🐚Five- Shopping

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"Hyong, i dont have any scheduel today, right?... I'm outside. There's something i need to do... Okay, good bye."

Gusion took off his earphone from his ears and focused on the road infront of him.

"I think this is her campus," he mumbled to himself and stopped the car on the edge of the road. He opened his phone and just as he about to press number nine his movement stops.

He saw Lesley from his window. That girl is walking from the campus gate with a spicky haired male. Gusion keep looking at them when the male opened his car door for Lesley and that girl hopped in.

Gusion closed his phone, throw it to the passanger seat beside him, then followed the males car.

They don't go far. The car stopped infront if a cafe and both of them got out. Gusion stopped his car across the road and stay put in the car. He saw Lesley and tue male stepped in to the cafe and, thank God, they sit on the seat near the window. From the car, He could see them clearly. The male won't stop smiling and talking, Lesley also smiled and respons to his words sometimes.

Gusion reached for his phone and press number nine. After hearing the operator's voice, Gusion closed his phone hard.

"Why is it suppose to be turned off?" he asked in annoyance.

Gusion looked at Lesley who's smiling to the waiter who serve their drinks. He turned his gaze and asked himself with a concern tone, "Why am i worried?"

He turned on the car and drove the car harshly until the tires squiked.


"You wanna go home? Want me to take you?"

Lesley shook her head and smiled. "No need, Claude. I'm jot going home now."

Claude went to his car and asked again, "So where are you going? I could take you."

Lesley shook her head again. "No need. You must be busy. Just go already."

Because of his non capability of begging Lesley, Claude waved his hand and got in the car.

Lesley gazed at the car leaving her and breath in relieve. She turned around and walked slowly. She remembered that she turn her phone off, she open her bag and turning her phone on. Then her phone rang.

"Hello?" shw said, while sticking her phone on her ears.

"It's me," said the voice from the other side.

"Gusion?" Lesley said a bit confused hearing his voice.

"Where are you now?" Gusion asked quickly.

"Me... oh..." Lesley gazed at her surroundings and told him her place.

"Wait for me." Without waiting for answers Gusion immediately hung up.

Lesley gazed at her phone in confusion. Weird. Wait here? Why? He's coming?

Lesley drown on her thoughts about is she gonna stay here or going back to the cafe then a car parked infront of her. The window is open and Lesley bow down and gazed inside. She saw Gusion wearing a black shade glasses and sitting behind the steer.

"Get in," he said short.

Lesley sighned hearing that demanding word from Gusion, but she get in anyways.

"Why so quick? Are you around these parts?" asked Lesley casually as they moved in the road.

Gusion don't gave an answer, just mumbling nonsense.

"Why looking for me? Do we need to take a photo?" asked Lesley to her friend who acts weird with an only God knows what's the reason.

Maybe Gusion can't hold his emotions because he start rambling in annoyance. "I tried to contact you since a while ago. Why did you turn if your phone? Ain't Hyong already told you that you have to be ready when we called you?"

"What are you doing until you can't answer my calls?" Gusion asked while eyes on the road.

"With a friend," Lesley answered, then changed the topic. "Why are you looking for me? Where are we going?"

Lesley gazed at Gusion who looked hesitated, then he spoke, "I almost forgot what i suppose to say because of waiting for you too long. But i want you to accompanie me to buy something."

"What do you want to buy?"

"A gift for my fans," said Gusion while looking at Lesley for a while, then go back to the road. "For the fanmeet at Saturday."

"For everyone?"

"No, just for chosen ones."

"Ooh." Lesley nodded. "Why are you so nice? I thought stars like you wouln't buy gifts for their fans. I thought your staffs would took care of those stuffs."

"I like to buy them on my own. Because you're not busy, you could help me."

Lesley looked at him fast. "Hei, who says i'm not busy? I have to meet Ryu Han-Jin ssi in two hours. And based on our 'aggrement', we just took photos together. You dont say anything about accompanying nor helping you with anything."

