🐚Six- Fanmeet

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"We're so lucky to get these tickets. We even get the front row! Do you know, that these tickets has sold out in half an hour! But i think that's not a odd news. It's been four years Park Goo-Hyun haven't release an album, that's why i'm sure that this one will be a blast," Yoona-Woo said and kissed the entrance ticket for Gusion's fanmeet. "Onni, should i call Ryu Han-Jin ssi to say thank you?"

   "Ah no need. I already thank him," Lesley quickly answered.

   Yi Shun-Shin fullfilled his promise and gave two tickets for Lesley. Of course Lesley would ask Yoona-Woo and she have to arrange fake stories about where she got the tickets, while Harley spend the rest of the day playing with Haritz and Lolita. She said that Ryu Han-Jin gave the tickets as a gift for doing her job perfectly. Bullshit! If Ryu Han-Jin ever done something that nice to people, he's not him. But Yoona-Woo is definately not curious about it.

   They arrived at the fanmeet and there are hundreds of teenage girls on the entrance door. It looks like Gusion has there many loyal fans. They brought big posters, baloon, and a paper plank that has Park Goo-Yun on it. Lesley still habe no idea why those people has gone crazy about him even if she already spend a week with him. She questioned her self if she would feel weird when seeing Gusion singing on the stage.

   "They halt the amount of fans," Yoona-Woo said. "The last fanmeet was way more crowded."

   Lesley gazed at the crowd and her companion. "Really?"

   Yoona-Woo nodded. "Of course. I also came to the fanmeet. Wow, there are so many who came. You can never imagine it. I even suffucated. There are some of the fans passed out on the event, even there is someone who died. You heard about it, right Onni?"

   Lesley nodded and thinking. "I've heard about it, but i never go to an event like this, i dont know how it felt like."

   Yoona-Woo smiled and pulled Lelsey's hands. "Even if they halt the amount of fans, i'm sure they are wild. You will get use to it Onni. Oh yes, does Park Goo-Hyun still remember you?"

   Lesley fliched. "What do you mean?"

   Yonna-Woo clicked her tongue. "Ain't that one time you came to his house, he even took you home? Hey, you must make him remember Onni! When the authograph event start, say to him that you guys have met before. After that we could talk to him longer. Right? Right? You must make him look at us Onni."

   "What? Haven't I told you that i dont want people would know that i met him that night?" Lesley said. "I dont want to get involved by one of his gossips." Oh yeah, she knows that her answer is the opposite of her agreement on helping Gusion.

   "Then dont say it. Just make some sign that can make him-"

   "Hei Yoona-Woo! Forget it, let's just get in," Lesley cutted and took her hand to the building.


The event has started and Gusion arrived and followed with the screams of his fans. Lesley is a bit shock because Gusion's fans are really high spirited and they have a very loud screech. Yoona-Woo joining the other fans in their screech and balloon waved the balloon that she grasp tightly. Seeing that Yoona-Woo done all that, Lesley joined to scream even if her voice wont be heard between the other fans who's more pro doing this. 'How can in the age like this, she could scream like that. She's tecnically younger than me' Lelsey thought while gazing at Yoona-Woo who keep on cheering. Lesley saw that Gusion stood infront of the fand and waved his hand. (Just for info he wears his normal attire, not skinned form) with the purple scarf that we buy together.

   Gusion started singing and Lesley let herself being possesed by Gusion's wild fans. She join them to shout and waved her balloon just like Yoona-Woo done. Lesley agreed that Gusion's voice is good, until she didn't have to think does it feel weird to see that male in the stage.

   Gusion sing the songs from his new album, and done some small conversation with the audience. His fans keep screaming in happiness, until some of them passed out. The next event is authograph giving. Lesley and Yonna-Woo are waiting in line.

   Lesley looked at the fans one by one shaking hands with Gusion and smiled happily, there are also who cried because of emotion overload. Gusion's friendly smile never fade from his face. He sometime done some small talk with some of his fans. Lesley is in her short train in thoughts, thinking is he ever get tired.

   When Lesley and Yonna-Woo's turn is almost there, Lesley could hear the conversation between Gusion and his fans. Usually the fans would praise his songs and performance, then Gusion would say thank you with such politeness and friendliness, then he wpuld ask the fan's name and gave an authograph on the DVD, poster, or anything that they shove to them.

   When Lesley is infront of Gusion, the male is not suprised when he saw her. Lesley tried to act like the other fans and shove the album DVD that she just bought a while ago.

   "Gusion oppa, i like your song," Lesley said in a histeric tone. She didn't care about Yoona-Woo who keep poking her.

   She heard that Gusion cough a bit and gave an authograph to the cover of the album DVD that she shove earlier. And with his usuall smile, he return the DVD back to Lesley. Lesley reached Gusion's arms and grasph his hand who's handing the DVD, making the male flinched.

