Chapter 6: Summer Love 2

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Wayo talking to his friends with different kinds of emotions on his face is so fascinating. He looks so adorable that I want to pinch his cheeks. I almost laugh out loud when I hear him threaten his friend that he would poke his eyes if he doesn't stop pestering him, so my Wayo is feisty. Wait!! Have I just said "my Wayo"? Wow!! I am really getting ahead of myself, but I can't help uttering that endearment. I want him to be "my Wayo."

I can't help gazing at him all through the meal. He looks so adorable while talking to his friends. The way he turns beet red every time he catches me looking at him makes me want to run to him to hug him tightly so he can't run away from me anymore.

I am itching to go their table and talk to him, but I am hesitating because of his friends who are with him. They might try not to let me have a talk with him since I am a stranger and they look so protective of him. I need to find a way to talk to him alone and get his Line. While I am in the middle of thinking of a plan, I turn my gaze at him once again. When our eyes meet, he blushes to the roots of his hair. Suddenly, he gets up and rushes to the bathroom. This is my chance. I wait for a second and get up without telling my friends where I am going. I briskly walk to go to the bathroom. As soon as I get there, I turn the knob and open the door.

Wayo looks so surprised to see me. He just closes his eyes without saying anything. I stare at him for a while before greeting him.

"Hi Wayo!, how are you doing?" greeting and asking him in a very soft voice that make him open his eyes.

" Hhh hi, Phana!" his voice is shaking and his face is flushed, but he doesn't try to avoid looking at me. "I'm doing pretty good" he is tilting his face up to answer me.

"So, are you staying in this place as well?" I ask him in a casual way like we have known each other for a long time. I need to make him feel comfortable, so he can relax.

He answers me with a smile "Yes, we are staying in one of the villas near the front beach. It isn't so far away from here." " How about you?" asking me with a hint of excitement in his voice.

Oh!! this is a good progress. He sounds excited to know where I stay. " We are also staying in one of the villas near here, too." answering him. "Maybe, we are neighbours" I jokingly told him that make his eyes widen. He really looks so cute when he is teased.

Before I forget to get his Line, I look at him in the eyes and ask him "Wayo, do you mind if get your Line?"

He nervously nods his head and says "Yes, Phana, no problem." He lays out his hand and asks me "Your phone?"I give my phone to him and he types his Line account.

After I get back my phone, I immediately add him and tell him to add me as well. He fishes out his phone from his pocket. He is covering his phone while adding my Line,so I try to peak whether he is doing it or not. After he finishes, he flashes his phone to me.

"See, I have just added your Line, do you believe me now?" telling me while he is grinning.

"I just want to make sure because I want to chat with you to get to know you better" I tell him honestly. He is caught off guard again and turns red.

"Okay, Phana, I need to go back to our table, nice talking to you!" ignoring what I have said to cover his embarrassment and he tries to walk past.

I hold his wrist and whisper to him "Wait for my message, Okay, Wayo?" without looking at me he just nods his head and walks away.



I hurriedly go back to our table before Ai' Ming and P' Forth notice that I have gone too long. My heart is beating too fast after Phana whispered those words to me. I can't believe that he will be interested to know me better. I sit down and silently listen to Ming and my brother while they are checking our bill.

My phone buzzes, so I fish it out of my pocket. I get a message from him.

Phana: What are your plans today?

"We have lots of things to do today" I replied to him.

Phana: Would you like and your friends to join us touring the island today?

"Ah, I need to ask them first if they want, then I will message you." I answered. I get the attention of Ai'Ming and my brother.

"Ahhh, Ai'Ming and P'Forth" calling them to focus on me. "Will it be okay if we join some people to tour the island today" I hesitantly ask them.

They look at me confusedly. "Who are we joining N'Yo?" my brother asks me.

"Ahh, I met someone and he suggested that we should join them when we go around the island, so will it be okay, P'?" I ask my brother innocently.

"Well, we need to know them first before we go with them." My brother answers.

"Okay, I will tell my new found friend, so you can meet them personally." I reply to him.

After my brother agreed to my suggestion, I quickly message Phana.

"Phana, my brother said that he needs to meet you guys first before we go on the tour of the island." He immediately replies to me.

Phana: Okay Wayo, I will go back to our table and tell my friends that we will join you guys at your table. Wait for me, I'm going back now.

I patiently wait for him until he goes to their table. I could feel that he slightly touches my back when he passes by me and it makes me shiver. I follow him with my gaze and he is also looking at me when he sits down and turns his attention to his friends to say something. I think he is explaining to his friends his plan to join us. His friends look so surprised while they are listening to him. Then, the three of them look at our table and Phana is staring at him like he is asking permission if it is possible to approach us and introduce themselves. I just nod at him and mouthed "you can come here and meet us." He nods and they all stand up and approach our table.

Phana and his friends stop at our table that make Ai'Ming and P'Forth look up. I stand up to introduce Phana to my best friend and brother.

"Phana, this is Ai'Ming my best friend" pointing at Ming.. "and he is my brother, P'Forth" while pointing at my brother... "Ai'Ming and P'Forth, he is Phana" looking at my brother and Ming and looking back to Phana.

"Hi! Nice meeting you, guys" Phana wais and greet them with a big smile on his face and my brother and Ming wai to him as well. "By the way, these are my best friends". "This is Kit" he is pointing at his friend who has a deep dimple on his cheeks and the smallest among them.."and this is Beam" pointing at his other friend who looks so naughty, but handsome, but not as handsome as Phana, of course.

"Hi!!!" both Kit and Beam wai to us.

"Why don't you join us?" my brother invites them.

They all sit down to join our table. Phana sits down next to me while Kit sits next to Ming and Beam sits beside P'Forth. The moment they talk to each other I know that they will hit it off. They are all talking about stuff like school and hobbies. I find out that Phana and his friends are the same age as my brother, so Ming and I need to call them P. I am just quietly listening to them while I can feel that P'Phana is staring at me. I can't turn my gaze at him because I will blush again. Then, he tries to get my attention by nudging me.

"Yes, Phana" turning my attention to him.

"Should I call you N'Wayo?" he is asking me. I don't usually allow anyone to call N'Yo except my close friends and family, but I will allow him that because I want him to feel that he is special to me.

"No, you can't" I answer him directly that makes him look surprised and disappointed..."but, but, you can call me N'Yo" his expression turns 180 degrees from looking disappointed to being happy. He looks like a kid who finally finds the cookie jar.

"Then, you can call me P'Pha" he said to me. He is looking at me intensely to gauge my reaction.

"Okay, if it's okay with you, I will call you P'Pha" I said it in a very soft voice that makes him happier.

We are lost in our own world that we haven't noticed that the people in front us are staring at us with a bemused look on their faces. They might be wondering how we meet each other.

"So, how did you two meet?" My nosy best friend ask us all of a sudden.



Hi guys!! I'm really so sorry for updating very late!! I have been sick for a week and need to recover first. I hope you enjoy reading this chapter!!

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