so ever. I just wanted to help him, nothing more. You got to believe me mom. It's true, i'm living at Park Goo-Hyun's house, but not for long."

   Lesley can hear her mother sigh in confusion. "I don't know Lesley. Do you really don't have any other friends that would help you? Why at his house?"

   Lesley close her eyes, one of her hand goes up to her forehead.

   Her mother continue. "I don't know anymore, Lesley, i don't know what to say any more. To be honest, i feel... Why is it have to be that singer again?"

   Lesley also thinks the same way. Ever since she agreed to help Gusion, she remembers anything that she suppose to forget every day. "But, mom, Park Goo-Hyun is a nice person," She say.

   "Lesley, you're grown up, you can decide which is right and wrong. It's up to your decision," Her mom said. "I'll send some clothes for you and Harley. Do you need anything else?"

   After her mother hung up, Lesley sit down drowning in thoughts. Her chest felt tight. She inhale deeply, then exhale slowly. That's one of the ways to calm your nerves.


   Lesley glance to the door to see one of Gusion's maids called her. Lesley got down from the bed and walk to the door. She open the door and greeted by the maid's smile.

   Before Lesley could say anything, the maid lift her hand and say, "I found this on the floor. Is this yours?"

   Lesley starr at the object on the maid's palms. It's a heart shaped brooch with two silver wings on both sides. Her throat hitch. She just remembered, on that night when her apartment burned she was loking at the brooch. It seems like that she didn't relize thar she put it on her pocket. Lesley almost forget about that brooch if it's weren't for Gusion's maid who found it.

    "Is this yours?" The maid repeat her question.

   Lesley flinch. "Yes, that's mine. Thank you for finding it."

   Lesley took the brooch and the maod left. Lesley close the door. She sit back at the bed while gazing at the brooch. She look up and stare at the cieling, inhaling once more, then exhale slowly. First, secomd, third, and suddenly a drop of tear fell down from her eyes. She wipe it out with the back of her hand, then inhale and exhale again.


Harley fixed his hat that's been blown by the wind. He and Lesley are at Nana's and Angela's cafe. Cause of the nice weather outside, they choose to sit outside under a big blue and white umbrella. Harley stare at his sister with a schrunched forehead. Lesley is stirring her cappuccino slowly. Harley can feel that his sister's behaviour isn't usual. Lesley always drown in her thoughts these days, it's like the problems of the world rest on her shoulders. Harley ever tried to know what is she thinking, but he never got a real answer.

   "Sis, Hyong is coming home today, right?" Harley ask.

   Lesley didn't answer, not even lifting her face to look at her brother. Not because she didn't know what he's refering too, she just keeps on stiring her cappucino.

   Harley take a deap breath. "Hey, Nuna!"

   Lesley flinch and stare at Harley, she knew when he called her 'Nuna' without Nana on her side, it means business. "What? What's wrong?"

   "I'm asking, Gusion is coming back today, right?"

   "No. He called me a few hours ago and said that he can't come home today," Lesley say while lifting her shoulder. "He said tha he has an emergency business to attend or something like that. Maybe he'll comeback tomorow."

   "Oh..." Harley nod and go silent. After getting in thoughts for a moment, he ask something that he didn't know where it came from, "Wow, what if he's cheating with a Japanese girl?"

   Lesley chuckle lightly. "If he can cheat or having a relationship with a girl, then why am i needed in the first place?"

   Harley laugh along. "True, true," he said. "So Nuna, are you gonna move from his house when he came back?"

   Lesley lift her face and tilt her head to the side. "Mmm, yeah. It's rude if i just move out without saying a word to him, right?"

   Harley push himself foward. "So you found a new home for us, thank God. But can't believe i'm saying this but, why can't you stay at his place? He seems okay with it."

   Lesley's eyes widen. "Are you nuts? If someone knew, it can turn into a big scandal! The gossip tabloid reporters will go crazy from happiness," She said. "Plus, what if mom knows. It's best we just live at our new home. I can't just sit down and let Gusion do all the work? I'll be a burden to him. Let's get real Harley."

   Harley seems hesitant and don't know where this urge of asking nonsense to his sister. Knowing that he never speaks something that just popped out from his head like a mole. "I just think we might need a few more time for the house to be ready to live in, and ain't Gusion have a crush on you?"

   Even if Lesley didn't show any expression what so ever, it's obvious that Harley knew about Lesley and Gusion's relationship isn't that simple as they say. He hate to admit it but, Gusion really have feelings for Lesley. Why can he be so sure? Because Gusion let her stay at his house, bought her a phone, and celebrated her birthday. Even when he's in Japan, that male keeps contacting his sister, if he didn't call, he will send a message to her. Harley is almost sure that Lesley have feelings for him too, but he didn't have a good reason to believe in that theory. She never said anything about this to him in detail. He didn't even know why he's believing on these things.

   "So?" Harley ask. "You can also feel it, right?"

   Lesley glance at him while streching a fade smile. "Feel what? I don't get it, you're so funny Harley. Oh yeah, speaking of the house getting ready, we need to buy some new furniture. Wanna join me to go shopping on some furniture? I have to say it now that i can only buy some decent ones. Don't think of buying you new cards Harley."

   Harley didn't say a word. He sigh and lean on his plastic chair. "Fine," he said after being silent for a brief. "I'll join you."


Gusion take off his black shade glasses after the car he rode hit the road and left the airport. He lean his head to the chair and glance to Yi Shun-Shin's seat who's sitting beside him.