   "Thank you, Gusion oppa. Thank you. Saranghae oppa," she said happily while giving him a heart shape finger (oh you know how it looks like). She litterally laugh out of her lungs in her thoughts looking at the male's expression.

   When she walked back to her seat, Lesley spot Yi Shun-Shin standing not far from Gusion. Yi Shun-Shin also noticed her presence. Lesley gave a small bow to give a greeting to him and he replied by giving her a thumbs up. He must have saw that little event a while ago.

   After the authograph giving event is cleared out, the event organizer announced that Gusion will give a gift for ten fans.

   "Wow! He will give us gifts! I wonder what it is." Yoona-Woo said in full spirit until she wont stop moving around from her seat.

   "A hat," Lesley answered bluntly.

   Gusion stood beside the event organizer and said that he would give a hat for ten fans that we bought on his own. Yoona-Woo's head imidiately turned to Lesley.

   "How do you know onni?" She asked in curiosity.

   Lesley quickly think of a great excuse in a short time limit, when she got it she quickly answered, "Just a lucky guest. Singers usually like to give dans a hat as a gift. If it's not a hat it's between key chey or brooch."

   Yoona-Woo smiled. "Maybe you're right onni. He give a brooch as a gift for his fans on the last event. But i didn't get one."

   Those hats are given to fans that match the criteria. Like who brought the first official Gusion poster, or fans who xame from far away, and etc. There also who got one by Gusion throw a ball and anyone who catch the thrown ball will get the gift. Everyone had fun including Lesley and Yoona-Woo.

   "Now, we only have one hat left," the event organizer said and followed by the screams of the sea of fans. Whatever it's dissapointment or happiness because there are all the same in Lesley's ears.

   "That's mine!" Yoona-Woo screamed on top of her lungs, trying to beat the sounds of the other older fans while waving her hands to the event organizer.

   "Maybe you would remember, before the event start we ask you all to write your phone number on a piece of paper and put it on a big box over there. Do you know what it means?" the event organizer asked.

   The sounds of whispers and mumbles filled the room from the audience while they look beside them and asked one another.

   "I'll explain," said the event organizer again and everyone went quiet. "Gusion will pick one of the numbers amd he would call the number. Who ever get called, step foward, and the last hat will be hers. Now you must hold your phone and check your phone if your phone is active or not."

   The spirit of the fans raising and they took out their phones. Lesley felt herself already become a fanatik fan because she also held her phone with hope aswell as Yoona-Woo.

   "You ready? Let's start." said Gusion and followed by cheers of fans again.

   He put his hand in the big box and start mixing, then took out a piece of paper. The fans keep on screaming. Then Gusion took out his phone and turn it on. The screams of his fans is raising higher than sky itself. The event organizer calm them down sayong that we wont hear the ring with all the noise. And the room became silent again, just a few sound of whispers left.

   Gusion pressed the buttons of his phone while looking at the number on his hands, then stick the phone on his ear. The small paper is returned to the box again.

   Seconds past while the fans looked at their phones like it's the last thing in the world, and then a ring is heard.

   "Oh my gosh!" Lesley screech when her phone rand on her hand.

   "Onni, your phone!" Yoona-Woo screamed and laughed after.

   The audience start to make a sound and the event organizer told Lesley to stand up and answer the call.

   "Miss who has long pink hair, please answer the call. Is it really the call of Park Goo-Hyun?"

   Lesley actually didn't have to answer because there's a "PGH", written on the screen, she saved his korean name as a title of his contact. It really is him, but she answer it and stick her phone on her ears. Even her surroundings is filled with the never ending screams of fans and hand claps, she still could her Gusion's voice in her phone saying, "Hey, step foward."

   Yoona-Woo grasph Lesley's hand and shaked her hody. Lesley is confused by where a younger aged girl like her would have that many strenght. And then she finally break free and stepped to the stage with two.body guards with her. Her heart is thumping hard cause of the tense of first time being infront of that many people. She repeatly giving bows to the fans and to the event organizer.

   When Lesley is infront of Gusion, she realized that he didn't bring a hat nor the event organizer. She saw the event organizer giving a code to one of the staff, but he shook his head.

   What's going on here? No hat? Lesley is very sure that they already bought ten hats and she counted that there are already nine hats given. Where's the last one? Gusion must be hiding it to play with her.

   The event organizer looked confused but tried to keep his composure. Then Gusion speak up, "Oh, it looks like the last hat is missing. I'm really sorry. What should i do?"

   The audience went silent and Lesley glared daggers at Gusion. If Gusion is playing with her, this is clearly not funny. She already felt tensed standing infront of thousands of people with stage lights showering her from above and now she must accept Gusion's game?