"Ain't i told you from the start, take this as i'm offering a job for you. And you agreed. The point is, you work for me now. Ain't that right?" Gusion said with a smile. "And dont worry about your work with Ryu Han-Jin ssi. You will meet him on time. I've told you that your work wont be interfered."

Lesley feels like she dont have to tell him about her meeting Claude. Whatever happens, her problems with Claude is her own personal matter and Gusion nor Uncle Yi Shun-Shin has nothing to do about it. And also her meeting with him is just a small unimportant talk.

Gusion parked his car infront of a luxurious clothes store in Apgujeong-dong, one of the trendiest place in Seoul, it's filled with fancy restourants and famous designers clothes stores. Lesley knows that store because she always passed it. Sometime she stopped by and got amused by the clothes that's been presented on the display infront if the store, but she never set foot inside the store.

She dont have to step in to know how expensive those things can be, it's the same as Ryu Han-Jin's boutique. She usually likes to shop at Myeong-dong that's been called as the Seoul's Ginza, one of the most popular shopping place. The prices there is not really different from the ones at Apgujeong-dong, but she feels alot comfortable because she oftens buy things there.

Lesley gazed at the building in awe. "Hei, you want to go inside? Is it okay if your noticed by people? Then what about me? I dont want to be seen with you."

Gusion unbuckle his seatbelt and sighned. He gazed at Lesley with a scrunched forehead, "I'm not a criminal who can't go anywhere. Plus, what's the use of stars if they aren't for be seeing?"

Lesley still isn't unbuckling her seatbelt. "Oh, it's like that? You feel great when everyone reconized you, then they would go histerical, then passed out infront of you?"

"People wont passed out when they see me," Gusion said. "Just act normal. I know the owner of this store. He wont ask much. I often go here with my management staffs. And as for you... just act like your one of my staffs."

Gusion oppened the door, then got of from the chair then he stops and gazed at Lesley again. "Wait a minute. You are one of my staffs. You work for me, right? Now, follow me."

Lesley lifted her shoulders, then unbuckled her seatbelt and got out from the car.


"What do you want to buy exactly?" Lesley asked in a concern voice. She gazed at the things that's been saled in here and she's right, it's definately not cheap.

   "I don't know, can't really decide," Gusion answered and taking off his dark shade glasses. "Why don't you choose. Come on, let's go to the next floor."

   "Hei, Gusion!"

   Lesley and Gusion looked back in unison after hearing that beaming voice. It belongs to a slightly long blonde haired man. She feels like she has seen him before. Where? Ah! In television. That man is an actor for movies and commercials. No doupths.

   "How are you Clint?" Gusion asked and patting his shoulders.

   Lesley backed up and lets both of them talk to each other. If she's not mistaken she ever heard of Gusion and Clint are good friends. Even if she's 'hiding' behind a clothes hanger in the store, she could hear there voices clearly. So she's basicly eavesdropping when ever she wants it or not.

   "Hey, have you changed your phone number?" Lesley heard Clint asking a question to Gusion.

   "No, why?"

   "I called you a few days ago, but a girl answered it instead of you and she said that she don't know you."

   Lesley closed her mouth with her hand. She remembered, the day her phone and Gusion's phone got mixed. She thought that he called the wrong number. Lesley gazed at Gusion, curious about his answer.

   "You must have called the wrong number. My number is still the same," he said calmly with a smile.

   "There is no way i called the wrong number," Clint retorded. "But whatever, it's not a problem. My sister always asked about your condition. She said it's been so long since you visit us."

   "Sorry. I"m a bit busy these days."

   Clint gazed at Gusion with an interogating face. Oh yeah, i almost forgot. Why javen't you tell me?"

   Gusion's eyebrow quivered up. "About what?"

   "Your girlfriend."

   Lesley hold her breath.

   Gusion looked confused. "Girlfriend? Which one- Aah, that..."

   What is he doing? Lesley got annoyade. Gusion always worried that she might blow there cover, but he almost spill the beans.

   Clint laughed. "You forgot your girlfriend?"