   "Hyong, we are we going?" He ask.

   Yi Shun-Shin answer, "Ain't you said that you want to drink soju with the others? The crew worked hard when we're at Japan. They deserve to have fun. You too."

   Gusion thinks about it, then take his phone from his pocket. He press the number nine and press the gadget on his ears.

   Yi Shun-Shin smile. "Calling her?"

   Gusion glance to his manager and wink.

   "I'm jealous," Yi Shun-Shin said while sighing. "Maybe i should get a girlfriend."

   Gusion didn't repond to his manager because of Lesley's voice is already heard from the other side.

   "Oh, it's me," Gusion said. He felt his energy rise up when he hear the girls voice.

   "Have you made it yet?"
   "Mmm, where are you?"
   "Your house. Eh, do you still have some work to be done?"
   "No. Why?"
   Gusion chuckle lightly. "Is there nothing you can eat in the house?"

   "Of course there are. When you got back eat dinner okay? I'll wait."

   "Okay," Gusion said. "I'll be home now."

   "Hey, you don't wanna drink woth us?" Yi Shun-Shin said after Gusion hung up.

   Gusion gives a apologetic smile. "Sorry, Hyong. I'll join next time, i'll pay." then he ask the driver to take him home.


"Wow, what are we celebrating? Why are there so many food here?" Gusion ask when he made it to the kitchen.

   Lesley who wears an apron and heat proof gloves is placing a pan filled with hot kimchi jjigae on the table. She lift her head when Gusion appear. Her smile bloom. "You're home? How's your trip?"

   When he see the food on the table also Lesley wearing an apron, then hearing the girl ask about his trip, Gusion feel a bit awkward.

   "Gusion, are you okay?"

   Gusion flinch and face the girl infront of him. "What? Oh, my trip was okay."

   Lesley make sure that the food is at place, then face Gusion. "Come on, let's eat." She take off her apron and gloves.

   Gusion sit down and ask, "Did you cook all of this?"

   Lesley sit down infront of him. "I want to answer 'Yes, i cooked them', but i didn't." She giggle. "I ask my little brother's friend, Nana and Angela to cook those at the morning. My job is just heating it up."

   Gusion smile and start eating.

   Lesley move her body foward. "So? Is it good?"

   Gusion nod. "Mmm, of course. By the way, are we celebrating something?"

   Lesley tilt her head to the side and think. "Mmm, of course. Many."

   "Many? Like what?"

   "We celebrate your coming home from Japan," Lesley say. "Do you know that today is the one month anniversary of the first time we meet? That can be celebrated. You can also think this as a thank you for helping me."

   Gusion smile and nod. "Is there anymore?"

   "We can also celebrate that i got a new apartment."

   Gusion lift his face and stare at Lesley. "You found a new apartment?"

   Lesley nod. "Yes, i'll move out tomorow."

   "Why?" He ask without thinking.

   Lesley giggle slightly. "Gusion, you don't think that i'll stay here and burden you forever, right?"

   "What burden?"

   Lesley didn't answer the question and keep talking, "Plus, if the reporters knows that we live together, they'll think that we're enggage and married soon. Do you want to make a new scandal?"

   Ah, that agreement is for erasing his gay gossip. Gusion kept forgetting that one thing.

   "In the agreement that we made, i'll just be your 'girlfriend' on the photos. So i can't marry you," Lesley say and laugh.

   Gusion know Lesley is just joking, but he isn't joining. He just look down and continue to eat.

   Lesley clear her throat. "Gusion, when does our agreement lasts? I've done every thing that's on the agreement, right? We took pictures, i even got chased by reporters. The gay gossip is no where to be heard. So, i think it's already enough."

   Gusion lift his head. "What do you mean?"

   "What i mean? Gusion, i can't help you forever. I have my own bussiness, have my own life. Ever since people knows me as 'Park Goo-Hyun's girlfriend', my life isn't the same. I'm not a star and i'm not used to stuffs like that."

   "Is that so? I thought many people want to have a relationship with a star."

   Lesley smile. "You're right. I ever thought like that before. I'll he so happy if i have star as a boyfriend. My friends will be so jealous." She stare at Gusion with glee in her eyes. "But the reality isn't as i was expecting. Even i'm just your fake girlfriend, it's already hard enough."

   "So you don't want to have a star as your boyfriend?" Gusion ask carefully.

   Lesley tilt her head to the side while thinking, then answer, "No. It's best that i don't."

   Gusion put his spoon down. "If that's so, should i stop?"

   He lift his face and see Leslet who look back at him with a questioning face. "What did you say?" The girl ask.

   "Should i quit being a singer?" Gusion repeat his words.

   "Why do you have to quit?"

   Gusion look directly to Lesley's eyes and say, "Cause, i think i like you."

Marked Words

*Kimchi: A food from Korea that   consist with spiced chinese cabbage

🐚To be continued

🐚Thank you for reading
🐚Follow my ig @gracerolly

My mom ever told me to stop saying exuses but i have to right now. I'm gonna have a final exam so i can get to high school, so that's why i update later these weeks (can't say days cause no more days with me in this period).

And i think something's wrong with me cause if i write i always feel like making a romantic and dramatic scenes like the ones on cringey movies. I just hope that even know this is dramatic, you still like this chap. My brain ain't fuctioning right and it has to fuction well for my exams. Thank you again for reading, see you next time!






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