   The event organizer added, "Yes, so sorry. It looks like the last is missing. We're looking for it now."

   Lesley felt herslef as a dumb person, just standing quietly infront of everybody. She decided to go back to her seat. When she turn around, Gusion hold her still.

   "Wait," he said while smiling apologizing. "Because of the missing hat, why dont i give you this instead?"

   Gusion took off his scarf and place it on Lesley's neck. The audience went wild again. Lesley gazed at the scarf on her neck. She touched and gazed at Gusion in shock. The male is holding his laugh and Lesley join to smile.


"Woow... you're so lucky, onni! Even if you didn't get a hat, but you got the scarf that he wore. Oh, oh, my heart... If i were you onni, i wont sleep tonight," said Yoona-Woo on the way home after the event.

   "Yeah, i'm really lucky," Lelsey said with a smile. She gazed at the scarf on her neck. She thought that he was playing with her, but hecs not. But if her conspiration was true, she would punch Gusion on the spot.

   Suddenly Yoona-Woo grasph Lesleycs hand. "Wait a minute, onni. You have Park Goo-Yuncs number!"

   It's not a question and Lesley blink in confusion.

   Yoona-Woo pat Lesley's hand and screech, "He called your phone back there, that means your phone has his number on it, right?"

   "No!" Lesley cutted quickly. What is she gonna say now? "Back there... when i got back to my seat after recieving my gift, Park Goo-Hyun said to me that the phone he use is staff's property. And again, letcs think about it, there is no way that Park Goo-Hyun will give his phone number to an unknown girl?"

   Yoona-Woo nodded. "That make sense."

   Lesley sighed in relieve and groaned inside. Ever since she got involved with the offer, Gusion already made many problems, and Lesley is the one who had to fix it up. Maybe that male really needs to be punch.

   "Hey onni, may i see your DVD that's already been signed," Yoona-Woo said while pulling out her own.

   Lesley took out her DVD from her bag and give it to her.

   "Look, it writes 'For Yoona-Woo... from Park Goo-Hyun'," Yoona-Woo said while showing it to Lesley. She screech in happiness and rubbed the case of the DVD. Lesley just shook her head while looking at her brother's fanatik friend. Then Yoona-Woo read the case of Lesley's DVD. "'For Lesley... from Park Goo-Hyun.'" She went silent for a moment, then asked, "Lesley?"

   Lesley gazed at her. "Why?"

   "I dont remember when you told him about your French name onni," Yoona-Woo said.

   "Oh, that..." Lesley said with a bit tense in her voice. "Yeah, i've told him."

   Yoona-Woo scrunched her eyebrow and shook her head. "No, no. I dont even think that you have told him your name."

   "Really?" Lesley said in shock. She started to panic and brain storming, trying to remember the authograph giving event.

   Yoona-Woo continued, "I'm directly behind you that time. You only said that you liked his song onni."

   Lesley remember, but she tried to cut it off, "Ah, no. I said 'How are you? My name is Lesley. Goo-Hyun oppa, i like your song'. I'm sure of it. If it doesn't, then how did he know my name?"

   Why is someone younger than her suddenly became more spirit hypered and more intelegent? Lesley is a bit nervous about Yoona-Woo's intelegents today. If she and Gusion keep on making these small mistakes, she would be out of excuse.

   Yoona-Woo is thinking, then nodded. "That makes sense. The place was so crowded, maybe i didn't heard it. Whatever, it's not really important. By the way, the song that he sing back then was really good, right onni?"


"Your event is a huge success. Congratulations for you," said Yi Shun-Shin. He and Gusion are in the manager office. He casually lean his back on the chair and gazed at Gusion in happiness.

   Gusion gazed at his manager and smiled
"Yeah. I'm happy that we could do it perfectly, not like last time."

   "Everything's fine, dont worry about it," said Yi Shun-Shin. He Michael d and said, "I know that you called Lesley on purpose. The number on the paper is not her's, right?"

   Gusion laughed. "Yes. I was planning to prank her, but i stop myself."

   Gusion got up from his chair. "Hyong, Where do you keep the hat?"

   Yi Shun-Shin took out the hat from his jacket and throw it to Gusion.

   Gusion caught the hat (the hat looks like from the skin black rose) and gazed at it. He remembered that he and Lesley got to a little fight when they found this army like hat. Lesley said this hat looks good, but for him it's to over styled. But when he think about it again, this hat isn't so bad after all.

   "Hyong, i'm going home," he said while waving the hat.

   "Alright, get enough rest. You have a tight scheduel next week," Yi Shun-Shin informed.

🐚To be continued

🐚Thank you for reading
🐚Follow my ig @gracerolly

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