   Gusion joined to laugh. "I'll tell you about it later. Ah, there's someone calling you. Now, go, you dont have to be here longer."

   "Hey, is that Clint the famous actor? Asked Lesley when Gusion somehow standing beside her.

   "Mmm. Why?". Gusion asked.

   "He looks so handsome," Lesley said. "I can't believe i would see him in person. I should ask him for an authograph, Yoona-woo would be sure to want it."

Gusion gazed at her, them mumbled, "For your brother's friend or..."


"Ah, nothing... Have you pick anything?"

"You said you want to choose yourself," Lesley protested, but Gusion walked away. Lesley gazed back for a while looking at Clint's figure dissapearing, then turned and followed Gusion who's already on the second floor.

"Is this his shop?" Lesley asked when she succeded on following Gusion.

"What?" Gusion is busy looking at the accesories on the store.

"I meant, is Clint the owner of this shop?"

"It's her sister who owns this, but Clint usually come here often," Gusion answered. Then he gazed at Lesley with an interogative stare. "Why asking?"

Lesley looked back on Gusion without guilt what so ever. "I just wanted to know. Eh, who do you anyway? Do you know the former member of H.O.T? Shinhwa?"

Gusion groaned. "If lady Lesley didn't forget, you're here to help me to choose something!"

Lesley aswered in annoyance. "Okay, okay. What about a brooch?" she said and pointed on a glass box on the store that's filled with beautiful looking brooches.

"I've already gave my fans brooches, so i think not," Gusion said.

"Aah, right." Lesley nodded while looking at the brooches. "You've already gave these to them..."

Seconds past there's no comment, but Lesley felt Gusion gazed at her. Lesley lift her head and looked at him. Ah, maybe she's feeling stuff, Gusion is looking on another direction.

"Are you okay?"

Gusion gazed at her and without answering her question he pointed to the hat stall. "Let's check there."

Lesley followed that man, but when she passed a manekin, shs stops. Lesleycs eyes goes to a scarf that's been wore by the manekin. The colour is soft purple and it looks simple but it's very attractive to her. Lesley raised her hand and touched the scarf.

"What are you doing here?" Gusion said who suddenly popped out behind her.

Lesley looked back, "Look at this scarf. It looks good, isn't it?"

"You think it's good?" Gusion asked.

Lesley rubbed the scarf. "Of course. I like the colour and it's simple but attractive apperance."

Gusion took the scarf from the manekin and wear it. He went to nearby miror and gazed at his self. Lesley followed him and pouted inside, why's Gusion the one who tried it?

"It does look good," Gusion agreed. "It looks good on me, right?"

Lesley looked at his reflection on the miror and she had to admit he looks cool in with scarf.

"Looks good. You could wear it for your fanmeet later," Lesley suggested and looking away from the miror to Gusion.

"Good idea," Gusion said and left the miror spot. "And for gifts, maybe i could gave them hats. How's that sound?"

🐚 To be continued

🐚Thank you for reading
🐚Follow my ig @gracerolly

I'm going to be honest. I don't where the heck is Apgujeong-dong or Myeong-dong. The story i got both of those places is when i chatted my friend for this page's plot. It goes like this.

Hey (my friend name), could you tell me two famous shopping places in Seoul. It's for my Wattpad page.

(My Friend)
Oh, there are Apgujeong-dong and Myeong-dong.

Ok, ok. Let's pretend i'm not a korean fan and explain.

(My Friend)
Dude, i sometime think why do you want to make a fanfiction with a plot is in a city you don't barely know.

(My Friend)
But alright. So Apgujeong-dong is luxurious shopping place in Seoul and only those who have thick pockets could shop there. Myeong-dong is also a famous shopping place because it's cheaper to shop there, Myeong-dong is known as Seoul's Ginza.

Oh okay, i understand now. Arigatou Gozaimasu (my friend name)

(My Friend)
Nee, ask me anytime. Good bye Mina.

Ja nee (my friend name)

Alright guys, i'll see you on the next chapter. Ja nee.


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